Java’s SpringCloud Alibaba [8] [Spring Cloud microservice Gateway integrates sentinel current limiting]

Java’s SpringCloud Alibaba [1] [Nacos One Article Mastery Series] Jump Java’s SpringCloud Alibaba [2] [Microservice calling component Feign] Jump Java’s SpringCloud Alibaba [3 】[Microservice Nacos-config Configuration Center] Jump Java’s SpringCloud Alibaba [Four] [Microservice Sentinel Service Meltdown] Jump Java’s SpringCloud Alibaba [5] [Microservice Sentinel integrates openfeign for downgrade] Jump Java’s SpringCloud Alibaba [6] [Alibaba microservice distributed […]

2. Sentinel basic application & current limiting rules (2)

2.2.1 What is Sentinel is an open-source, lightweight, high-availability flow control component for distributed service architectures developed by the Alibaba middleware team. It mainly uses traffic as the entry point to help users protect services from multiple dimensions such as flow control, circuit breaker degradation, and system load protection. stability. 2.2.2 Basic concepts ? Resources […]

SpringCloudAlibaba 2021.0.1 – Complete project construction (Nacos + OpenFeign + Getway + Sentinel)

Table of Contents 1. Complete construction of SpringCloudAlibaba project 1.1. Initialization project 1.1.1. Create project 1.1.2. Configure the pom.xml of the parent project 1.1.3. Create submodules 1.2. user microservice 1.2.1. Configuration pom.xml 1.2.2. Create application.yml configuration file 1.2.3. Create startup class 1.2.4. Testing 1.3. product microservice 1.3.1. Configuration pom.xml 1.3.2. Create application.yml configuration file 1.3.3. […]

Sentinel of Spring Cloud Alibaba

Directory of series articles Chapter 1 Application of Java Thread Pool Technology Chapter 2 Application of CountDownLatch and Semaphone Chapter 3 Introduction to Spring Cloud Chapter 4 Spring Cloud Netflix-Eureka Chapter 5 Spring Cloud Netflix Ribbon Chapter 6 OpenFeign of Spring Cloud Chapter 7 GateWay of Spring Cloud Chapter 8 Hystrix of Spring Cloud Netflix […]

sentinel rule persistence-rule synchronization nacos-the most standard configuration

Official reference document: Dynamic rule expansion · alibaba/Sentinel Wiki · GitHub The code that needs to be modified is as follows: In order to facilitate the integration of nacos in subsequent versions, let’s briefly talk about the integration ideas. 1.Change pom Modify the scope of sentinel-datasource-nacos Will <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>sentinel-datasource-nacos</artifactId> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> Change to <dependency> […]

Based on aop & agent & Sentinel & Nacos configuration control packaging class implementation principle

Based on aop & amp; proxy & amp; Sentinel & amp; Nacos configuration control packaging class implementation principle Hi, I am Achang. Today I will record the idea of looking at sentinel source code and combining business implementation Based on aop & amp; proxy & amp; Sentinel & amp; Nacos configuration control packaging class implementation […]

[Microservice] Feign integrates Sentinel, and deeply explores Sentinel’s isolation and circuit breaker degradation rules, as well as authorization rules and custom exception return results.

Article directory Preface 1. Feign integrates Sentinel 1.1 Implementation steps 1.2 FallbackFactory example 2. Sentinel implements isolation 2.1 How to implement isolation 2.2 Sentinel implementation of thread isolation example 3. Circuit breaker downgrade rules 3.1 Principle and process of circuit breaker degradation 3.2 Circuit breaker strategy – slow call 3.3 Circuit breaker strategy – abnormal […]


1. Introduction (1) Provide interface configuration to configure service current limiting, service degradation, and service circuit breaker (2) The blockHandler of @SentinelResource only handles exceptions configured in the background. Runtime exception fallBack processing takes effect only when the resource name is value. Take a thorough approach. 2. Install and start sentinel (1) Official website (2) […]

[Microservice Protection] Sentinel Flow Control Rules – In-depth exploration of Sentinel’s flow control mode, flow control effects, and flow limiting of hotspot parameters

Article directory Preface 1. Quickly master the use of Sentinel 1.1 What is a cluster point link? 1.2 Simple usage example of Sentinel 2. Sentinel flow control mode 2.1 Direct mode 2.2 Association mode 2.3 Link mode 3. Flow control effect 3.1 Fail fast 3.2 Preheating mode 3.3 Waiting in line 4. Flow control of […]

Sentinel flow control rules

Sentinel mainly uses traffic as the entry point to help you protect the stability of your service from multiple dimensions such as flow control, circuit breaker degradation, and system load protection. One of its jobs is flow control, so we need Understand and master flow control rules. (This is a compilation of my study notes […]