The most complete collection of love codes in the history of C language and C++, with color flashing, character filling, and source code attached

The first type: red love code Go directly to the code: #include<stdio.h> #include<Windows.h> int main() {<!– –> system(” color 0c”);//Design program color printf(“It is a very happy thing to meet you, I love you!!!\\ “);//Print text \t float x,y,a;//define variables x,y,a \t for(y=1.5f;y>-1;y-=0.1f) {<!– –> for(x=-1.5f;x<1.5f;x + =.05f){<!– –> a=x*x + y*y-1; putchar(a*a*a-x*x*y*y*y<0.0f?’x’:’ ‘); } […]

Filling the hole: Java’s String class (1)

Common methods String construction Let’s take a look at the String construction method in the source code Common string //”hello” is a string constant, without \0 mark at the end String str = “hello”; System.out.println(str);//hello String str2 = new String(); System.out.println(str2);//No output String str3 = new String(“pppp”); System.out.println(str3);//pppp String array char[] array = {‘a’,’b’,’c’}; String […]

Qt uses QAxObject to write to Excel tables for color filling, merging cells, multi-line writing, etc.

Qt uses QAxObject to write to Excel tables, including color filling, merging cells, multi-line writing, etc. QAxObject can call various functions or events in the Excel table to control reading and writing Excel tables. All interfaces in the Excel table can be viewed in the official documentation. Source code can be seen at the end. […]

[Infrared Image] Use infrared image processing technology to evaluate the performance of refrigeration systems filled with different refrigerants (Matlab code implementation)

Welcome to this blog Advantages of bloggers:Blog content should be as thoughtful and logical as possible for the convenience of readers. Motto:He who travels a hundred miles is half as good as ninety. The directory of this article is as follows: Table of Contents 1 Overview 2 Operation results 3 References 4 Matlab code and […]

Public field automatic filling, dish management

1. Public field filling 1.1. Problem analysis 1.2. Implementation ideas 1.3, Code Development 1.3.1, Custom annotations import; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; @Target(ElementType.METHOD) @Retention (RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface AutoFill { //Specify the type of database operation through the enumeration type //UPDATE INSERT OperationType value(); } 1.3.2, Aspect class import; import; […]

Touge Computer Graphics Experiment–Triangle Filling

Scan line filling method #include “pngimage.h” #include<stdio.h> #include <iostream> structVec2i { int x, y; }; void triangle(Vec2i t0, Vec2i t1, Vec2i t2, PNGImage & amp; image, PNGColor color) { // Please add your code here /********** Begin ************/ if (t0.y>t1.y) std::swap(t0, t1); if (t0.y>t2.y) std::swap(t0, t2); if (t1.y>t2.y) std::swap(t1, t2); int total_height = t2.y-t0.y; for […]

SpringBoot implements freemarker filling in ftl format and converting to Word and PDF

gradle dependencies: implementation ‘org.freemarker:freemarker:2.3.31’ implementation fileTree(‘../lib’) { include ‘*.jar’ } Template address: Necessary jar packages: I will just paste the code here Guide package: import cn.hutool.core.collection.CollectionUtil; import com.github.yulichang.base.MPJBaseServiceImpl; import com.spire.doc.Document; import com.spire.doc.FileFormat; import; import; import; import; import; import freemarker.template.Configuration; import freemarker.template.Template; import freemarker.template.TemplateException; import; import; import; […]

Computer graphics experiment – using MFC dialog box to realize polygon drawing and filling (scan line filling algorithm) with source code

Content summary: Utilizing dialog-based MFC projects Implement mouse click to draw polygons Implement scanline algorithm to fill polygons For the source code, see Yushan-Ji/ComputerGraphics: ECNU2023 Fall Computer Graphics Course Experiment Code ( Experimental content Polygon input via mouse interaction Fill various polygons, including boundary self-intersections Algorithm description Polygon drawing Use the OnLButtonDown and OnRButtonDown functions […]