echarts – relationship diagram

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<html lang="en">

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    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

        body {<!-- -->
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;

        .myChart {<!-- -->
            width: 100%;
            height: 900px;
            margin: 0 auto;

        <div id="myChart" class="myChart" />

    <script src="./echart/echarts.min.js"></script>
        function changeData() {<!-- -->
            var data, linksData
            data = [
                {<!-- -->
                    name: 'Maria',
                    symbolSize: 100,
                    value: 40
                 {<!-- -->
                    name: 'Hongyu',
                    symbolSize: 50,
                  {<!-- -->
                    name: 'Ren Xiaoxian',
                    symbolSize: 60,
                    value: 22
            linksData = [{<!-- -->
                source: 'Maria',
                target: 'Hongyu',
                relationshipName: 'friend'
            }, {<!-- -->
                source: 'Maria',
                target: 'imipramine',
                relationshipName: 'friend'
            }, {<!-- -->
                source: 'Hongyu',
                target: 'Ren Xiaoxian',
                relationshipName: 'friend'
            }, {<!-- -->
                source: 'Maria',
                target: 'Ren Xiaoxian',
                relationshipName: 'colleague'
            }, {<!-- -->
                source: 'Maria',
                target: 'Ren Xiaoxian',
                relationshipName: 'family'
            }, {<!-- -->
                relationshipName: 'comrades',
                target: 'Maria',
                source: 'Ren Xiaoxian'
            }, {<!-- -->
                relationshipName: 'comrades',
                target: 'Maria',
                source: 'Hongyu'

            var arr = []
            for (const i in linksData) {<!-- -->
                linksData[i].count = 0
            for (const i in linksData) {<!-- -->
                for (const j in arr) {<!-- -->
                    if ((arr[j].count === 0) & amp; & amp; ((arr[j].source === linksData[i].source) & amp; & amp; (arr[j]. target === linksData[i].target)) || (arr[j].target === linksData[i].source) & amp; & amp; (arr[j].source === linksData[i ].target)) {<!-- -->
                         + + linksData[i].count
            for (const i in linksData) {<!-- -->
                linksData[i].label = {<!-- -->
                    show: true,
                    formatter: function (x) {<!-- -->
                        return // custom relationship name between lines
                linksData[i].lineStyle = {<!-- -->
                    curveness: (linksData[i].count - 1) * 0.2 // line arc
            return {<!-- -->
                data, linksData

        function makeChart() {<!-- -->
            var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('myChart'))
            var list = changeData()
            var data =
            var linksData = list. linksData

            var option = {<!-- -->
                backgroundColor: '#eeeeee', // set the background color
                title: {<!-- -->
                    text: 'Character relationship diagram',
                    top: 12,
                    left: 12,
                    textStyle: {<!-- -->
                        fontSize: 14,
                        color: '#444444'
                tooltip: {<!-- -->
                    // trigger: 'none'
                    formatter: function (params) {<!-- -->
                        if(params.dataType === 'node'){<!-- -->
                            return `${<!-- -->} ${<!-- -->}`
                }, // prompt box
                animationDurationUpdate: 1500,
                animationEasingUpdate: 'quinticInOut',
                series: [
                    {<!-- -->
                        type: 'graph',
                        layout: 'force',
                        // symbolSize: 100, // If this attribute is not in the link, it indicates the size of the node; otherwise, it is the size of the marks at both ends of the line
                        roam: true, // mouse zoom function
                        label: {<!-- -->
                            show: true // Whether to display the label
                        focusNodeAdjacency: true, // highlight nodes and neighbor nodes and edges when the mouse moves over the node
                        edgeSymbol: ['circle', 'arrow'], // The display form of both sides of the relationship, that is, the display form of the two ends of the line in the figure. arrow is an arrow
                        edgeSymbolSize: [6, 6], // Set the size of the arrows on both sides
                        draggable: true,
                        edgeLabel: {<!-- -->
                            fontSize: 14 // label font size on the relationship (ie line)
                        force: {<!-- -->
                            repulsion: 400, // repulsion factor value between nodes
                            edgeLength: 170 // distance between two nodes
                        data: data,
                        links: linksData,
                        lineStyle: {<!-- -->
                            opacity: 0.9,
                            width: 2,
                            color: 'red' // set line color 8ab7bd
                            // curvature: 0 // set the arc of the line
                        itemStyle: {<!-- -->
                            color: '#61a0a8',
                            fontSize: 12,
                            borderWidth: 1,
                            borderColor: '#ffffff',
                            shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)',
                            shadowBlur: 8

            myChart. setOption(option, true)
            setTimeout(function () {<!-- -->
                window.onresize = function () {<!-- -->
                    myChart. resize()
            }, 200)
