[Solved] FallbackDefinitionException: fallback method wasn’t found: error handling

FallbackDefinitionException: fallback method wasn’t found: error handling

I encountered a problem today when I was learning hystrix: when I used feign to call other services that were not started, there was a problem of fallback method not found. The code is as follows

@RequestMapping(value = "/buy/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    @HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "error")
    public Product findById(@PathVariable Long id) {
        Product product = feignService.findById(id);
        return product;

    public String error() {
        return "Service is starting, please wait";
//FallbackDefinitionException: fallback method wasn't found: error

Finally, it was found that the method-level fuse processing using @HystrixCommand requires the return type and parameters of the current method and the callback method to be consistent. The following is the modified version.

@RequestMapping(value = "/buy/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    @HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "error")//Fusing downgrade based on method, the error callback method must be consistent with the current method (return value and parameters)
    public Product findById(@PathVariable Long id) {
        Product product = feignService.findById(id);
        return product;

    public Product error(Long id) {
        Product product=new Product();
        return product;
    //The output content is {"id":null,"productName":null,"status":null,"price":null,"productDesc":null,"caption\ ":null,"inventory":null}

The annotation is also explained, the ctrl key looks like this

     * Specifies a method to process fallback logic.
     * A fallback method should be defined in the same class where is HystrixCommand.
     * Also a fallback method should have same signature to a method which was invoked as hystrix command.
     * for example:
     * <code>
     * @HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "getByIdFallback")
     * public String getById(String id) {...}
     * private String getByIdFallback(String id) {...}
     * </code>
     * Also a fallback method can be annotated with {@link HystrixCommand}
     * <p/>
     * default => see {@link com.netflix.hystrix.contrib.javanica.command.GenericCommand#getFallback()}
     * @return method name
    String fallbackMethod() default "";

go to bed