vue-drag-resize draggable zoom element component

1. Installation

npm i -s vue-drag-resize

2. Use

  <div class="screen-content">
    <vue-drag-resize w="200" :h="200" @resizing="resize" @dragging="resize" contentClass="resize-box">
      <p>{<!-- -->{ top }} х {<!-- -->{ left }}</p>
      <p>{<!-- -->{ width }} х {<!-- -->{ height }}</p>

  import VueDragResize from 'vue-drag-resize'
  export default {
    name: 'test',
    data() {
      return {
        width: 0,
        height: 0,
        top: 0,
        left: 0
    components: {
    methods: {
      resize(newRect) {
        this.width = newRect.width;
        this.height = newRect.height; =;
        this.left = newRect.left;

<style lang="scss" scoped>
  .screen-content {
    width: 1280px;
    height: 720px;
    position: absolute;
    top: 100px;
    left: 100px;
    background-color: #fff9f5;
    .resize-box {
      background-color: skyblue;

3. Parameters

Parameters Description Type Default value
isActive Is it active Boolean false
isDraggable Whether dragging is allowed Boolean true
isResizable Whether scaling is allowed Boolean true
preventActiveBehavior Whether to disable component behavior by clicking on the component and clicking outside the component area Boolean false
parentW parent Width, defines the initial width of the parent element, automatically calculated if not specified Number 0
parentH Parent height, defines the initial height of the parent element, automatically calculated if not specified Number 0
parentScaleX Parent horizontal proportion, defines the initial horizontal proportion of the parent element Number 1
parentScaleY Parent vertical proportion, defines the initial vertical proportion of the parent element Number 1
parentLimitation Whether it exceeds the parent element and limits the scope of component changes to its parent size, that is Limit the operation component to not exceed the parent element Boolean false
snapToGrid Whether to move equidistantly, determines whether the component should be moved and resized in predefined steps Boolean false
gridX X-axis grid step Number 50
gridY Y-axis grid step Number 50
aspectRatio Whether to scale proportionally Boolean false
x Positioning horizontal distance Number 0
y Positioning vertical distance Number 0
z Positioning level Number auto
w Component width, the value can be a number >= 0 or the string “auto”. If set to “auto”, the initial height value will be equal to the height of the content in the component Number, String 200
h Component height, the value can be a number >= 0 or the string “auto”, if set to “auto”, the initial height value will be equal to the component The height of the content Number, String 200
minw Minimum width, cannot be set to 0 Number 50
minh Minimum height, cannot be set to 0 Number 50
sticks Nodes that define the scaling of elements Array [‘tl’, ‘tm’, ‘tr’, ‘mr’, ‘br’, ‘bm’, ‘bl’, ‘ml’]
stickSize Define the size of the node Number 8
axis Allow drag direction String x, y , both, none, default both
dragHandle The definition should be used for dragging Selector for moving components String Example: dragHandle=”.drag”
dragCancel Define the selector that should be initialized with drag blocking String Example: dragHandle=”.drag”
contentClass Define a class that applies to div String Example: contentClass=”xxx”

4. Event

Name Description Callback parameters
clicked Component click event
activated Component activation event
deactivated Component deactivation event
resizing Events when zooming


left: Number,

top: Number,

width: Number,



resizestop Event when scaling ends Same as above
dragging Drag event Same as above
dragstop Drag end event Same as above

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