ChatGPT completed my day’s workload in 1 and a half hours

For this requirement, I didn’t write a single line of code and it took 80 minutes. Personal evaluation: If R&D is allowed to implement the function, it will take at least 6-8 hours, which is basically a day’s workload.
After analyzing the compatibility of the code, 95% of the code meets the requirements. The rest is to slightly modify the naming and MVC separation, which is relatively easy.

Product requirements

**Function:** Develop a batch extraction coupon function for local promoters. Local promoters select customers to give away, and finally let customers activate and use it. Coupons that have been withdrawn cannot be withdrawn by others, but customers can activate them normally. Keep a record of each withdrawal and record the usage information of each coupon after withdrawal

Demand conversion to GPT analysis:

  1. There are a large number of coupons in the coupon table, and the coupons have different statuses. The field is status, and the status includes unused, activated, and extracted. Different states are represented by numbers.
  2. The administrator wants to implement the batch extraction function of coupons. Each extraction record is stored in the new table actvie_code_pick_up. This table does not currently exist. And associate the extracted ID with the coupon, and put the extraction record in a separate table. The information in the table includes the extraction person, extraction quantity, extraction user, extraction time, activated quantity, and inactive quantity.
  3. The coupons extracted in batches are also saved in a new table actvie_code_pick_up_log. The information includes discount code, extraction record ID, activator, activation time
  4. The coupon table should be associated with the ID of the extraction record table
  5. The number of coupons to be extracted is input by the user. The accepted range is 1-999.

Thank you for providing a more detailed description of your requirements. Based on your needs, I can give the following suggestions and analysis:

1. Coupon table (discount_codes)

  • In the discount_codes table, a status field should be included to represent the status of the coupon. According to your description, the status can be represented by numbers, such as 0 (not used), 1 (activated), 2 (extracted), etc.

2. Extract record table (active_code_pick_up)

  • Create a new table named active_code_pick_up to record the details of each coupon pickup.
  • The table should contain fields: id (record ID), admin_id (extractor ID), quantity (extract quantity), user_id (extract user ID), pick_up_time (extract time), activated_count (activated count) and unactivated_count (unactivated count).
  • You can add other fields as needed, such as extraction reason, remarks, etc.

3. Extract log table (active_code_pick_up_logs)

  • Create a new table named active_code_pick_up_logs to record the details of each batch pickup of coupons.
  • The table should contain fields: id (record ID), discount_code (discount code), pick_up_record_id (extract record ID), activated_by (activator ID), activation_time (activation time), etc.
  • You can add other fields as needed, such as activation method, etc.

4. Establish associations between tables

  • In the discount_codes table, add a field pick_up_record_id to associate the pick record table.
  • Use a foreign key association to relate the pick_up_record_id to the id field of the active_code_pick_up table.
  • This way, you can easily find the withdrawal record for each coupon.

5. Limit on the number of coupons you can withdraw

  • In the function of batch extracting coupons, the quantity limit verification is performed based on the user’s input to ensure that the input quantity is within a reasonable range (1-999).
  • Perform input validation in the controller and return an appropriate error message in case the user input is invalid.

Based on the above requirements and analysis, you can start to create the corresponding database tables, models, and controllers, and implement the corresponding functions in Laravel. Please make appropriate adjustments and expansions based on actual needs and database configuration. If you need more specific code examples or further help, please feel free to let me know.

Finally let GPT generate the results

Thank you for providing more detailed requirements. Based on your needs, the following is a complete code example of the Laravel framework, including database migration, model, controller, route and view, to implement the function of extracting coupons and recording related information. I’ll add comments to the code to explain what each part does.

1. Create database table migration:

php artisan make:migration create_discount_codes_table
php artisan make:migration create_active_code_pick_up_table
php artisan make:migration create_active_code_pick_up_logs_table

2. Edit the migration file:

a. create_discount_codes_table Migration file:

use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;

class CreateDiscountCodesTable extends Migration
{<!-- -->
    public function up()
    {<!-- -->
        Schema::create('discount_codes', function (Blueprint $table) {<!-- -->
            $table->string('code')->unique()->comment('discount code');
            $table->tinyInteger('status')->default(0)->comment('Status: 0-unused, 1-activated, 2-extracted');

    public function down()
    {<!-- -->

b. create_active_code_pick_up_table Migration file:

use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;

class CreateActiveCodePickUpTable extends Migration
{<!-- -->
    public function up()
    {<!-- -->
        Schema::create('active_code_pick_up', function (Blueprint $table) {<!-- -->
            $table->integer('quantity')->comment('Extract quantity');
            $table->unsignedBigInteger('user_id')->comment('Extract user')->nullable();
            $table->timestamp('pick_up_time')->comment('pickup time');
            $table->integer('activated_count')->default(0)->comment('activated count');
            $table->integer('unactivated_count')->comment('unactivated count');

    public function down()
    {<!-- -->

c. create_active_code_pick_up_logs_table Migration file:

use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;

class CreateActiveCodePickUpLogsTable extends Migration
{<!-- -->
    public function up()
    {<!-- -->
        Schema::create('active_code_pick_up_logs', function (Blueprint $table) {<!-- -->
            $table->string('discount_code')->comment('discount code');
            $table->unsignedBigInteger('pick_up_record_id')->comment('Pick record ID');
            $table->timestamp('activation_time')->comment('activation time')->nullable();

    public function down()
    {<!-- -->

3. Run database migration:

php artisan migrate

4. Create the model:

Create the corresponding Eloquent model and add annotations.

  • DiscountCode.php model:
namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

 * Coupon model
class DiscountCode extends Model
{<!-- -->
    const STATUS_UNUSED = 0;
    const STATUS_ACTIVATED = 1;
    const STATUS_PICKED_UP = 2;

    protected $fillable = [
        'code', // discount code
        'status', // status
  • ActiveCodePickUp.php Model:
namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

 * Extract record model
class ActiveCodePickUp extends Model
{<!-- -->
    protected $fillable = [
        'admin_id', //Extractor
        'quantity', // extract quantity
        'user_id', // Extract user
        'pick_up_time', // Pick up time
        'activated_count', // activated number
        'unactivated_count', // Unactivated number
  • ActiveCodePickUpLog.php Model:
namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

 * Extract the log model
class ActiveCodePickUpLog extends Model
{<!-- -->
    protected $fillable = [
        'discount_code', // discount code
        'pick_up_record_id', // Pick up the record ID
        'activated_by', // Activated person
        'activation_time', //activation time

DiscountCodeController.php Controller:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Models\DiscountCode;
use App\Models\BatchExtractionLog;
use App\Models\ExtractionLog;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Validation\Rule;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;

class DiscountCodeController extends Controller
{<!-- -->
     * Extract discount codes and record relevant information.
     * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
    public function extractDiscountCodes(Request $request)
    {<!-- -->
        // Assume that the administrator ID is 1, you can change it according to the actual situation
        $adminId = 1;

        //Verify request parameters
        $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
            'quantity' => [
                'between:1,999', // The quantity range is 1-999

        if ($validator->fails()) {<!-- -->
            return response()->json(['message' => $validator->errors()], 400);

        $quantity = $request->input('quantity');

        DB::beginTransaction(); // Start database transaction

        try {<!-- -->
            // Get unassigned discount code
            $unallocatedDiscountCodes = DiscountCode::where('status', DiscountCode::STATUS_UNALLOCATED)
                ->lockForUpdate() // Lock the row to prevent other processes from updating

            // Get the ID array of these discount codes
            $discountCodeIds = $unallocatedDiscountCodes->pluck('id')->toArray();

            // Batch update the batch extraction operation log ID and status of these discount codes
            DiscountCode::whereIn('id', $discountCodeIds)
                ->where('status', DiscountCode::STATUS_UNALLOCATED) // Only update discount codes with unallocated status
                    'batch_extraction_log_id' => $batchExtractionLog->id,
                    'status' => DiscountCode::STATUS_EXTRACTED,

            // Record batch extraction operation log
            $batchExtractionLog = new BatchExtractionLog([
                'user_id' => $adminId,
                'operation' => 'Batch extraction',


            // Record each extraction into the new table extraction_logs and update statistical information
            $extractionLog = new ExtractionLog([
                'admin_id' => $adminId,
                'total_extracted' => $quantity,
                'total_activated' => 0, // The initial activated quantity is 0
                'total_unactivated' => $quantity, // The initial unactivated quantity is the extracted quantity


            DB::commit(); // Submit database transaction

            return response()->json(['message' => 'Discount code successfully extracted']);
        } catch (\Exception $e) {<!-- -->
            DB::rollback(); // Rollback database transaction
            return response()->json(['message' => 'Failed to extract discount code'], 500);

Summary: The code is not generated once, but the requirements are refined again and again. And finally realize the function.
Some explanatory requirements are no longer issued and should continue to be optimized.