Solved: ValueError: logits and labels must have the same shape ((?, 10) vs (?, 1)) issue

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  • “Solved: ValueError: logits and labels must have the same shape ((?, 10) vs (?, 1)) problem”
    • Summary
    • introduction
    • text
      • Detailed explanation of the problem
      • wrong reason
        • Wrong label encoding
        • Improper output layer design
        • Data preprocessing error
      • solution
        • one hot encoding label
        • Adjust model output layer
        • Preprocess data correctly
      • how to avoid
        • Data check
        • model review
        • unit test
      • Code and table examples
    • Summarize
    • References
  • Original statement

《Resolved: ValueError: logits and labels must have the same shape ((?, 10) vs (?, 1)) problem》


Dear colleagues in artificial intelligence, today the blogger Maotouhu brought a bug that is often encountered in the field of deep learning – the problem of inconsistent shapes of logits and labels. It’s like an owl trying to find a suitable space to curl up in a tree hole. If the size of the space doesn’t match, the owl will feel uncomfortable. In a machine learning model, if the shapes of our predictions (logits) and the actual labels (labels) are inconsistent, a ValueError will be thrown. Next, I will take you to explore the root cause of this problem and provide several methods to solve this problem. Let us learn together to ensure that our AI models run smoothly like an elegant cat-headed tiger!


When training deep learning models, we often need to calculate the difference between predictions (also called logits) and actual labels. If the shapes of the two are inconsistent, frameworks such as TensorFlow or PyTorch will throw ValueError. This error is like telling us that we tried to match two incompatible puzzle pieces. So, how does this shape mismatch happen? Let’s dig deeper.


Detailed explanation of the problem

ValueError: logits and labels must have the same shape usually occurs when performing cross-entropy loss calculations for classification tasks. This means that the output layer of your model does not have the same shape as your target variable.

Error reason

Wrong tag encoding

If your task is a multi-classification problem, you may mistakenly encode the label as a number instead of a one-hot encoded vector.

Improper design of output layer

The model’s output layer may not be set up correctly to produce shapes that match the labels.

Data preprocessing error

When preparing the data, the labels may not be processed correctly, causing them to not match the model output.


One-hot encoding tag

For multi-classification tasks, make sure your labels are one-hot encoded.

import tensorflow as tf

# Assume we have a list of tags
labels = [2, 1, 0]

# Use TensorFlow for one-hot encoding
labels_one_hot = tf.keras.utils.to_categorical(labels, num_classes=10)
Adjust model output layer

Make sure the model’s output layer has the correct number of neurons and uses an appropriate activation function.

model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([
    # ...[other layers]...
    tf.keras.layers.Dense(10, activation='softmax')
Preprocess data correctly

During the data preprocessing phase, ensure that all labels are processed and encoded appropriately.

How to avoid

Data check

Before training, checkpoints are added to verify the shape of logits and labels.

Model review

Before training, review the model structure to ensure that the output layer is designed correctly.

Unit testing

Write unit tests for data preprocessing and model structure.

Code and table examples

Suppose we have a simple classification problem where the labels are not one-hot encoded:

# Wrong label shape
labels = [2, 1, 0] # One-hot encoding is required

# Correct label shape
labels_one_hot = tf.keras.utils.to_categorical(labels, num_classes=10)

#Model definition
model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([
    tf.keras.layers.Dense(64, activation='relu'),
    tf.keras.layers.Dense(10, activation='softmax')

# Compile model

#Train model, labels_one_hot, epochs=10)
Error type Solution strategy
Tag is not one-hot encoded Use tf.keras.utils.to_categorical for encoding
The number of neurons in the output layer does not match Adjust the units of the Dense layer to the number of categories
Data preprocessing errors Review the data preprocessing steps to ensure consistency


When training deep learning models, it is crucial to ensure that predictions and labels have consistent shapes. With proper data preprocessing, model design, and pretraining checks, we can avoid ValueError and ensure that our models learn smoothly. Just like an owl leaping confidently in the forest, understanding these technical details can help us move forward more confidently in the field of AI.

Reference materials

  • TensorFlow official documentation: Categorical Crossentropy
  • TensorFlow official documentation: to_categorical
  • “Deep Learning with Python” – by Fran?ois Chollet

I hope this blog can help you solve the problem of ValueError. May your AI journey be smooth, meow! ?

Maotouhu recommends a list of necessary technology stacks for programmers:

Artificial Intelligence AI:

  1. Programming Language:
    • Python (currently the most popular AI development language)
    • R (mainly used for statistics and data analysis)
    • Julia (a high-performance scientific computing language that is gradually gaining attention)
  2. Deep Learning Framework:
    • TensorFlow (and its high-level API Keras)
    • ? PyTorch (and its high-level API torch.nn)
    • ?MXNet
    • Caffe
    • Theano (no longer maintained, but has great historical influence)
  3. Machine Learning Library:
    • scikit-learn (for traditional machine learning algorithms)
    • XGBoost, LightGBM (for decision trees and ensemble learning)
    • Statsmodels (for statistical models)
  4. Natural Language Processing:
    • NLTK
    • SpaCy
    • HuggingFace’s Transformers (for modern NLP models such as BERT and GPT)
  5. Computer Vision:
    • OpenCV
    • ? Pillow
  6. Reinforcement Learning:
    • OpenAI’s Gym
    • ? Ray’s Rllib
    • Stable Baselines
  7. Neural Network Visualization and Interpretation Tools:
    • TensorBoard (for TensorFlow)
    • Netron (for model structure visualization)
  8. Data processing and scientific computing:
    • Pandas (data processing)
    • NumPy, SciPy (scientific computing)
    • ?Matplotlib, Seaborn (data visualization)
  9. Parallel and distributed computing:
    • Apache Spark (for big data processing)
    • Dask (for parallel computing)
  10. GPU acceleration tools:
  • CUDA
  • cuDNN
  1. Cloud services and platforms:
  • AWS SageMaker
  • Google Cloud AI Platform
  • ? Microsoft Azure Machine Learning
  1. Model deployment and production:
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • TensorFlow Serving
  • ONNX (for model exchange)
  1. Automated Machine Learning (AutoML):
  • Google Cloud AutoML
  • Auto-sklearn

Original statement

======= ·

  • Original author: Maotouhu
  • Editor: AIMeowTiger

Author wx: [libin9iOak]
Public account: Maotouhu technical team

Study Review
? ?

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