[Solved] Flink cluster reported error: akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException: Ask timed out on

Official Documentation: Apache Flash 1.12 Documentation: Configuration (apache.org)

Add to the flink-conf.ymal file:

akka.ask.timeout: 50s
web.timeout: 50000

akka.ask.timeout defaults to 10 s. If you lengthen this timeout, you will find that it still cannot be solved. You have to modify web.timeout to be greater than 10000.

The rpc invocation size exceeds the maximum akka framesize solution

Flink uses Akka as an RPC framework between components (JobManager/TaskManager/ResourceManager). The maximum size of messages sent between JobManagers and TaskManagers defaults to 10485760b. If the message exceeds this limit it will fail with an error.


Add the akka.framesize parameter to flink-conf.yaml and increase the value.

akka.framesize: "10485760b"