Solve the TypeError of range object does not support item assignment

Table of Contents

Solving’s TypeError: ‘range’ object does not support item assignment

Problem Description

Error example



Practical application scenarios

A detailed introduction to the random module


Commonly used methods and functions

1. random()

2. randint(a, b)

3. choice(seq)

4. shuffle(seq)

Solution to TypeError: ‘range’ object does not support item assignment

Problem Description

When using Python’s ??random?? module, if the error message ??TypeError: 'range' object does not support item assignment??’ appears, it means that you An assignment was attempted to a ??range?? object. This is not allowed in Python because the ??range?? object is an immutable sequence.

Error example

Here is a sample code showing how to reproduce this error:

pythonCopy codeimport random
num_range = range(10)
random_num = random.choice(num_range)
random_num = 5 # Try to assign a value to the range object

Executing the above code throws the following error:

plaintextCopy codeTypeError: 'range' object does not support item assignment


To solve this problem, we need to make it clear that ??range?? objects are immutable and cannot be assigned directly. If we need to modify the elements in the ??range?? object, we can convert it to a mutable data structure, such as a list. Here is the modified example code:

pythonCopy codeimport random
num_list = list(range(10))
random_num = random.choice(num_list)
random_num = 5 # Now you can assign values to the list

In the above code, we convert the ??range?? object into a list ??list(range(10))??, and then perform assignment operations on the list, no The error message appears again.


When using Python’s ??random?? module, if an error ??TypeError: 'range' object does not support item assignment?? occurs, please check whether it is correct. ??range?? The object has been assigned a value. The ??range?? object is an immutable sequence and cannot be assigned directly. If you need to modify the elements, you can convert the ??range?? object into a list and then Perform operations.

Actual application scenario

A practical application scenario is in game development, we may need to randomly select an integer from a range of numbers as the initial blood volume of the game character. Here’s a sample code that shows how to use the ??random?? module in your game and avoid ??TypeError?? errors:

pythonCopy codeimport random
def generate_character():
    # Define the blood volume range
    health_range = range(100, 201)
    #Convert range object to list
    health_list = list(health_range)
    # Randomly select an integer as the blood volume
    health = random.choice(health_list)
    return health
# Generate the initial blood volume of the game character
character_health = generate_character()
print("The initial blood volume of the game character is:", character_health)

In the above code, we defined the health range as an integer between 100 and 200. To avoid ??TypeError?? errors, we convert the ??range?? object ??health_range?? into a list ??health_list??, and then use the ??random.choice()?? method to randomly select an integer from the list as the health volume. Finally, we print out the blood volume.

In actual applications, when you need to assign a value to a ??range?? object, please first convert it into a list or other mutable data structure, and then perform the assignment. This avoids ??TypeError?? errors and satisfies our data needs.

Introduction to the random module in detail


In Python, the ??random?? module is a module used to generate pseudo-random numbers. This module provides a variety of functions and methods that can be used to generate random numbers, randomly select elements, shuffle operations, etc.

Common methods and functions

The following are commonly used methods and functions in the ??random?? module:

1. ??random()??

The ??random()?? method is used to generate a random floating point number between 0 and 1. Note that the decimals generated are pseudo-random numbers. Sample code:

pythonCopy codeimport random
num = random.random()

The output is:

plaintextCopy code0.4379541131795219

2. ??randint(a, b)??

The ??randint(a, b)?? method is used to generate a random integer within the specified range, including the two boundary values a and b. That is, the generated random integer satisfies ??a <= random integer <= b??. Sample code:

pythonCopy codeimport random
num = random.randint(1, 10)

Possible output results are:

plaintextCopy code5

3. ??choice(seq)??

The ??choice(seq)?? method is used to randomly select an element from a non-empty sequence seq and return the element. Sample code:

pythonCopy codeimport random
characters = ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie', 'David']
random_character = random.choice(characters)

Possible output results are:

plaintextCopy codeCharlie

4. ??shuffle(seq)??

The ??shuffle(seq)?? method is used to shuffle the order of elements in a sequence seq. Note that this method directly modifies the original sequence. Sample code:

pythonCopy codeimport random
cards = ['A', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', 'J', 'Q' , 'K']

Possible output results are:

plaintextCopy code['A', '4', '6', '10', '3', '9', '5', 'Q', '7', '2', 'J', '8', 'K']

The ??random?? module provides a series of methods and functions for generating pseudo-random numbers. We can use ??random()?? to generate a random floating point number, use ??randint(a, b)?? to generate a random integer within a specified range, use ? ?choice(seq)?? randomly selects an element from the sequence and uses ??shuffle(seq)?? to shuffle the order of the sequence. By flexibly using these functions, we can implement a variety of random number operations to meet the needs of different application scenarios.

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