Solving TypeError: <= not supported between instances of list and int

Table of Contents

Solving TypeError: ‘<=' not supported between instances of 'list' and 'int'

Error example


Method 1: Change the comparison operation

Method 2: Use list-related comparison operations

Method 3: Convert data type


comparison operator

comparison rules

Comparison example


Solving TypeError: ‘<=' not supported between instances of 'list' and 'int'

In Python programming, sometimes we may encounter errors such as TypeError: ‘<=' not supported between instances of 'list' and 'int'. This error usually occurs during comparison operations, prompting us that we cannot directly compare lists and integers. This error may appear in the following situations:

  1. When using the ??<=?? operator, one of the operands is a list and the other is an integer.
  2. When comparing using a conditional statement (such as an ??if?? statement), one of the operands is a list and the other is an integer.

Error example

Here is a simple example demonstrating how to reproduce this error:

pythonCopy code# sample code
list_variable = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
integer_variable = 3
if list_variable <= integer_variable:
    print("List less than or equal to integer")
    print("List is greater than integer")

Running the above code will result in the following error message:

plaintextCopy codeTypeError: '<=' not supported between instances of 'list' and 'int'


To fix this error, we need to clarify what the comparison means. It makes no sense to compare two different types of data, so we need to ensure that both operands of the comparison operator have the same data type. Here are some possible solutions:

Method 1: Change the comparison operation

If we want to determine whether the length of the list is less than or equal to an integer, we can modify the comparison operation. For example, we can use the len() function to get the length of a list and then compare it to an integer.

pythonCopy code# sample code
list_variable = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
integer_variable = 3
if len(list_variable) <= integer_variable:
    print("The length of the list is less than or equal to an integer")
    print("The list length is greater than an integer")

If we want to compare the elements of two lists, we can use list-related comparison operations, such as ??==??, ???, ??>??etc.

pythonCopy code# sample code
list1 = [1, 2, 3]
list2 = [4, 5, 6]
if list1 < list2:
    print("list1 is less than list2")
    print("list1 is greater than or equal to list2")

Method 3: Convert data type

If you need to use integers and lists in comparison operations, you can convert one of the operands to the same data type as the other operand. For example, we can convert integers to lists, or lists to integers.

pythonCopy code# sample code
list_variable = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
integer_variable = 3
if list_variable <= [integer_variable]:
    print("List less than or equal to integer")
    print("List is greater than integer")
pythonCopy code# sample code
list_variable = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
integer_variable = 3
if list_variable <= sum([integer_variable]):
    print("List less than or equal to integer")
    print("List is greater than integer")

In these examples, we convert an integer to a list containing one element, or a list to an integer, respectively.


When a TypeError: '<=' not supported between instances of 'list' and 'int' error occurs, we need to check whether the comparison operation is correct and whether the data types of the operands are consistent. Depending on the specific task requirements, we can solve this error by changing the comparison operation, using list-related comparison operations, or performing data type conversion.

In some practical application scenarios, we may encounter situations where lists are compared with integers. Below we use a simple task scheduling example to illustrate how to solve this error. Suppose we have a list of tasks, each task has a priority, and we want to be able to sort and compare based on priority. Our task list is a list of integers containing task priorities.

pythonCopy code# sample code
tasks = [3, 1, 5, 2, 4]
# Sort task list according to priority
# Compare the highest priority task to an integer
highest_priority_task = tasks[-1]
int_variable = 3
if highest_priority_task <= int_variable:
    print("The task with the highest priority is less than or equal to an integer")
    print("The task with the highest priority is greater than an integer")

In this example, we first use the ??sort()?? function to sort the task list so that the highest priority task will be at the last position in the list. We then compare the highest priority task to an integer. If the task with the highest priority is less than or equal to an integer, output "The task with the highest priority is less than or equal to an integer"; otherwise, output "The task with the highest priority is greater than an integer". Through the above code, we can solve the error TypeError: '<=' not supported between instances of 'list' and 'int', and implement the function of comparison and sorting according to task priority.

In Python, we can use comparison operators (such as ??, ??>?, ??==?, ??<=?, ??>=??) to compare lists and integers. Here is a detailed introduction to list and integer comparison in Python:

Comparison operator

Commonly used comparison operators in Python are:

  • ??? (less than)
  • ??>?? (greater than)
  • ??==?? (equal to)
  • ??<=?? (less than or equal to)
  • ??>=?? (greater than or equal to) These comparison operators can be used to compare the relationship between two objects, integers and lists.

Comparison Rule

Lists are ordered iterable objects (objects that can be accessed and manipulated sequentially), while integers are non-iterative scalar objects (can only exist as a single value). When comparing lists and integers, Python follows the following rules:

  • The comparison result between lists and integers is an ordered Boolean sequence (such as a list composed of ??True?? and ??False??):
  • If the elements in the list are compared to integers one by one, the result of each comparison is stored in the list as a Boolean value.
  • Lists and integers are compared element by element, not as a whole.

Comparison example

Here is some sample code comparing lists and integers:

pythonCopy code# Example 1: Comparing lists and single integers
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
integer = 3
# Use comparison operators to compare
print(numbers < integer) # False
print(numbers > integer) # True
print(numbers == integer) # False
print(numbers <= integer) # False
print(numbers >= integer) # True
#Example 2: Compare two lists (comparing elements one by one)
list1 = [1, 2, 3]
list2 = [4, 5, 6]
# Use comparison operators to compare
print(list1 < list2) # True
print(list1 > list2) # False
print(list1 == list2) # False
print(list1 <= list2) # True
print(list1 >= list2) # False

In Example 1, we compared a list to an integer. In Example 2, we compare the relationship of two lists. Note that for list comparison, Python will compare the elements in the list one by one. If there are inconsistent elements, the result will be returned; if all elements are equal, the length of the list will be compared.


  • Comparison operators can only compare objects with the same data type, otherwise a ??TypeError?? exception will be thrown.
  • The comparison between lists and integers results in an ordered sequence of Boolean values rather than a single Boolean value. If you want to use the comparison result as a conditional judgment, you need to pay attention to this.
  • If you need to compare based on a certain attribute of the list (such as length), you can use the related list method or function (such as ??len()??).
  • Comparison operators can also be used with other types of container objects (such as tuples, sets, dictionaries, etc.). When comparing, the elements of the container are compared in order. Through the above details and examples, we can understand how to compare lists and integers in Python, and use comparison operations reasonably according to actual needs. © 2021 All Rights Reserved.