xlwt\xlrd\xlutils library

xlwt library-write data

Common methods


Function name Meaning
xlwt.Workbook() Create a new Excel file
xlwt.add_sheet(sheet_name) Create a new workbook
sheet.write(row,col,data) Write data into cells
workbook.save(path ) Save data to file
""" xlwt writes data """
import xlwt
# Create a new Excel file
wb = xlwt.Workbook()
# Create a workbook
ws = wb.add_sheet("Test Sheet")
# Write content into the cell


# save document

Document writing effect:

Set font style

Commonly used methods and properties

Function name&properties Meaning Function name & attributes Meaning
xlwt.Font() Create font style xlwt.Borders() Create border style
font.name Set font type


Set left border

font.color_index Set font color border.right Set right Border
font.height Set the font size border.top Set the top border td>
font.bold Set the font to be bold border.bottom Set the bottom border
font.underline Set font underline border.left_colour Set left border color
font.italic Set the font italic border.right_colour Set the right border color
xlwt.Alignment() Create font position style border.top_colour Set the top border color

Set font horizontal position

1 left 2 middle 3 right

border.bottom_colour Set the bottom border color

Set font vertical position

0 up 1 middle 2 down

xlwt.Pattern() Create background color style

Set whether to start row height

set up

True is on

pattern.pattern Set background style

Set the cell row height,

The value is 256*pixels


Set the overall style object,

for applying to cells


Set cell width,

The value is 256*pixels

xlwt.easyxf() Set the total style object
import xlwt

#Create excel file
wb = xlwt.Workbook()
# Create a workbook
ws = wb.add_sheet('Style Test')

#Create a font style
font = xlwt.Font()
font.name = "Microsoft Yahei" # Set font
font.height = 30*20 # Set font size
font.bold = True # Font bold
font.underline = True # Underline
font.italic = True # italic
font.colour_index = 2 # Set font color

#Create a style object
style = xlwt.XFStyle()
style.font = font

ws.write(1,1,"Bamboo tube rice")
ws.write(1,3,"Bamboo Tube Rice",style)
wb.save("./style test.xlsx")

Set border style

import xlwt

#Create an excel file
wb = xlwt.Workbook()
# Create a workbook
ws = wb.add_sheet("Border Test")
#Create a border style
border = xlwt.Borders()
Thin solid line: 1 Small thick solid line: 2
Thin dashed line: 3 Medium thin dashed line: 4
Thick solid line: 5 Double line: 6
Thin dotted line: 7
border.top = 1
border.bottom = 6
border.left = 5
border.right = 7

# Set the line color
border.top_colour = 3
border.bottom_colour = 4
border.left_colour = 5
border.right_colour = 2

#Create a style object
style = xlwt.XFStyle()
style.borders = border
ws.write(1,1,"Bamboo tube rice")
ws.write(1,3,"Bamboo Tube Rice",style)
wb.save("./border test.xlsx")

Set content position and background color

import xlwt

#Create an excel file
wb = xlwt.Workbook()
# Create a workbook
ws = wb.add_sheet("position and background color test")
#Create a position style
align = xlwt.Alignment()
# Set the upper and lower positions
# 0 up 1 middle 2 down
align.vert = 1
# Set left and right positions
# 1 left 2 middle 3 right
align.horz = 2
# Set cell height
ws.row(1).height_mismatch = True # Enable permission to set height
ws.row(1).height = 50*50
ws.col(1).width = 50*50

#Create a color style
pattern = xlwt.Pattern()
pattern.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN # solid color
pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 5

#Create a style object
style = xlwt.XFStyle()
style.alignment = align
style.pattern = pattern

# Set the style through easyxf()
style1 = xlwt.easyxf('font:bold on,colour_index 2;align:vert center,horiz center')

ws.write(1,1,"Bamboo tube rice")
ws.write(1,3,"Bamboo Tube Rice",style)
ws.write(1,5,"Bamboo Rice",style1)
wb.save("./position and background color test.xlsx")

xlrd library-read data

Commonly used methods and properties

Function name & amp;Attributes Meaning
xlrd.open_workbook (path) Open an excel file
workbook.nsheets Get the number of excel workbooks
workbook.sheets() Get all workbooks in excel
workbook.sheet_names() Get the workbook name of excel
sheet.sheet_by_name(name) Get the workbook based on the workbook name
sheet.sheet_by_index(num) Get the num workbook
sheet.nrows Get the work Total number of rows in the book
sheet.row_values(num) Get the num row data
sheet .col_values(num) Get the num column data
sheet.cell(row,col) Get the specified cell
sheet.row(num)[col] Get the specified cell
cell. ctype Get the data type of the cell content
sheet.cell_value(row,col) Get the value of the specified cell
cell.value() Get the value of the cell

Table example:

import xlrd2
#Open excel file
wb = xlrd2.open_workbook("./xlrdtest.xlsx")

# Get the number of excel workbooks
print(wb.nsheets) # 3

# Get all workbooks, traverse and print
all_ws = wb.sheets()
for i in all_ws:
Sheet 0:<Sheet1>
Sheet 1:<Sheet2>
Sheet 2:<Sheet3>

# Get all workbook names
ws_names = wb.sheet_names()
print(ws_names) # ['Sheet1','Sheet2','Sheet3']

# Get the workbook based on the workbook name
ws1 = wb.sheet_by_name("Sheet1")
print(ws1) #Sheet 0:<Sheet1>

# Get the workbook based on the workbook index
ws2 = wb.sheet_by_index(2)

# Get the total number of rows in the workbook
sheet1_rows = ws1.nrows
print(sheet1_rows) # 7

# Get the data of row 1 of the workbook
sheet1_row_data = ws1.row_values(1)
print(sheet1_row_data) # ['A2', 'B2', 'C2', 'D2', '']

# Get the data in column 1 of the workbook
sheet1_col_data = ws1.col_values(1)
print(sheet1_col_data) # ['B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'B4', 'B5', 'B6', '']

# Get the data of cell E7
cell_E7 = ws1.cell(6, 4)
print(cell_E7) # text:'E7'

# Get the data type of cell content
print(cell_E7.ctype) # 1

# Get the data of the cells in row 1 and column 2
print(ws1.row(0)[1]) # text:'B1'
print(ws1.row(0)[1].value) # B1

# Get the value of the cell
print(cell_E7.value) # E7

# Get all cell data
for row in range(ws1.nrows):
    for col in range(ws1.ncols):
        print(f"{row} row {col} column data: {ws1.cell_value(row,col)}")

xlutils-update data

Common methods

Function name Meaning
xlutils.copy.copy(workbook) Copy the specified excel file

Table example: Complete the data in the red box

import xlrd2
from xlutils.copy import copy

#Read excel
wb = xlrd2.open_workbook("./xlrdtest.xlsx")
#Copy excel
wb_copy = copy(wb)

""" Start modifying data """
# Get the first Sheet
ws = wb_copy.get_sheet(0)
# Add data
for row in range(0,6):
    ws.write(row, 4, f"E{row + 1}")
for col in range(0,4):
    ws.write(6, col, f"{chr(ord('A') + col)}7")

wb_copy.save("./xlrd test-copy.xlsx")

Update effect: Newly generated xlrd test-copy.xlsx