react slots and HOC higher order components

react component slot

Way of writing:

//The react slot is in the content position of the custom component. 

This is done using slots:

Encapsulating Simple Components: Using Slots in the Content Area
<Tab num={11} content="Data to be charged (pieces)">
          <i className="iconfont iconfont-xingqudingxiang"></i>

Use of slots:

Slot content defaults to the props attribute. The attribute is children

Specifically, the slots are divided into multiple

 <Tab num={11} content="Data to be charged (pieces)">
          {<!-- -->{
            default: <i className="iconfont iconfont-xingqudingxiang"></i>,
            left: <button>Left</button>,
            right: <button>right</button>,
//Convert to the next format of the data pair
 let { num, content, children } = props;
  console. log(children);
  return (
          <div>Left: {children.left}</div>
          <div>Right: {children.right}</div>

Actual combat: Modal box in the project

import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import "../assets/css/dialog.css";
export default (props) => {
  let { children, hidden, onUpdate } = props;
  let [show, setShow] = useState(hidden);
  //monitor hidden
  useEffect(() => {
  }, [hidden]);
  let confirm = () => {
  let cancel = () => {
  //hidden controls the display and hiding of the modal box
  if (show) {
    return (
        <div className="dialog">
          <div className="dialog-center">
            {/* title */}
              <button onClick={confirm}>OK</button>
              <button onClick={cancel}>Cancel</button>
  } else return null;

Button authentication

Use HOC to do it.

What are HOCs?

Higher-order components (HOCs) are an advanced technique in React for reusing component logic. HOC itself is not part of the React API, it is a design pattern based on the composition characteristics of React.


Business logic used to reuse components.

vue mixins
react HOC
Do common logic reuse

User data rendering with action button rendering:


Use HOC to complete button authentication.

How to write Hoc:

A higher-order component is a function whose parameter is a component and returns a new component.
function buttonHoc(wrapComponent){
    return class component
function buttonHoc(wrapComponent){
    return ()=>{
        return <></>

Create button HOC advanced

//HOC button authentication high-level
//WrapComponent is wrapped component
export default (WrapComponent) => {
  // return a new function component
  return () => {
    return (
        <div>HOC component</div>

Higher-order components are used by ordinary components

//Introduce HOC high-level
import ButtonHOC from "./ButtonHoc";
let Button = (props) => {
  let { label } = props;
  return (
// use higher order components
export default ButtonHOC(Button);

The component mounts the high-order component to run (there is no unwrapped component in the high-order component, so only HOC is seen)

Output wrapped components in HOC components

//HOC button authentication high-level
//WrapComponent is the wrapped component, the first letter of the formal parameter of the high-order component is capitalized
export default (WrapComponent) => {
  // return a new function component
  return () => {
    return (
        <WrapComponent />

The above effect is not normal, the button component props has no value.
Because HOC high-level components do not pass props down

Pass props down in the HOC component.

//HOC button authentication high-level
//WrapComponent is the wrapped component, the first letter of the formal parameter of the high-order component is capitalized
export default (WrapComponent) => {
  // return a new function component
  return (props) => {
    console. log(props);
    return (
        {/* ... is the extended props custom component attribute value extension */}
        <WrapComponent {...props} />

button permissions

The current user logs in, and the development server will return the permissions of the current user.
//HOC button authentication high-level

//HOC button authentication high-level

import { useState } from "react";

//WrapComponent is the wrapped component, the first letter of the formal parameter of the high-order component is capitalized
export default (WrapComponent) => {
  // return a new function component
  return (props) => {
    // Get the current permission
    let { premission } = props;
    //Simulate the user's permission data
    //"admin:user:delete" "admin:user:update" "*:*:*"
    let [prem, setPrem] = useState(["*:*:*"]);

    //If it is full permission, render directly
    let Index = null;
    if (prem[0] == "*:*:*") Index = 0;
    else Index = prem. indexOf(premission);
    return (
        {/* ... is the extended props custom component attribute value extension */}
        {Index != -1 ? <WrapComponent {...props} /> : null}

How react uses routing

1. react-router
   1. react-router-dom operates browser-side routing
   2. react-router-native operation native

Learn react-router-dom routing

Document address:
//English document

Install react-router-dom

cnpm i --save-dev react-router-dom
"react-router-dom": "^6.9.0",

You need to know that built-in components are mainly used in react-router-dom to configure routing

<BrowserRouter></BrowserRouter> history routing
<HashRouter></HashRouter> hash routing#
    {/* The rest of your app goes here */}
    //Additional routing configuration in the middle position

Start configuring your routing structure with built-in components

Use the built-in components Routes and Route components

Routes is the configuration area of the route, which is equivalent to the exit of the route
Route is detailed routing configuration
        {/* routing configuration */}
//The above writing method reports an error

Adjusted code structure

        {/* routing configuration */}

Start configuring routing

 <Route path="/admin" element={}></Route>
  path routing path
  Components of element routing

First-level routing after configuration

        {/* routing configuration */}
          <Route path="/admin" element={<Admin />}></Route>
          <Route path="/login" element={<Login />}></Route>
 // same up and down
        {/* routing configuration */}
          <Route path="/" element={<Admin />}></Route>
          <Route path="/login" element={<Login />}></Route>

If there is no/route in the first-level route configuration, route redirection is required

Use the built-in component Navigate to redirect
<Navigate to="/admin" />
to redirect the path of the route
replace Whether to replace the current routing path replace={true}

<Navigate to="/admin" replace={true} />

Routing configuration non-routing path into 404 components

//Import routing module
import { BrowserRouter, Route, Routes, Navigate } from "react-router-dom";
//Import routing component
import Admin from "./views/Admin";
import Login from "./views/Login";
import NotFound from "./views/not-found";
export default () => {
  return (
        {/* routing configuration */}
          <Route path="/admin" element={<Admin />}></Route>
          <Route path="/login" element={<Login />}></Route>
            element={<Navigate to="/admin" replace={true} />}
          <Route path="*" element={<NotFound />}></Route>

//or add 404 route
        {/* routing configuration */}
          <Route path="/admin" element={<Admin />}></Route>
          <Route path="/login" element={<Login />}></Route>
            element={<Navigate to="/admin" replace={true} />}
          <Route path="/not-found" element={<NotFound />}></Route>
            element={<Navigate to="/not-found" replace={true} />}