Generics in Java: A powerful tool for efficient programming

Generics – A data type that accepts data types. Generics are a parameterized type mechanism in Java. Through type parameters, common code can be implemented in classes, interfaces and methods.

Introduction of generics

Generics are an important feature introduced in the Java programming language that allow programmers to write more versatile and safer code.

In Java, generics allow us to define a data type that can be applied to many different data structures and algorithms without having to write specialized code for each case. Specifically, using generics allows us to parameterize types, allowing us to write code once and reuse it without having to write specialized code for each type. This can greatly simplify the code and improve code reusability and maintainability.

Another important advantage of using generics is that they can provide compile-time type checking and avoid problems such as type conversion errors at runtime. For example, if we define a function that only accepts integer types, and pass in a string type parameter when calling, an error will be reported at compile time, thus avoiding type conversion errors at runtime.

The most commonly used generics in Java are generic classes and generic methods. A generic class refers to defining at least one member of the class as a generic type, so that the class can support operations on multiple types of data. Generic methods refer to defining the input parameters or return values of the method with generics, thereby achieving the versatility and reusability of the method.

Inheritance is one of the three major characteristics of object-oriented. For example, when we add elements to a collection, the add() method fills in the Object class, and Object is the parent class of all classes, which creates a problem. –The added types cannot be unified, which may cause errors due to inconsistent types when traversing the collection to retrieve elements.

Basic concepts of generics

Generics are a mechanism for implementing parameterized types in programming languages. It allows us to use type parameters when defining classes, interfaces, and methods, so that we can create versatile code that is suitable for multiple data types.

The basic concepts of generics include the following aspects:

  1. Type Parameters: When defining classes, interfaces, and methods, use identifiers within angle brackets < > to represent one or more type parameters. For example, T in class MyClass {...} is the type parameter.

  2. Actual Type Arguments: When using generic classes, interfaces, and methods, provide specific types for type parameters. For example, Integer in MyClass is the actual type parameter, representing the type parameter T in class MyClass Specifically, it is the Integer type.

  3. Generic Class: A class that uses type parameters is called a generic class. You can create a generic class by appending type parameters to the class name. For example, class MyClass {...} is a generic class.

  4. Generic Interface: An interface that uses type parameters is called a generic interface. Similarly, a generic interface can be defined by adding type parameters after the interface name.

  5. Generic Method: A method with type parameters is called a generic method. Method versatility can be achieved by adding type parameters before the method return type and using type parameters as method parameters or return value types.

The main benefits of generics are improved code reusability and type safety. By using generics, we can write code once and reuse it on multiple data types without having to write specialized code for each data type. At the same time, the compiler can perform type checking at compile time to avoid problems such as type conversion errors at runtime.

Usage scenarios of generics

Generics can be used in many scenarios. Here are some typical usage scenarios:

  1. Collection Classes: Collection classes in Java all use generics, such as ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, etc. By using generics, these collection classes can be type-checked at runtime, avoiding type mismatch problems after compilation.

  2. Custom Data Structures: If you need to implement a common data structure, such as a stack, queue, etc., you can use generics to define these data structures and make them applicable to multiple data types.

  3. Interface and Method Parameter Types: When defining interfaces and methods, you can use generics to specify parameter types, making these interfaces and methods more versatile. For example, E in the List interface is the type parameter.

  4. Abstract Types: If you need to define an abstract type but do not want to specify a specific data type, you can use generics to define this abstract type. For example, the Comparable interface in Java is an abstract type, where T is the type parameter.

  5. Inheritance of Generic Classes: If you need to define a new generic class based on an existing generic class, you can achieve this through inheritance. For example, you can define a new generic class and add some new methods or member variables to it.

Advantages of generics

Generics have many advantages. Here are some of the main advantages:

  1. Type Safety: Generics allow type checking at compile time, preventing type conversion errors that may occur at run time. By specifying a parameterized type, you can ensure that your code will report an error when handling an incorrect type, rather than throwing an exception at runtime.

  2. Code Reusability: Using generics allows you to write universal code that is suitable for multiple data types. This avoids writing duplicate code for each data type, improving code reusability and maintainability.

  3. Program Performance: Generics take type information into account at compile time to generate more efficient code. Compared with the traditional use of Object type for type conversion, generics can reduce the type conversion overhead at runtime, thus improving the performance of the program.

  4. Type Checking and Automatic Casting: By using generics, you can reduce the work of manual type checking and type conversion. The compiler automatically checks the type parameters for a match and performs type conversions if necessary.

  5. Enhanced readability: Generics provide better annotation and documentation support for code. By using generic types and methods, you can express the intent of your code more clearly and make your code easier to understand and maintain.

  6. Safety of Collection Types: Using generics can ensure that the collection only contains elements of the specified type, avoiding type mismatch errors at runtime. This makes writing collection-related code simpler and safer.

Common uses of generics

Generics can be used in many scenarios. The following are common uses of generics:

  1. Define a generic class (Generic Class): Define a generic class that can accept one or more types of parameters and use these parameters in other members of the class. For example, List in Java is a generic class that can accept elements of any type.

  2. Define a generic method: Defining a generic method allows the method to accept one or more types of parameters and return the corresponding generic type. For example, the Collections.sort(List list) method in Java is a generic method that can sort any type of List.

  3. Type wildcard (Wildcard): Type wildcard can be used in generic types to represent a certain type or its subtypes. For example, List in Java represents a list whose element type is Number or its subtype.

  4. Generic qualifications (Bounds): Generic qualifications specify the conditions that a generic type must meet, which can be a class, interface, or other type. For example, means that T must be Number or its subclass.

  5. Generic Interface: Defining a generic interface allows the interface to accept one or more types of parameters. For example, the Comparator interface in Java is a generic interface that can be used to compare elements of any type.

Details to note about generics

When using generics, you need to pay attention to the following details:

  1. Generic type parameters are only valid at compile time: Generic type parameters are only valid during compilation and have no effect at runtime. That is, when the code runs, the generic type parameters are replaced with actual types.

  2. Basic data types cannot be used as generic type parameters: In Java, generic type parameters cannot be basic data types (such as int, float, etc.), but can only be object types. However, you can use corresponding packaging classes, such as Integer, Float, etc.

  3. Type erasure: Since Java’s generics are implemented through type erasure (Type Erasure), the specific information of the generic type parameters cannot be obtained at runtime. This means that we cannot directly create instances of generic types, and for generic type parameters, we can only execute its methods defined in the Object class.

  4. Generic array: You cannot create a generic array directly (for example, List[] arr = new List[10]), but you can create a primitive array and then perform type conversion. To achieve this (for example, List[] arr = new List[10]; List list = (List) arr[0]).

  5. Type wildcard: When using type wildcard (Wildcard), it cannot be used as a generic type parameter, nor can the wildcard type be used for inheritance or implementation of a class or interface.

How to write a paradigm

In Java, the basic syntax of generics includes the following parts:

  1. Define a generic class: You can use angle brackets <> to represent generic type parameters, such as class MyClass, where T is a generic type parameter.

  2. Define a generic method: Use angle brackets <> before the method return value to define generic type parameters, such as public void myMethod(T param), where T is A generic type parameter.

  3. Use generics: Where you need to use generics, use angle brackets <> to specify generic type parameters, for example List list = new ArrayList();.

  4. Generic wildcards: Use to represent any type of wildcard, such as List list = new ArrayList<>();.

Here is a simple example of a generic class and generic methods:

public class MyClass<T> {
    private T value;
    public MyClass(T value) {
        this.value = value;
    public T getValue() {
        return value;

public <T> void printArray(T[] arr) {
    for (T element : arr) {

In the above example, MyClass is a generic class that can accept parameters of any type. printArray is a generic method that can print any type of array. These are basic generic writing methods.

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