Unicom Yanfeigewu IOT access to smoke and dust


Use MQTT.fx to access Yanfei Gewu DMP platform

New product

Use MQTT.fx to access Yanfei Gewu DMP platform

MQTT.fx is an MQTT client tool written in Java language based on Eclipse Paho, which supports subscribing and publishing messages through Topic. The following takes MQTT.fx as an example to introduce the use of third-party software to access the Yanfei Gewu DMP platform through the MQTT protocol.

Prerequisites: Products and devices have been created on the Yanfei Gewu DMP platform, and device authentication information (ProductKey, DeviceKey, DeviceSerect, etc.) has been obtained. For details on how to create products and devices, please refer to the documentation for creating products, creating devices individually, or creating devices in batches.
Take the MQTT directly connected device using the one-machine-one-secret authentication method to authenticate the access platform as an example. For other access authentication methods, see the device online instruction document.

Connection information

deviceId can be customized, it only needs to be globally unique;

Use the hmac_sha256 algorithm online signature to get the password

Data reporting

Reference document: &articleTypeId=0

Single attribute reporting

// content
 {<!-- -->
"messageId": "1234",
"params": {<!-- -->
"key": "windSpeed",
"value": 13,
"ts": "1678759768157"

Multi-attribute batch reporting

// content
{<!-- -->
"messageId": 54691,
"params": {<!-- -->
"data": [{<!-- -->
"key": "tsp",
"value": 10
{<!-- -->
"key": "pm25",
"value": 9.93
{<!-- -->
"key": "pm10",
"value": 12.93
{<!-- -->
"key": "windSpeed",
"value": 5
{<!-- -->
"key": "powerSavingMode",
"value": 1
{<!-- -->
"key": "geoLocation",
"value": {<!-- -->
"longitude": 118.763334,
"latitude": 32.0175,
"altitude": 3.93,
"ts": 1600695731000

Display Data

Device Shadow

Platform release update

Device monitor shadow theme

After the platform sends out the command, the device listens to the command, then performs local settings, and then responds to $sys/{productKey}/{deviceKey}/deviceShadow/command_reply

# $sys/cu10pusjit6gfi1n/yangchen1/deviceShadow/command
{<!-- -->
"messageId": "2",
"params": {<!-- -->
"state": {<!-- -->
"desired": {<!-- -->
"tsp": 12,
"pm25": 2,
"pm10": 23,
"windSpeed": 23.0
"reported": {<!-- -->}
"metadata": {<!-- -->
"desired": {<!-- -->
"tsp": {<!-- -->
"ts": "1678766756862"
"pm25": {<!-- -->
"ts": "1678766756862"
"pm10": {<!-- -->
"ts": "1678766756862"
"windSpeed": {<!-- -->
"ts": "1678766756862"
"reported": {<!-- -->}
"ts": "1678766756862",
"version": 3

Use http to access the smoke sensor

Get token

{<!-- -->
    "timestamp":"{<!-- -->{timestamp}}",
    "sign":"{<!-- -->{sign}}"

Pre-request Script

// Get the current timestamp
var timestamp = new Date().getTime();
var body = pm.request.body;
var raw = body.raw;
var data = JSON. parse(raw);
var productKey = data. productKey;
var deviceKey = data.deviceKey;
var deviceId = data.deviceId;
var deviceSecret = data. secretKey;
var signMethod = data. signMethod;
var operator = data. operator;
var reqContent = deviceId + deviceKey + productKey + signMethod + operator + timestamp;
var reqSign=(CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(reqContent,deviceSecret)).toString() // encrypt and convert to string
var sign = reqSign.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex) // Convert to hexadecimal

pm.environment.set("timestamp", timestamp);
pm.environment.set("sign", sign);

Property reporting

{<!-- -->
    "messageId": 54691,
    "params": {<!-- -->
        "data": [
            {<!-- -->
                "key": "batteryPower",
                "value": 10
            {<!-- -->
                "key": "signalStrength",
                "value": 9.93
            {<!-- -->
                "key": "smokeScope",
                "value": 12.93
            {<!-- -->
                "key": "dirtyPercent",
                "value": 5
            {<!-- -->
                "key": "signalSNR",
                "value": 1
            {<!-- -->
                "key": "geoLocation",
                "value": {<!-- -->
                    "longitude": 118.763334,
                    "latitude": 32.0175,
                    "altitude": 3.93,
                    "coordinateSystem": 1
        "ts": {<!-- -->{<!-- -->timestamp}}

Event reporting

{<!-- -->
    "messageId": 54691,
    "params": {<!-- -->
        "data": [
            {<!-- -->
                "key": "fireAlarm_event",
                "value": 10
            {<!-- -->
                "key": "power_event",
                "value": 9.93
            {<!-- -->
                "key": "communication_event",
                "value": 12.93
            {<!-- -->
                "key": "dirtyPercent",
                "value": 5
            {<!-- -->
                "key": "signalSNR",
                "value": 1
            {<!-- -->
                "key": "geoLocation",
                "value": {<!-- -->
                    "longitude": 118.763334,
                    "latitude": 32.0175,
                    "altitude": 3.93,
                    "coordinateSystem": 1
        "ts": {<!-- -->{<!-- -->timestamp}}