[Ethereum source code go-ethereum reading] accounts/keystore/account_cache.go

// Copyright 2017 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package keystore

import (

mapset "github.com/deccarep/golang-set/v2"

// Minimum amount of time between cache reloads. This limit applies if the platform does
// not support change notifications. It also applies if the keystore directory does not
// exist yet, the code will attempt to create a watcher at most this often.
// Minimum time between cache reloads. This limitation applies if the platform does not support change notifications. The code will at most try to create a watcher if the keystore directory doesn't already exist, which also applies.
const minReloadInterval = 2 * time. Second

type accountsByURL[]accounts.Account

func (s accountsByURL) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s accountsByURL) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i].URL.Cmp(s[j].URL) < 0 }
func (s accountsByURL) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }

// AmbiguousAddrError is returned when attempting to unlock
// an address for which more than one file exists.
// An ambiguous AddrError is returned when attempting to unlock an address where multiple files exist.
type AmbiguousAddrError struct {
Addr common.Address
Matches []accounts.Account

func (err *AmbiguousAddrError) Error() string {
files := ""
for i, a := range err. Matches {
files += a.URL.Path
if i < len(err. Matches)-1 {
files + = ", "
return fmt.Sprintf("multiple keys match address (%s)", files)

// accountCache is a live index of all accounts in the keystore.
// accountCache is a live index of all accounts in the keystore.
type accountCache struct {
keydir string
watcher *watcher
mu sync.Mutex
all accountsByURL
byAddr map[common.Address][]accounts.Account
throttle *time. Timer
notify chan struct {}
fileC fileCache

func newAccountCache(keydir string) (*accountCache, chan struct{}) {
ac := &accountCache{
keydir: keydir,
byAddr: make(map[common.Address][]accounts.Account),
notify: make(chan struct{}, 1),
fileC: fileCache{all: mapset. NewThreadUnsafeSet[string]()},
ac. watcher = newWatcher(ac)
return ac, ac.notify

func (ac *accountCache) accounts() []accounts.Account {
ac. maybeReload()
defer ac.mu.Unlock()
cpy := make([]accounts.Account, len(ac.all))
copy(cpy, ac.all)
return cpy

func (ac *accountCache) hasAddress(addr common.Address) bool {
ac. maybeReload()
defer ac.mu.Unlock()
return len(ac.byAddr[addr]) > 0

func (ac *accountCache) add(newAccount accounts. Account) {
defer ac.mu.Unlock()

i := sort.Search(len(ac.all), func(i int) bool { return ac.all[i].URL.Cmp(newAccount.URL) >= 0 })
if i < len(ac.all) & amp; & amp; ac.all[i] == newAccount {
// newAccount is not in the cache. newAccount is not in the cache.
ac.all = append(ac.all, accounts.Account{})
copy(ac. all[i + 1:], ac. all[i:])
ac.all[i] = newAccount
ac.byAddr[newAccount.Address] = append(ac.byAddr[newAccount.Address], newAccount)

// note: removed needs to be unique here (i.e. both File and Address must be set).
// Note: removed needs to be unique here (that is, both File and Address must be set).
func (ac *accountCache) delete(removed accounts. Account) {
defer ac.mu.Unlock()

ac.all = removeAccount(ac.all, removed)
if ba := removeAccount(ac.byAddr[removed.Address], removed); len(ba) == 0 {
delete(ac.byAddr, removed.Address)
} else {
ac.byAddr[removed.Address] = ba

// deleteByFile removes an account referenced by the given path.
// deleteByteFile deletes the account referenced by the given path.
func (ac *accountCache) deleteByFile(path string) {
defer ac.mu.Unlock()
i := sort.Search(len(ac.all), func(i int) bool { return ac.all[i].URL.Path >= path })

if i < len(ac.all) & amp; & amp; ac.all[i].URL.Path == path {
removed := ac.all[i]
ac.all = append(ac.all[:i], ac.all[i + 1:]...)
if ba := removeAccount(ac.byAddr[removed.Address], removed); len(ba) == 0 {
delete(ac.byAddr, removed.Address)
} else {
ac.byAddr[removed.Address] = ba

// watcherStarted returns true if the watcher loop started running (even if it
// has since also ended).
// watcherStarted will return true if the watcher loop started running (even if it has since ended).
func (ac *accountCache) watcherStarted() bool {
defer ac.mu.Unlock()
return ac.watcher.running || ac.watcher.runEnded

func removeAccount(slice []accounts.Account, elem accounts.Account) []accounts.Account {
for i := range slice {
if slice[i] == elem {
return append(slice[:i], slice[i + 1:]...)
return slice

// find returns the cached account for address if there is a unique match.
// The exact matching rules are explained by the documentation of accounts.Account.
// Callers must hold ac.mu.
// If there is a unique match, find will return the cache account for the address. The documentation for accounts.Account explains the exact matching rules. Callers must have ac.mu.
func (ac *accountCache) find(a accounts. Account) (accounts. Account, error) {
// Limit search to address candidates if possible.
// Limit the search to address candidates, if possible.
matches := ac.all
if (a. Address != common. Address{}) {
matches = ac.byAddr[a.Address]
if a.URL.Path != "" {
// If only the basename is specified, complete the path.
// If only the basename is specified, complete the path.
if !strings.ContainsRune(a.URL.Path, filepath.Separator) {
a.URL.Path = filepath.Join(ac.keydir, a.URL.Path)
for i := range matches {
if matches[i].URL == a.URL {
return matches[i], nil
if (a. Address == common. Address{}) {
return accounts.Account{}, ErrNoMatch
switch len(matches) {
case 1:
return matches[0], nil
case 0:
return accounts.Account{}, ErrNoMatch
err := &AmbiguousAddrError{Addr: a.Address, Matches: make([]accounts.Account, len(matches))}
copy(err. Matches, matches)
return accounts.Account{}, err

func (ac *accountCache) maybeReload() {

if ac. watcher. running {
return // A watcher is running and will keep the cache up-to-date. The watcher is running and will keep the cache up-to-date.
if ac.throttle == nil {
ac.throttle = time.NewTimer(0)
} else {
select {
case <- ac.throttle.C:
return // The cache was reloaded recently. The cache was recently reloaded.
// No watcher running, start it. No watcher running, start it.
ac. scanAccounts()

func (ac *accountCache) close() {
ac. watcher. close()
if ac.throttle != nil {
if ac.notify != nil {
close(ac. notify)
ac. notify = nil

// scanAccounts checks if any changes have occurred on the filesystem, and
// updates the account cache accordingly
// scanAccounts checks for any changes on the file system and updates the accounts cache accordingly
func (ac *accountCache) scanAccounts() error {
// Scan the entire folder metadata for file changes Scan the entire folder metadata for file changes
creates, deletes, updates, err := ac.fileC.scan(ac.keydir)
if err != nil {
log.Debug("Failed to reload keystore contents", "err", err)
return err
if creates. Cardinality() == 0 & amp; & amp; deletes. Cardinality() == 0 & amp; & amp; updates. Cardinality() == 0 {
return nil
// Create a helper method to scan the contents of the key files
// Create a helper method to scan the contents of the key file
var (
buf = new(bufio. Reader)
key struct {
Address string `json:"address"`
readAccount := func(path string) *accounts.Account {
fd, err := os. Open(path)
if err != nil {
log.Trace("Failed to open keystore file", "path", path, "err", err)
return nil
defer fd. Close()
buf. Reset(fd)
// Parse the address. Parse the address.
key.Address = ""
err = json.NewDecoder(buf).Decode( & amp;key)
addr := common.HexToAddress(key.Address)
switch {
case err != nil:
log.Debug("Failed to decode keystore key", "path", path, "err", err)
case addr == common. Address{}:
log.Debug("Failed to decode keystore key", "path", path, "err", "missing or zero address")
return &accounts.Account{
Address: addr,
URL: accounts. URL{Scheme: KeyStoreScheme, Path: path},
return nil
// Process all the file diffs process all file differences
start := time. Now()

for _, path := range creates. ToSlice() {
if a := readAccount(path); a != nil {
for _, path := range deletes. ToSlice() {
for _, path := range updates. ToSlice() {
if a := readAccount(path); a != nil {
end := time. Now()

select {
case ac.notify <- struct{}{}:
log.Trace("Handled keystore changes", "time", end.Sub(start))
return nil