Install kali nethunter on mobile phone termux (method to solve the unusable problem)

(After many changes, the following method is the fastest and most effective way to install kali nethunter.)

[The order cannot be disordered]

1. First install termux.

This can be found directly on the Internet, but it is recommended not to install Zerotermux and termux versions that have other permissions besides storage, floating windows, and installation of other applications. Zerotermux only has one window, and sometimes it can be annoying to view previous records.

2. Change source (this should be changing warehouse)


Select the following BFSU here, select it with a space and press Enter.


3. Obtain storage permissions:


A dialog box will pop up, click Agree. However, I recommend going to Settings-Applications and Services-Application Management to find termux to change its permissions. It is also recommended to open the installation of other applications, although it is not used.

4. Update. It is recommended to use the following command:

pkg up -y

When the option appears later, select y. This method is relatively simple.

5. Install some dependencies and execute them.

pkg install python

This command is only for installing download dependencies.

5.1 and below are all to solve the problem of slow download scripts.

pip install requests
pip install tqdm
pip install prettytable
pip install beautifulsoup4

(5.2) Some models are connected to the server when executing the following download command, but no data is downloaded:

wget -O install-nethunter-termux

If this problem occurs, it is recommended to uninstall and reinstall termux, and then execute the following command after executing the above command:

bundle init

Then follow the prompts to download the software package (I don’t remember)! After downloading, execute the command:

bundle init

The following is the download environment provided for 5.3

pkg install proot

6. Follow the method given on the official website below to install kali nethunter can also use the following command:

It is recommended to skip the official website due to network problems.

6.1kali official website installation link:

kali nethunter

It is recommended to use Microsoft’s browser Edge to translate English, although it is not accurate in some places. You can download and install it directly from the Huawei store. Just skip creating an account or something.

I found the following one (the installation and downloading time is a bit long without circumvention software) mainly because termux cannot change the DNS server. Because the author of the termux software doesn’t know where it put the network configuration file!


The following is the copied command:

pkg install wget
wget -O install-nethunter-termux

6.2 If the following problems occur during use, or if you do not consider safety and waiting, you can directly change the command to:

wget -O install-nethunter-termux


6.3 Give script permissions

chmod + x install-nethunter-termux

In 7.1, you can modify the DNS server address here

pkg install vim

(The following command has been changed, the previous one was wrong.)

vi /etc/resolv.conf

7.2 Add the following two lines to the front. Change the IP address at the back to the one closest to you (Baidu) and the most idle, otherwise it will still slow down if everyone uses these two.


Delete the original DNS server IP so that everything you download will be faster.

It is recommended to add the following DNS server, which is the global broadcast address (all IPs below are wrong):



8. exit the virtual environment and finally run the script

exit the virtual environment:


Execute script:


1.Full version

2. Lite version

2.Mini version

9The installation time is a bit long


10. Choose one of the three versions (I installed the full version 1)

It has been installed according to the above method. /

If it takes more than half an hour to install, it means it has been installed. [y/n] Select n.

Tip: If the installation exits midway, just re-execute the script and reinstall. When [y/n] appears, select y

If the following problem occurs, it is because termux is in a virtual environment. Use the following command to exit the running script:

Problem: [*] chmod: cannot access ‘kali-arm64/usr/bin/sudo’: No such file or directory



If you have downloaded it completely, select the following selection when it appears: n

Tip: [?] Existing image file found. Delete and download a new one? [y/N]

Otherwise the installation cannot be completed.

If it still cannot be installed, it is recommended to use rm -r * to delete all cultures, and then use the following command to download the script and reinstall:

rm -r * 
wget -O install-nethunter-termux
chmod + x install-nethunter-termux

11. To solve the problem of being unable to use, please refer to my article below. The bottom one (kali nethunter graphical desktop) solves the graphical desktop problem.

Note: This version ofkali nethunter is a rootless system, so many that require root permissions cannot be used normally.

Solve the problem of installing kali nethunter or kali liunx on termux. (Network problems such as nmap, etc. cannot be used to access the Internet) – CSDN Blog

kali nethunter graphical desktop problem