Solve python object is not subscriptable

Table of Contents

Solve the problem of Python “object is not subscriptable”



1. Check the type of object

2. Check whether the object implements the __getitem__() method

3. Check whether the properties of the object are accessed correctly


Application scenario example: processing JSON data

Method definition and usage

Access elements using subscripts

Access properties using keys

Issues that need attention

Solving the problem of Python “object is not subscriptable”

In programming, when you try to use the subscript operator??[]?? to access the properties or elements of an object, you sometimes encounter the error message “object is not subscriptable”. This error usually occurs when using iterable objects such as dictionaries, lists, and tuples, indicating that the object cannot be subscripted. In this article, we will cover the common causes of this error and provide some solutions.


One of the common causes of “object is not subscriptable” errors is when you try to subscript a non-iterable object. Taking a dictionary as an example, when you use a dictionary key to access the corresponding value, you need to use the dictionary’s subscript operator??[]??. This error will occur if you try to subscript a non-dictionary object (such as an integer, string, etc.). Another possible reason is that you are trying to subscript a property of an iterable object. For example, when subscripting an instance of a custom class, you need to ensure that the class implements the ??__getitem__()?? method to support subscript access.


1. Check the type of object

First, you need to confirm that the object you are operating on is an iterable object, such as a dictionary, list, tuple, etc. You can use the ??type()??function to check the type of an object.

pythonCopy codemy_list = [1, 2, 3]
print(type(my_list)) # <class 'list'>

If the object type is not an iterable object, you need to consider whether you need to change the way you operate or use an appropriate data structure instead.

2. Check whether the object implements the ??__getitem__()??method

If you are working with an instance of a custom class, you need to ensure that the class implements the __getitem__() method to support subscripting. The ??__getitem__()?? method defines the result returned by the subscript operation.

pythonCopy codeclass MyCustomClass:
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        # Return the result corresponding to the subscript

After ensuring that the custom class implements the __getitem__() method, you can use the subscript operator on the instance to access the corresponding attribute or element.

3. Check whether the object’s attributes are correctly accessed

When you use the subscript operator to access an object’s properties, you need to make sure that the property’s name is correct. For example, when using a dictionary, you need to use existing keys to access corresponding values.

pythonCopy codemy_dict = {"key": "value"}

If you try to access a value using a key that does not exist in the dictionary, you will get a “KeyError” instead of “object is not subscriptable”.


In Python programming, it is common to use the subscript operator ??[]?? to access properties or elements of an object. When encountering the “object is not subscriptable” error, you can follow the above solutions to check and fix the problem, including checking the type of the object and ensuring that the custom class implements ??__getitem__()?? method and correctly access the object’s properties. I hope this article can help you understand and solve the “object is not subscriptable” error and improve your Python programming skills.

Application scenario example: processing JSON data

In actual applications, we often need to process JSON data and use the subscript operator??[]?? to access the attributes or elements of JSON data. However, if the object after parsing the JSON data is not an iterable object, an “object is not subscriptable” error will occur. Here is a sample code for processing JSON data:

pythonCopy codeimport json
# Assume we have the following JSON data
json_data = '''
    "name": "John",
    "age": 25,
    "skills": ["Python", "Java", "JavaScript"]
    # Parse JSON data
    data = json.loads(json_data)
    # Use the subscript operator to access attributes or elements of JSON data
    name = data["name"]
    age = data["age"]
    skills = data["skills"]
    print(f"Name: {name}")
    print(f"Age: {age}")
    for skill in skills:
    print("Invalid key")
    print("Object is not subscriptable")
except json.JSONDecodeError:
    print("Invalid JSON format")

In this example, we first parse the JSON data into Python objects using the json.loads() function. Then, we use the subscript operator ??[]?? to access attributes or elements of the JSON data, such as ??data["name"]?? to get the name, ??data["age"]?? to get the age, ??data["skills"]?? to get the skill list . Finally, we loop through the list of skills and print out each skill. With this example, we can process JSON data and avoid “object is not subscriptable” errors. If JSON data parsing fails, we can also capture ??json.JSONDecodeError?? to handle parsing errors.

??__getitem__()? The method is a special method (also called a magic method or magic method) in Python that supports the subscript operator ??[] ?. When we use the subscript operator to access attributes or elements of an object, Python will automatically call the object’s ??__getitem__()?? method to handle the operation.

Method definition and usage

??__getitem__()??The method is defined in the class and accepts a parameter that specifies the index or key to be accessed. Depending on the subscript or key, the ??__getitem__()?? method can have different implementations.

Use subscripts to access elements

When using the subscript operator ??[]?? to access an element of an object, you can return the corresponding element by implementing the ??__getitem__()?? method. Here is an example of using a list to implement the ??__getitem__()?? method:

pythonCopy codeclass MyList:
    def __init__(self, elements):
        self.elements = elements
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self.elements[index]
my_list = MyList([1, 2, 3])
print(my_list[0]) # Output: 1
print(my_list[1]) # Output: 2
print(my_list[2]) # Output: 3

In this example, the MyList class implements the __getitem__() method, which accepts an index >? parameter and returns the corresponding element. When we use ??my_list[index]?? to access elements, Python will automatically call ??my_list.__getitem__(index)?? to return the corresponding element.

Use key to access attributes

In a dictionary or other dictionary-like object, we can access the corresponding properties or values through keys. Likewise, you can support accessing properties using keys by implementing the __getitem__() method. Here is an example of using a dictionary to implement the ??__getitem__()?? method:

pythonCopy codeclass MyDict:
    def __init__(self): = {}
    def __getitem__(self, key):
my_dict = MyDict() = {
    "name": "John",
    "age": 25,
    "skills": ["Python", "Java", "JavaScript"]
print(my_dict["name"]) # Output: John
print(my_dict["age"]) # Output: 25
print(my_dict["skills"]) # Output: ["Python", "Java", "JavaScript"]

In this example, the MyDict class implements the __getitem__() method, which accepts a key >? parameter and return the corresponding value. When we use ??my_dict[key]?? to access attributes, Python will automatically call ??my_dict.__getitem__(key)?? to return the corresponding value.

Issues requiring attention

  • When accessing an object using the subscript operator ??[]??, if the object’s ??__getitem__()?? method cannot handle the given subscript or key , will trigger a ??KeyError?? exception.
  • The ??__getitem__()?? method can be combined with other special methods (such as ??__setitem__()??, ??__delitem__()? ?, etc.) to provide complete container operation support.
  • The ??__getitem__()?? method can also accept multiple parameters to implement more complex subscript access. For example, ??__getitem__(self, key1, key2)?? can be implemented in a class to support using multiple keys to access attributes or elements. In short, the ??__getitem__()?? method is a special method used to support subscript operations, which allows us to use subscripts to access attributes or elements of an object. By implementing the ??__getitem__()?? method, we can customize the behavior of the class and provide a more flexible and convenient usage.

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