How Vue+Element-UI displays data in Json files

In the process of writing code today, I want to read the province, city, and district information from the Json file and display it in the drop-down box respectively, so I want to share my writing process and better implementation method.

1 Idea 1

json data:


    "zoneId": 459,
    "code": "210000",
    "parentId": "0",
    "name": "Liaoning Province",
    "children": [

        "zoneId": 460,
        "code": "210100",
        "parentId": "210000",
        "name": "Shenyang City",
        "children": [

            "zoneId": 461,
            "code": "210102",
            "parentId": "210100",
            "name": "Peace District"

            "zoneId": 462,
            "code": "210103",
            "parentId": "210100",
            "name": "Shenhe District"

            "zoneId": 463,
            "code": "210104",
            "parentId": "210100",
            "name": "Dadong District"

            "zoneId": 464,
            "code": "210105",
            "parentId": "210100",
            "name": "Huanggu District"

            "zoneId": 465,
            "code": "210106",
            "parentId": "210100",
            "name": "Tiexi District"

            "zoneId": 466,
            "code": "210111",
            "parentId": "210100",
            "name": "Sujiatun District"

            "zoneId": 467,
            "code": "210112",
            "parentId": "210100",
            "name": "Hunnan District"

            "zoneId": 468,
            "code": "210113",
            "parentId": "210100",
            "name": "Shenbei New District"

            "zoneId": 469,
            "code": "210114",
            "parentId": "210100",
            "name": "Yuhong District"

            "zoneId": 470,
            "code": "210115",
            "parentId": "210100",
            "name": "Liaozhong District"

            "zoneId": 471,
            "code": "210123",
            "parentId": "210100",
            "name": "Kangping County"

            "zoneId": 472,
            "code": "210124",
            "parentId": "210100",
            "name": "Faku County"

            "zoneId": 473,
            "code": "210181",
            "parentId": "210100",
            "name": "Xinmin City"

To read json data, use the require method. I won’t introduce this method in detail here. Assign the read data to provinceOptions

At first, I just wanted to make a fuss about tags and nest tags.

<el-form-item label="City" prop="city">
          <el-select v-model="" filterable placeholder="Please select your city" clearable
              v-for="item in provinceOptions"
                    v-for="item1 in item.children"

Disadvantages: But I found that in this case, I can only nest two levels and cannot display the information about the area. Another requirement is that we need to achieve the linkage effect ==> That is, when a province is selected, the information of all cities corresponding to this province can be realized in the drop-down box of the corresponding city for selection, and so on. /county…

But I thought about it, and based on the above ideas,I can add an if judgment to achieve linkage.

              v-for="item in provinceOptions"
                    v-if=" == form.province"
                    v-for="item1 in item.children"

But the most important problem is still unresolved, which is to display the information of the exit zone, so we came up with the second idea

2 Idea 2

That is, you can add the @change method to the drop-down box labels of provinces and cities respectively.

<el-form-item label="Province" prop="province">
          <el-select v-model="form.province" filterable placeholder="Please select your province" clearable
              v-for="item in provinceOptions"

        <el-form-item label="City" prop="city">
          <el-select v-model="" filterable placeholder="Please select your city" clearable
              v-for="item in cityOptions"
        <el-form-item label="District/County" prop="district">
          <el-select v-model="form.district" filterable placeholder="Please select your district/county" clearable>
              v-for="item in districtOptions"
data() {
    return {
        districtOptions: [],
        cityOptions: [],
        provinceOptions: [],

methods: {
    handleProvinceChange() {
      let province
      for (const item of this.provinceOptions) {
        if( === this.form.province) {
          province = item
      this.cityOptions = province ? province.children : []

      //When triggering this method, the city and district need to be cleared. = ''
      this.form.district = ''

    handleCityChange() {
      let city
      for (const item1 of this.cityOptions) {
        if( === {
          city = item1

      this.districtOptions = city ? city.children : []
      this.form.collegeDistrict = ''


The above content is some of my own thoughts and thinking process. I hope it can be of some help to you!