Destructuring assignment of es6 syntax

Destructuring assignment can also be regarded as a characteristic operation of es6. Through a specific mode, extract values from arrays or objects and assign values to variables. This mode is called destructuring assignment.

1. Array destructuring assignment

 let [a, b, c] = [6, 8, 9];
        console.log(a, b, c) //6 8 9

As mentioned above, this is actually a kind of “pattern matching”, so some of the following scenarios also support deconstruction.

nested array destructuring assignment

 let [a, [b, c, [d]], e] = [1, [2, 3, [4]], 5];
        console.log(a, b, c, d, e) //1 2 3 4 5

Some elements in the array are destructured and assigned

 let [a, , c] = [1, 3, 4]
        console.log(a, c) //1 4

Destructuring assignment using the spread operator (…)

 let [a, ...b] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
        console.log(a,b) //1 [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Insufficient array elements on the right side of the equal sign when destructuring assignment

 let [a, b, ... c] = [1];
        console.log(a, b, c) //1 undefined []

Incomplete destructuring: When the destructuring assignment only matches some elements on the right side of the equal sign, the destructuring assignment can still succeed

 let [a] = [1, 2, 3]
        console.log(a) //1

It is not difficult to see from the above examples that the requirements for deconstruction assignment are relatively loose.
But if the right side of the equal sign is not a traversable structure, an error will be reported.
In fact, as long as a certain data structure has the Iterator interface, the destructuring assignment in the form of an array can be used. (Whether the destructuring assignment will report an error or not depends on whether it is a data structure with an Iterator interface)

Default value: Destructuring assignment can set a default value. When the array element on the right side of the equal sign === undefined, the default value will take effect.

 let [a, b=6, ...c] = [1];
        console.log(a, b, c) //1 6 []

‘undefined’ and null obviously cannot ===undefined, so the default value does not take effect

 let [a = 3, b = 6, ...c] = ['undefined', null];
        console.log(a, b, c) //undefined null []

If the default value is an expression, the expression will only be evaluated when used.

 let [a = f()] = [];
        function f() {
            console.log('used the default value') //used the default value
            return 6;

Default values can also refer to other variables, provided they can only refer to variables that have already been declared.

 let [a = 1, b = a] = []
        console.log(a, b) //1 1

        let [a = b, b = 1] = []
        console.log(a, b) //Uncaught ReferenceError: Cannot access 'b' before initialization

2. Object deconstruction assignment
The destructuring assignment of an object is similar to that of an array, but the difference is that the variable name must be the same as the property name in order to get the correct value.
Otherwise, the deconstruction will fail, and the variable value of the deconstruction failure will be equal to undefined.

 let {a,b}={a:'555',c:'888'}
        console.log(a,b) //555 undefined

If the variable name and the object property name are really inconsistent, but we need to use destructuring assignment, we can do this

 let {a:b}={a:'666'}
        console.log(b) //666

So the essence of object destructuring assignment is actually as follows, but the destructuring mode with the same attribute name and variable name as a:a and b:b can be abbreviated as a, b,
If there is no attribute e on the right side of the equal sign, the value cannot be obtained, so the value of e is undefined.

 let {a:a,b:b,c:d,e:e}={b:'777',a:'666',c:'999'}
        console.log(a,b,d,e) //666 777 999 undefined

Like arrays, object deconstruction also supports objects with nested structures. In the following example, the first a is a variable, and the destructured object is the array corresponding to attribute a
And the second a is a deconstruction mode and will not be assigned.

 let obj = {
                    y: '222'

        let {a,a: [x, {y}]} = obj;
        console.log(a,x,y) //(2) ['111', {y: '222'}] '111' '222'

Second example of nested object destructuring

 const node = {
            a: {
                b: {
                    c: 1,
                    d: 2

        let {a,a:{b,b:{c,d} } } = node;
        console.log(a,b,c,d) //{b:{c: 1, d: 2} } {c: 1, d: 2} 1 2

If the destructuring mode is a nested object, and the parent property where the child object is located does not exist, an error will be reported.
In the following example, the parent attribute a of the object {b} does not exist, and the deconstruction code reports an error

let {a: {b} } = {b:'111', c: '222'}; // Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'b')

The destructuring assignment of the object can get the inherited properties.

 const a = {};
        const b = {
        Object. setPrototypeOf(a, b);
        const {c} = a;
        console.log(c) // "111"

Object destructuring defaults

 var {a = 3,b:c=4,d:e=6,f} = {f:2,b:9};
        console.log(a,c,e,f)//3 9 6 2

Since arrays are essentially special objects, object properties can be destructured on arrays.

 let arr = [1, 2, 3];
        let {
            0: a,
            1: b
        } = arr;
        console.log(a,b) //1,2

3. String destructuring assignment
When the string is destructured and assigned, the string is converted into an array-like object, and at the same time, the length property can be destructured and assigned.

 const [a, b, c, d, e] = 'jxy666';
        console.log(a, b, c, d, e) //j x y 6 6
        let {length : len} = 'jxy666';
        console.log(len) //6

4. Numeric and Boolean deconstruction
The rule of destructuring assignment is that as long as the value on the right side of the equal sign is not an object or an array, it is first converted to an object

 let {toString: a} = 123;
        console.log(a === Number.prototype.toString) // true
        let {toString: b} = true;
        console.log(a === Boolean.prototype.toString) // true

Since undefined and null cannot be converted into objects, an error will be reported if they are deconstructed and assigned

 let { prop: x } = undefined; // TypeError
        let { prop: y } = null; // TypeError

5. Destructuring assignment of function parameters

 function add([x, y]) {
            return x + y;
        console.log(add([1, 2])); // 3

Function parameter destructure assignment default value

 function move({a = 0,b = 1} = {a:2,b:3}) {
           console. log(a, b);
        move({a: 3,b: 4}); // 3 4
        move({a: 3}); //3 1
        move({b: 4}); //0 4
        move({}); // 0 1
        move(); // 2 3

The ES6 rule is that parentheses must not be used whenever there is an ambiguity that could lead to destructuring.
Therefore, it is recommended that parentheses not be placed in patterns whenever possible.
6. Scenarios for Destructuring Assignments
Assignment of swap variables

 let a = 1;
        let b = 2;
        [a, b] = [b, a];
        console.log(a, b)

The return value of the destructor function is an array

 function jxy() {
            return [6,7,8]
        let [a,b,c]=jxy();
        console.log(a,b,c); //6 7 8

The return value of the destructor function is an object

 function jxy() {
            return {a:'jxy',b:'666'}
        let {a,b}=jxy();
        console.log(a + b); //jxy666

Applying destructuring assignments to function parameters

 // parameter is an array of values
        function f([a, b, c]) {
            console. log(a, b, c)
        f([1, 2, 3]);
        // The parameter is an array of values in the form of an object
        function f({a, b, c}) {
            console. log(a, b, c)
        f({a:'1', b:'5', c:'7'});

Extract certain attribute values from json data

 let jxyData = {
            a: 'jxy',
            b: "18 years old",
            c: "cheerful"
        let {a,c,b}=jxyData;
        console.log(c, a, b);//cheerful jxy 18 years old

Deconstruct the default value of function parameters, specify the default value of function parameters, and avoid further judgment in the function body

 function move({a = 0,b = 1} = {a:2,b:3}) {
           console. log(a, b);
        move({a: 3,b: 4}); // 3 4
        move({a: 3}); //3 1
        move({b: 4}); //0 4
        move({}); // 0 1
        move(); // 2 3

When the map data structure is traversing the value, it can deconstruct and assign the value of each traversal

 const map = new Map();
        map.set('I am', 'jxy');
        map.set('jxy', '666');
        for (let [key, value] of map) {
            console.log(key + value);
        // I am jxy
        // jxy666

When importing a module, you can specify certain methods in the imported module

 const { SourceMapConsumer, SourceNode } = require("source-map");