A comprehensive summary of new string manipulation methods in JS+ES6, a total of forty-seven methods

Let me introduce to you how to operate strings. Most of what you know and don’t know is here! The classification may be a little wrong, please forgive me! Added 1.concat() Splicing strings can concatenate two or more strings let str = “hello” let str1 = “str” console.log(“hello”.concat(str1)) //hello str console.log(str.concat(str1)) //hello str 2.padStart(total length, […]

[Module] Mixed development of ES6 and cjs

[Module] Mixed development of ES6 and cjs module language Reasons for mixed development Using ES6 in Nodejs An explanation of dynamic loading The module language of the project CJS and ESM development How to use modules Common module introduction Introduction of json file Ordinary module export CJS compatible with ESM ESM compatible with CJS (recommended) […]

05_01_vue01_ES6 modularity and asynchronous programming

ES6 Modularity Basic concepts of modularization Front-end modular classification Before the birth of the ES6 modular specification, the JavaScript community had already tried and proposed modular specifications such as AMD, CMD, and CommonJS. However, these modular standards proposed by the community still have certain differences and limitations, and are not universal modular standards for browsers […]

ES6 proxy and reflection implement proxy method proxy

Personal website: https://aijianli.site/ You can create a resume online for free and provide PDF download, which is convenient and fast. vqa (view query api) is a back-end query component, which is convenient for writing SQL queries and can reduce the need to add business code to the back-end code. The way the front end calls […]

Install and crack x-pack based on ES6.6.2

Statement: This article does not contain any transactions. If there is any infringement, please contact me to delete it. The version of this environment is: elasticsearch-6.6.2 Starting from version 6.3+, xpack is built into es and there is no need to install a plug-in. Start the main topic: Step 1: Generate ca certificate Execute in […]

Set collection and Map mapping in ES6

Article directory 1. Set collection 1.Basic use of Set 2. Common methods of Set 3.WeakSet usage 4.Application of WeakSet 2. Map mapping 1.Basic use of Map 2. Common methods of Map 3.WeakMap usage 4.Application of WeakMap 3. Description of other knowledge points of ES6 1. Set collection 1.Basic use of Set Before ES6, there were […]

npm Babel es6 webpack

1. Introduction 1. What is NPM NPM, the full name of Node Package Manager, is a Node.js package management tool. It is the world’s largest module ecosystem. All modules in it are open source and free. It is also a Node.js package management tool, equivalent to Maven on the front end. 2. Installation location of […]

ES6 Class and Class inheritance

Basic syntax of 1.class Class can be understood as a syntactic sugar that supplements the fact that js can only create instances through constructors Constructor: function Person ({ name, age=18 }) { this.name = name this.age = age } new Person({name: ‘Zhang San’}) Class class: class Person { constructor ({ name, age=18 }) { this.name […]

Definition and inheritance of JavaScript ES6 classes

Article directory 1. Define classes in class mode 1. Understand class definition class 2. Similarities and differences between classes and constructors 3. Class constructor 4. Instance methods of classes 5. Accessor methods of classes 6. Static methods of classes 2. Inheritance 1.extends implements inheritance 2.super keyword 3. Inherit built-in classes 4. Class mixing into mixin […]

ES6 Proxy and Reflect

1.What is Proxy? The Proxy object is used to create a proxy for an object to implement interception and customization of basic operations (such as property lookup, assignment, enumeration, function calling, etc.). It belongs to “metaprogramming”, which is programming a programming language. If you want to intercept object a, let p = new Proxy(obj,handler) and […]