[Module] Mixed development of ES6 and cjs

[Module] Mixed development of ES6 and cjs module language Reasons for mixed development Using ES6 in Nodejs An explanation of dynamic loading The module language of the project CJS and ESM development How to use modules Common module introduction Introduction of json file Ordinary module export CJS compatible with ESM ESM compatible with CJS (recommended) […]

R language uses a linear mixed effects (multi-level/layered/nested) model to analyze the relationship between pitch and polite attitude…

Full text download link: http://tecdat.cn/?p=23681 What is the difference between the linear mixed effects model and the linear model we already know(Click “Read the original text” at the end of the article to get the completeCode data)? Related videos A linear mixed model (sometimes called a “multilevel model” or a “hierarchical model”, depending on the […]

R language uses a linear mixed effects (multi-level/layered/nested) model to analyze the relationship between pitch and polite attitude…

Full text download link: http://tecdat.cn/?p=23681 What is the difference between the linear mixed effects model and the linear model we already know(Click “Read the original text” at the end of the article to get the completeCode data)? Related videos A linear mixed model (sometimes called a “multilevel model” or a “hierarchical model”, depending on the […]

R language uses a linear mixed effects (multi-level/layered/nested) model to analyze the relationship between pitch and polite attitude…

Full text download link: http://tecdat.cn/?p=23681 What is the difference between the linear mixed effects model and the linear model we already know(Click “Read the original text” at the end of the article to get the completeCode data)? Related videos A linear mixed model (sometimes called a “multilevel model” or “hierarchical model”, depending on the context) […]

vue2 mixins and vue3 hooks

vue2 mixins and vue3 hooks vue2 mixins vue2 mixins hook function How to use Mixins in vue2 vue3 hooks What are hooks how to use vue2 mixins and vue3 hooks Mixins in Vue.js 2.x and Composition API (including hooks) in Vue.js 3.x are two different code organization and reuse mechanisms. Vue.js 2.x Mixins: Mixins are […]

5.ARM assembly and C mixed assembly

ARM assembly and C hybrid assembly 1. ATPCS standard Concept ATPCS: ARM-THUMB Procedure Call Standard (ARM-Thumb Procedure Call Standard) Parameter rules When passing function parameters, the first 4 parameters are passed through r0-r3, and more than 4 parameters are passed through the stack (Function parameters in C/C++ do not exceed 4) When there are more […]

39: Mixed programming of C language and assembly language

Table of Contents Compilation process Compilation tips How are functions called in C language? Register pushing process C language function calling process function calling process function return process Calling convention in C language Stack frame layout used by gcc compiler ebp is the core register for function calls and function returns Writing Linux applications in […]

2. The fabric based on pytorch lightning implements pytorch’s multi-GPU training and mixed precision functions

Article directory Undertake In the previous article, we used original pytorch to implement multi-GPU training and mixed precision. Now comparing the above code, we use Fabric to achieve the same function. Regarding Fabric, I will continue to explain it in subsequent blogs. It is explaining and learning. Through fabric, you can reduce the amount of […]

The power of mixins: reducing duplicate code and improving code reusability, but do you really know how to use it?

Article directory Basic usage of mixins Common usage of mixins Advantages of Mixins Disadvantages of Mixins Mixins usage scenarios: Avoid overuse of mixins ?Creator: Full stack trendsetter Personal homepage: The personal homepage of the full-stack trend-setter ? Personal community, you are welcome to join: a personal community for full-stack trendsetters Column address: vue2 advanced Vue […]