Algorithms, language mixing, distributed locks and distributed IDs, IO models

1. First introduction to algorithms Data structures and algorithms are the cornerstones of programs. All the data types we use are a data structure (organizational form of data), and the program logic we write is an algorithm. Algorithms refer to a set of methods used to manipulate data and solve programming problems. For the same […]

[SCM Graduation Project] [hj-006-7] CO, harmful mixed gas detection | Air quality detection | Hazardous gas detection

1. Basic introduction Item name: Design of CO and harmful mixed gas detection system based on single-chip microcomputer Design of air quality detection system based on microcontroller Design of harmful gas detection system based on microcontroller Project number: mcuclub-hj-006-7 Microcontroller type: STC89C52 Specific functions: 1. Use MQ-7 to detect the CO value. If it exceeds […]

[SCM Graduation Project] [hj-006-6] Natural gas, harmful mixed gas detection | Air quality detection | Hazardous gas detection

1. Basic introduction Item name: Design of natural gas and harmful mixed gas detection system based on single-chip microcomputer Design of air quality detection system based on microcontroller Design of harmful gas detection system based on microcontroller Project number: mcuclub-hj-006-6 Microcontroller type: STC89C52 Specific functions: 1. Detect the natural gas or coal gas value through […]

Midway.js integration Remix run

? Midway has recently been able to support esm, which is currently limited to the koa framework. There is no big difference between cjs and esm in the integration process. The author is not used to pure esm development and has not switched yet. It is only the result of personal preference and selection. ESModule […]

[SCM graduation project] [hj-005-5] Hazardous mixed gas detection | Air quality detection | Hazardous gas detection

1. Basic introduction Item name: Design of harmful mixed gas detection system based on single-chip microcomputer Design of air quality detection system based on microcontroller Design of harmful gas detection system based on microcontroller Project number: mcuclub-hj-005-5 Microcontroller type: STM32F103C8T6 Specific functions: 1. Use MQ-135 to detect harmful mixed gas values. If the value exceeds […]

Assignment “Digital Signal Processing” gives a certain set of digital signals. In addition to the target signal, the signal is also mixed with strong noise, but the frequency of the noise and the target signal does not overlap. It is required to use the knowledge learned this semester to analyze the signal. at

“Digital Signal Processing” Big Assignment Table of contents 1. Question analysis… 2 1.1 HWDATA.MAT file… 2 1.2 Programming ideas… 2 1.3 Principle of FFT algorithm… 2 1.4 Butterworth filter design… 3 2. System block diagram:… 4 3. Code implementation and running results… 4 3.1 Import data… 4 3.2 Draw the original signal time domain waveform… […]

Mixed sorting of string arrays

Chinese sorting comparator definition /** * Sort the given numbers, letters, and Chinese character strings according to Windows sorting style */ public class ChineseComparator implements Comparator<String>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; //Number type private static final Integer TYPE_NUMBER = 0; //Character type (non-numeric) private static final Integer TYPE_CHARACTER = 1; /** […]

R language panel data regression: mixed model with time fixed effects to analyze traffic mortality, drunk driving laws and beer taxes…

Full text link: Panel data regression can alleviate the problem of omitted variable bias, especially when there is no information about variables related to both the regressor of interest and the dependent variables, and these variables are constant in the time or entity dimension( Click “Read the original text” at the end of the […]

Creo secondary development is based on mixed programming of C++ and C#

Creo secondary development is based on mixed programming of C++ and C# 1. Create a C++ dynamic link library project 2. Edit the C++ function code dllmain.cpp #include “pch.h” #include <ProMdl.h> #include <ProToolkit.h> #include <ProUtil.h> #include <ProMessage.h> #include <windows.h> extern “C” __declspec(dllexport) ProMdlType MdlRetrieve(char *name,ProMdlType type,ProMdl **mdl) {<!– –> \t mdl = NULL; //Convert wide […]