Vue requirements: realize the function of free positioning of signatures/signatures on the page (essence: drag and drop of elements on the page)

Table of Contents Chapter 1 Effect Display Chapter 2 Understanding Tools 2.1 draggable 2.1.1 Understanding draggable 2.1.2 draggable method 2.1.3 Use examples to understand methods Chapter 3 Effect Realization 3.1 Implementation ideas 3.2 Code implementation 3.2.1 Points involved 3.2.2 Source generation Chapter 1 Effect Display Effect description: Click on the signature and seal in the […]

Series 42: Spring transaction propagation behavior case demonstration (2) #REQUIRED

1. Demonstrate Spring’s default propagation behavior (REQUIRED) 1.1. Data in the table before running 1.2, StockServiceImplREQUIRED /** * @Author: A leaf of duckweed returns to the sea * @Date: 2023/10/30 15:43 * @Description: Demonstrates the propagation behavior of REQUIRED * There is no external transaction: open a new transaction * External existing transaction: added to […]

[Yugong Series] October 2023 Intelligent Manufacturing Theory – The Importance of Project Requirements Analysis

About the author, Yu Gong moves the code “Title”: Huawei Cloud Special Editor, Huawei Cloud Cloud Enjoyment Expert, Huawei Developer Expert, Huawei Product Cloud Testing Expert, CSDN Blog Expert, Alibaba Cloud Expert Blogger, Alibaba Cloud Contracted Author, Tencent Cloud Outstanding Blogger, Tencent Cloud Content co-creation officer, Nuggets outstanding blogger, 51CTO blog expert, etc. “Recent Honors”: […]

[Oracle][INS-30131] The initial setup required to perform installer verification failed.

Write the directory title here 1. Problem description 1 Error content 1.1 Unable to retrieve version of exectask from node ‘kotin’ 1.2 The working directory “xxx” cannot be used on the node “kotin” 2 Relevant environment 2.1 Install software 2.2 Install the system 3 Analysis of solution ideas 2. Solution 1 Option 1. Meet the […]

JavaScript | 1000 judgment conditions require writing 1000 if? This article teaches you how to implement branch optimization

I recently saw this piece of code while surfing the Internet: function getUserDescribe(name) { if (name === “Xiao Liu”) { console.log(“Brother Liu”); } else if (name === “小红”) { console.log(“Sister Xiaohong”); } else if (name === “陈龙”) { console.log(“Master”); } else if (name === “李龙”) { console.log(“Master”); } else if (name === “Dapeng”) { console.log(“evil”); […]

[Solved] Failed to build dlib ERROR: Could not build wheels for dlib, which is required to install pypro

Error reporting source When installing the dlib package, the following error is reported Failed to build dlib, ERROR: Could not build wheels for dlib, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects (torch) PS D:\current_project\1111\222\333\444\555\666> pip3 install dlib Looking in indexes: Collecting dlib Downloading (11.8 MB) 11 .8/11.8 MB 15.6 MB/s eta 0 :00:00 […]

Android solves device ID acquisition exception java.lang.SecurityException: getDeviceId: The user 10612 does not meet the require

Problem recovery Today I built a new project using the development version with compileSdkVersion of 29, and also adjusted the targetSdkVersion to 29. A crash exception occurred when calling the device ID. Check the log as follows: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{}: java.lang.SecurityException: getDeviceId: The user 10612 does not meet the requirements to access […]

Solving ImportError: HDFStore requires PyTables, “No module named tables“ problem importing

Table of Contents Solving ImportError: HDFStore requires PyTables, “No module named ‘tables’” problem importing Step 1: Install PyTables library Step 2: Confirm that the PyTables library has been installed correctly Step 3: Rerun the program summary Introduction to PyTables library Main features of PyTables PyTables installation Solve ImportError: HDFStore requires PyTables, “No module named ‘tables’” […]