Verification history of pyinstaller error troubleshooting

The following error occurs when pyinstaller is packaged. It is obviously caused by the path being escaped or historical migration. Error path:OSError: [WinError 123] The file name, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. : D:\t_job\x07naconda3_20201121\Lib\site-packages’ Installation path:File “D:\11_job\anaconda3_20201121\ (base) H:\Data Collation-222\pyMyproject\001 Module Verification\pyinstall Verification>pyinstaller -c -F 7043 INFO: PyInstaller: 6.1.0 7044 INFO: […]

Solve the problem VirtualBox is not installed. Please re-run the Toolbox Installer and try again.

Table of Contents Solve VirtualBox is not installed error Problem Description Solution Method 1: Rerun the Docker Toolbox installer Method 2: Verify VirtualBox installation Method 3: Manually configure the VirtualBox path in conclusion Sample code: Use Python script to automatically check and install VirtualBox and Docker Toolbox What is VirtualBox? VirtualBox Features and Benefits 1. […]

[Oracle][INS-30131] The initial setup required to perform installer verification failed.

Write the directory title here 1. Problem description 1 Error content 1.1 Unable to retrieve version of exectask from node ‘kotin’ 1.2 The working directory “xxx” cannot be used on the node “kotin” 2 Relevant environment 2.1 Install software 2.2 Install the system 3 Analysis of solution ideas 2. Solution 1 Option 1. Meet the […]

AttributeError: type object pandas._TSObject has no attribute reduce_cython when solving pyinstaller

Table of Contents AttributeError:type object pandas._TSObject has no attribute _reduce_cython_ when solving pyinstaller Problem Description Solution Summarize Sample code Script code ( step Detailed introduction: pandas module Main features Application scenarios AttributeError:type object pandas._TSObject has no attribute _reduce_cython_ when solving pyinstaller Recently, when using ??pyinstaller?? to package a Python script into an executable file, I […]

Production of Qt application installer (installer) in Linux environment

This article introduces the production of Qt application installer (installer) in Linux environment. The installer is an executable file that installs applications to the operating system platform. It uses a wizard-style dialog box to guide users to install applications. For example, when we install Office software on a Windows operating system, there is a wizard […]

Pyinstaller always fails to package projects containing celery tasks. Solution

When we use pyinstaller to package and release a project containing celery tasks, if the project packaging is successful, but when running, as long as the celery process is opened, an error message is reported: exe: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object…, even if it is set through sys.setrecursionlimit When the system’s […]

[Python] time library, random number, pyinstaller library, collections, lists, dictionary operators and functions, and the use of jieba function

Usage of time library, random number, pyinstaller library, collections, lists, dictionary operators and functions, and jieba function function to get time time formatting Program timing Basic random number function Extended random number function Common parameters of PyInstaller library set operator 4 enhancement operators Collection processing methods sequence operator list type dictionary type Use of jieba […]

[Solved] The universal and ultimate solution for pyinstaller packaging to slim down and make exe smaller!

I used the following method to successfully reduce the size of a 270M exe to 33M. Share it with everyone below. Reference catalog. If you package a PyQt project and the package exceeds 100M, then it can definitely be smaller. Generally, the PyQt interface is about 20-40M. If you add one picture, you can estimate […]

[Python] Use pyinstaller to package the program as exe in the conda virtual environment

Article directory 1. Why use conda virtual environment? 2. Usage of pyinstaller 2.1 Install PyInstaller 2.2 Basic usage Package a Python script 2.21 Package a Python project 2.22 Packaging options 2.3 Packaging dependencies 2.31 Export dependency list 2.32 Configuring dependencies 2.4 Custom packaging options 2.5 Packaged files 2.6 Precautions 3. Packaging example 1. Why use […]