[Installation] Self-built Rustdesk Server

Article directory RustDesk description RustDesk Advantages RustDesk related links Non-Docker based on CentOS RustDesk default program occupied port description Start hbbr as a relay server Start hbbs which is the ID server Client configuration Write startup script Detailed description of hbbr and hbbs commands RustDesk description RustDesk Advantages Build your own server. Building on your […]

Android solves device ID acquisition exception java.lang.SecurityException: getDeviceId: The user 10612 does not meet the require

Problem recovery Today I built a new project using the development version with compileSdkVersion of 29, and also adjusted the targetSdkVersion to 29. A crash exception occurred when calling the device ID. Check the log as follows: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.smart.artifact.sdk/com.smart.artifact.sdk.MainActivity}: java.lang.SecurityException: getDeviceId: The user 10612 does not meet the requirements to access […]

ChatDev configures its own role, chain, phase

{ “Chief Executive Officer”: [ “{chatdev_prompt}”, “You are Chief Executive Officer. Now, we are both working at ChatDev and we share a common interest in collaborating to successfully complete a task assigned by a new customer.”, “Your main responsibilities include being an active decision-maker on users’ demands and other key policy issues, leader, manager, and […]

Taosi (TDengine) type Flink Source implementation and comparative analysis with Kafka

1. The difference between TDengine v3.1 and Kafka subscription Taosi does not support specified partition subscription, and can only subscribe to one or more topics. The vGroup in Taosi corresponds to the Partition concept in Kafka. For a consumer group in Taosi, the server determines which partitions are consumed by which consumers and are balanced […]

Taosi Data TDengine Call for Papers-Nanny-Level Tutorial TDengine Client Server Installation Tutorial

Taosi Data TDengine Call for Papers – Nanny-Level Tutorial TDengine Client Server Installation Tutorial Introduction to TDengine 1. Install the server on CentOS 1.1 Obtain the installation package 1.2 Install server package 1.3 Installation verification 2. Install the client on CentOS 3. Install the client on Windows 3.1 Obtain the installation package 3.2 Fool-like installation […]

This article teaches you how to make good use of the TDengine Grafana plug-in

As one of the most popular graphical operation and maintenance monitoring solutions, Grafana provides a flexible and easy-to-use interface that can connect to a variety of different data sources, including Time Series Database, cloud services, monitoring systems, etc. Data is then extracted from these data sources and visualized in real time. In order to create […]

e.preventDefault() prevents default behavior

Typically, when you want to prevent the default behavior of an event, you use e.preventDefault(). Here are some common application scenarios: Form submission: When handling a form submission event, you can prevent the form’s default submission behavior by calling e.preventDefault() so that you can perform other actions or validate the form data before submitting. Link […]