CMAKE: Facilitates joint programming between CUDA and other languages (C, C++, RUST)

In CUDA programming, especially when it involves multi-language mixed programming, such as C/C++ and CUDA or RUST and CUDA, etc., it is still troublesome to use the NVCC compiler to compile some large projects. Using cmake to configure compilation options is relatively simple and powerful. cmake is a powerful automated configuration tool that is open […]

Rust3 Using Structs to Structure Related Data & Enums and Pattern Matching

Rust study notes Rust Programming Language Introduction Tutorial Course Notes Reference textbook: The Rust Programming Language (by Steve Klabnik and Carol Nichols, with contributions from the Rust Community) Lecture 5: Using Structs to Structure Related Data //define a struct #[derive(Debug)] struct User{<!– –> username: String, email: String, sign_in_count: u64, active: bool, // trailing comma is […]

2311rust fearless concurrency.

original RustFearless concurrency Rust is designed to solve two trouble problems: 1. How to safety system programming 2. How to be fearless about concurrency Initially, these questions seemed irrelevant, but surprisingly, the approach turned out to be the same: the same tools that make Rust safe can also be used Help solve concurrency issues. Memory […]

rust generics and traits

Trait Define characteristics If different types have the same behavior, then we can define a trait and then implement that trait for those types. Defining characteristics is a combination of methods with the purpose of defining a set of behaviors necessary to achieve certain goals. For example, we now have two content carriers: Post and […]

A clear explanation of Rust’s module system

Rust’s module system can be confusing and frustrating for new users. In this blog, I will explain the module system through real examples, so that you have a clear understanding of how the module system works and can immediately apply it to your project. Since Rust’s module system is quite special, I hope readers can […]

Rust2 Common Programming Concepts & Understanding Ownership

Rust study notes Rust Programming Language Introduction Tutorial Course Notes Reference textbook: The Rust Programming Language (by Steve Klabnik and Carol Nichols, with contributions from the Rust Community) Lecture 3 Common Programming Concepts fn main() {<!– –> // Variables and Mutability let mut x = 5; // mut means mutable println!(“The value of x is: […]

[Installation] Self-built Rustdesk Server

Article directory RustDesk description RustDesk Advantages RustDesk related links Non-Docker based on CentOS RustDesk default program occupied port description Start hbbr as a relay server Start hbbs which is the ID server Client configuration Write startup script Detailed description of hbbr and hbbs commands RustDesk description RustDesk Advantages Build your own server. Building on your […]

Rust-Although 9 days have passed, the result is no result (port mapping problem of Docker container)

? This article is included in the Rust practical column. The relevant code in this column comes from the note-taking system I developed. It starts on September 14, 2023. Relevant technology stacks currently include: Rust, Javascript. Follow me, I will share with you relevant practical technologies through the development of this project. Foreword Last week, […]