Rust anti-kill shellcode

Foreword These are some records I took when I was learning Rust and Anti-Virus half a year ago. I recently opened the knowledge base and saw this note from half a year ago, and found that in the security communities I often visit, there are relatively few people sharing posts about Rust and Rust Anti-Virus, […]

rust – Understanding the ToOwned trait

Introduction ToOwned trait supports any type of conversion, while Clone trait only supports conversion from &T to T. The following will first introduce the basic definition, and finally use a simple example Understand in detail the conversion process between Borrow trait and ToOwned trait. Definition Any type T can be converted to type U, where […]

Create a multi-threaded web server in rust

Create an http server to handle http requests. Create a single-threaded web service The two main protocols in web servers are http and tcp. TCP is the underlying protocol, and HTTP is built on top of TCP. Create a tcp connection listening object through the std::net library, and the listening address is use std::net::TcpListener; […]

Why is now the best time to learn Rust programming?

1. Summary Rust is a general-purpose, compiled programming language led by Mozilla. The design criteria are: safety, concurrency, and practicality, and supports functional, concurrent, procedural, and object-oriented programming styles. One of Rust’s design goals is to make the task of designing large-scale Internet clients and servers easier, so it places more emphasis on features such […]

[rust/esp32] wsl2 development environment construction and testing

Article directory Said it in front process possible problems wsl2 related rust related vscode related build related test Make complaints refer to Say it in front esp model: esp32s3 Development environment: wsl2 rustc version: rustc 1.73.0-nightly esp idf version: v5.1.1 Process Currently, it can be run through following the process of this demo. Modify some […]

Add programs to firewall exceptions (windos firewall trust items)

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace Sci { public class FireWall { // Example: FireWall_Allow(); #region Add program to firewall exceptions /// <summary> /// Add the current application to the firewall exceptions /// </summary> public static void FireWall_Allow() { string exePath = Application.ExecutablePath; string ruleName = […]