Midway.js integration Remix run

? Midway has recently been able to support esm, which is currently limited to the koa framework. There is no big difference between cjs and esm in the integration process. The author is not used to pure esm development and has not switched yet. It is only the result of personal preference and selection. ESModule […]

Write your first smart contract in Remix

To put it simply, a smart contract is:A contract or a set of instructions deployed on a decentralized blockchain. When this contract or this set of instructions is deployed, it cannot be changed and will be executed automatically. Everyone can see the termsin the contract. The deeper understanding is that these codes will be executed […]

Using remix-i18n for international translation in Remix v2

i18n (internationalization) refers to designing applications to be able to adapt to multiple languages and locales to meet the different language and cultural habits of different countries and regions. i18n has become a very important part of modern software development. In order for applications to better support different languages and cultural habits, developers need to […]

Dependency injection in Remix and Next.js

Article directory Implement dependency injection in Remix Implement dependency injection in Next.js Comparison summary Implement dependency injection in Remix Implementing dependency injection in Remix requires the use of context. Here’s a simple example: First, create the context.js file in the project root directory: import React from ‘react’; const DependenciesContext = React.createContext({<!– –>}); function useDependencies() {<!– […]

Remix integrates antd and pro-components

If readers have tried Remix, they feel that the Remix page and routing are really comfortable to use (easy to use and clear structure), but there is a problem. Currently, the Remix project integrates domestic UI such as antd/pro-components There are few examples of good templates in the component library, so I want to create […]

remix-ide installation (win10)

Install node.js (for use with npm) For more detailed tutorials, please see here: nodejs and npm installation and configuration tutorials 1. Enter the official website to download nodejs official website Select the appropriate version to download locally, I chose win64 Click on the installed node-v18.16.0-x64.msi next -> I accept… -> select the installation location -> […]

Handling Cookie/Session in Cookie/Session and Remix

What are cookies? Module Definition Understanding A cookie is a small piece of data (sent by the server to the browser). The browser stores cookies for data transfer between the server and the server. Function Keep session (login status)-personalization settings (theme)-browser behavior tracking (analysis of user behavior) Kind session (delete when browser is closed), persistent […]

[Solved] Solidity Merkel tree (Merkel tree) uses remix to verify bad address checksum error

1. Prepare the environment: remix development environment, the generated Merkle tree verification leaf (proof), root node (root) JavaScript code to generate Merkel Tree const {MerkleTree} = require(‘merkletreejs’); const keccak256 = require(‘keccak256’); // const {ethers} = require(“hardhat”); main() function main() { let whitelistAddresses = [ ‘0x701cDa6a701c568545dCfcB03FcB875f579D3BDC’, ‘0x701ce5Ba30Da6eB11978939379D383beb5Df9b33’, ‘0x701c0c8cE7C35c40F4F94070a9Ed592fC85c231D’, ‘0x701c076d3Cd709a38D2f83Cd032297a1941beb5D’, ]; let leafNodes = []; for (let […]