What happens when Next.js meets WordPress?

As a small content management system, WordPress is popular with many webmasters, especially for personal blogs. Its rich plug-ins and themes provide more customization and freedom. Since the rise of the front-end and back-end separation development model, WordPress has been used as a back-end service for data storage to provide interfaces for third-party front-end pages. […]

SSR, CSR, SSG, ISR and DPR technologies in Next.js

CSR (Client Side Rendering) client rendering CSR is client-side rendering, such as the common rendering method used by SPA, which is supported by all mainstream frameworks , or in other words: as long as JS is used in the client-side rendering process, and the data is obtained and rendered through the client sending a request, […]

Next.js 13.5 is officially released, with greatly improved speed!

On September 19, Next.js 13.5 was officially released, which improves local development performance and reliability in the following ways: Local server startup is 22% faster: Iterate faster with Apps and Pages Router 29% faster HMR (fast refresh): faster iterations when saving changes 40% reduction in memory usage: measured while running next start Optimized package import: […]

Next.js project initialization (gitHub address attached)

Next.js project initialization 1. Scaffolding construction npx create-next-app@latest Generate directory: The package.json I generated: {<!– –> “name”: “nest-initial-demo”, “version”: “0.1.0”, “private”: true, “scripts”: {<!– –> “dev”: “next dev”, “build”: “next build”, “start”: “next start”, “lint”: “next lint” }, “dependencies”: {<!– –> “@types/node”: “20.6.0”, “@types/react”: “18.2.21”, “@types/react-dom”: “18.2.7”, “eslint”: “8.49.0”, “eslint-config-next”: “13.4.19”, “next”: “13.4.19”, “react”: “18.2.0”, […]

Try the new System.Text.Json source generator

Try the new System.Text.Json source generator In the preview of .NET 6.0, we released a new C# source generator using System.Text.Json to help improve application performance. Here we’ll review why we built it and what advantages you can get in your applications. For the System.Text.Json source generator, in .NET we now have a few models […]

Feelings of using Next.js

Table of Contents 1. Why use Next.js 1. Ready to use out of the box 2. Extremely fast editing and construction speeds 3. One project handles front-end code and back-end code 4. Multiple rendering modes to improve page performance experience 5. Flexible custom configuration 6. Provide some commonly used functional plug-ins 2. The difference between […]

Dependency injection in Remix and Next.js

Article directory Implement dependency injection in Remix Implement dependency injection in Next.js Comparison summary Implement dependency injection in Remix Implementing dependency injection in Remix requires the use of context. Here’s a simple example: First, create the context.js file in the project root directory: import React from ‘react’; const DependenciesContext = React.createContext({<!– –>}); function useDependencies() {<!– […]

The Complete Guide to Next.js 13 Server Components and Application Catalogs

Unleash the full potential of Next.js 13 with the most complete and authoritative tutorial on working with server components and application directories. Table of Contents What does Next.js 13 bring? Server Components (RSC) layout Server Actions Server Actions Enhanced Router enhanced router What are server components? Server components and client components Define server components Define […]