SpringBoot + Disruptor implements extremely fast and high-concurrency processing, supporting 6 million orders per second without any pressure!

1. Introduction to Disruptor Disruptor is a high-performance queue developed by LMAX, a British foreign exchange trading company. The original intention of research and development was to solve the delay problem of memory queues (in performance tests, it was found that it is in the same order of magnitude as I/O operations). The system developed […]

SSR, CSR, SSG, ISR and DPR technologies in Next.js

CSR (Client Side Rendering) client rendering CSR is client-side rendering, such as the common rendering method used by SPA, which is supported by all mainstream frameworks , or in other words: as long as JS is used in the client-side rendering process, and the data is obtained and rendered through the client sending a request, […]

SpringBoot + Disruptor implements extremely fast and high-concurrency processing, supporting 6 million orders per second without any pressure!

This is a community that may be useful to you One-to-one communication/interview brochure/resume optimization/job search questions, welcome to join the “Yudao Rapid Development Platform” Knowledge Planet. The following is some information provided by Planet: “Project Practice (Video)”: Learn from books, “practice” from past events “Internet High Frequency Interview Questions”: Studying with your resume, spring blossoms […]

SpringBoot + Disruptor implements extremely fast and high-concurrency processing, supporting 6 million orders per second without any pressure!

1Background I encountered a project at work that used Disruptor as a message queue. You read that right, it is not Kafka or rabbitmq. The biggest advantage of Disruptor is that it is fast, and it is open source. Let’s make a simple record. 2Disruptor introduction Disruptor is a high-performance queue developed by LMAX, a […]

SpringBoot + Disruptor implements extremely fast and high-concurrency processing, supporting 6 million orders per second without any pressure!

Source | blog.csdn.net/bu ertianci/article/details/105327031 Welcome to join Xiaoha’s Planet, you will get: Exclusive project practice/Java learning route/One-to-one questions/Learning check-in Currently, I am leading my friends to work on the first project within Planet: Back-end separation blog, hands-on, back-end + front-end full-stack development, explaining the development steps of each function point from 0 to 1. 1v1 […]

SpringBoot + Disruptor implements extremely fast and high-concurrency processing, supporting 6 million orders per second without any pressure!

Background I encountered a project at work that used Disruptor as a message queue. You read that right, it is not Kafka or rabbitmq. The biggest advantage of Disruptor is that it is fast, and it is open source. Let’s make a simple record. Introduction to Disruptor Disruptor is a high-performance queue developed by LMAX, […]

SpringBoot + Disruptor implements extremely fast and high-concurrency processing, supporting 6 million orders per second without any pressure!

background Introduction to Disruptor Disruptor’s core concepts Ring Buffer Sequence Disruptor Sequencer Sequence Barrier Wait Strategy Event EventProcessor EventHandler Producer Case-demo Summarize 1Background I encountered a project at work that used Disruptor as a message queue. You read that right, it is not Kafka or rabbitmq. The biggest advantage of Disruptor is that it is […]

A brief discussion on SSR/MPA CSR/ SPA SSG ISR

Foreword > This article would like to introduce what the terms in front-end SSR/MPA CSR/SPA SSG ISR mean. After all, it is a very common word. SSR (Server Side Render) and MPA (Multi-Page Application) The full name of SSR: Server Side Render. The Chinese translation is server rendering. What does server rendering mean? For example, […]

Spring Boot + Disruptor = Wow! !

1. Background At work, I encountered a project that used Disruptor as a message queue. You read that right, it is not Kafka, nor rabbitmq; Disruptor’s biggest advantage is that it is fast, and it is open source. Let’s make a simple record below. 2. Introduction to Disruptor Disruptor is a high-performance queue developed by […]

Learn Prompt-Prompt Advanced Techniques: The Disruptive Impact of Agent

OpenAI co-founder Andrej Karpathy spoke at a developer event and talked about his and OpenAI’s views on AI Agents. He contrasted the difficulties of developing AI Agents in the past with the new opportunities now presented by relying on new technological tools. Andrej Karpathy believes that ordinary people, entrepreneurs, and geeks have an advantage over […]