Use Spring Validation to verify parameters

I don’t know how you write the parameter verification of the controller layer in your usual business development process? Is there such a direct judgment as below? public String add(UserVO userVO) {<!– –> if(userVO.getAge() == null){<!– –> return “Age cannot be empty”; } if(userVO.getAge() > 120){<!– –> return “Age cannot exceed 120”; } if(userVO.getName().isEmpty()){<!– –> […]

Automated testing–verify email content

Scene There are many scenarios for sending emails in business. The emails are basically sent automatically, and the content of the email is very important. Whether the email is sent or not, and whether the sending time is correct, the workload of each regression test is too large. So consider adding this part to automated […]

21.10 Python uses CRC32 to verify files

CRC file check is a method used to verify file integrity by calculating the file’s CRC value and comparing it with a pre-calculated CRC check value. Whether files have changed, this function can be used to verify whether files in a directory have changed. If changes have occurred, we can print out the changes. This […]

Kafka – java.lang.VerifyError: Uninitialized object exists on backward branch 193

Article directory question Troubleshooting ideas Question [root@localhost bin]# ./ ../config/ [2023-10-25 14:37:59,386] INFO Registered kafka:type=kafka.Log4jController MBean (kafka.utils.Log4jControllerRegistration$) [2023-10-25 14:37:59,697] ERROR Exiting Kafka due to fatal exception (kafka.Kafka$) java.lang.VerifyError: Uninitialized object exists on backward branch 193 Exception Details: Location: scala/collection/immutable/HashMap$HashTrieMap.split()Lscala/collection/immutable/Seq; @238: goto Reason: Error exists in the bytecode Bytecode: 0000000: 2ab6 0044 04a0 000f bb00 da59 […]

[Python Experimental Design] BMI calculation / Integer division / Monte Carlo approximation of pi / Enumeration method to verify 6174 conjecture / Joseph ring / Rotary lottery / Ability value / Caesar encryption

Table of Contents 1. [Calculate BMI Index] 2. [Input integers to divide] 3. [Monte Carlo method to calculate the approximate value of pi] 4. [Use enumeration method to verify 6174 conjecture] 5. [Simulated counting game (Joseph Ring Problem)] 6. [Simulated Roulette Lottery Game] 7. [Ability Value Accumulation] 8. [Principle and Implementation of Caesar Encryption Algorithm] […]

[UCAS Natural Language Processing Assignment 1] Use BeautifulSoup to crawl Chinese and English data, calculate entropy, and verify Zip’s law

Article directory Preface Chinese Data crawling Crawl interface Crawl code Data cleaning data analysis Experimental results English Data crawling Crawl interface Dynamic crawling Data cleaning data analysis Experimental results in conclusion Foreword This article crawls Chinese and English corpora respectively, and calculates their corresponding entropy in the two languages to verify Zip’s law. github: ShiyuNee/python-spider […]

Use TrueLicense to generate and verify License in Spring Boot project

TrueLicense is a Java software license management library that can be used to generate, verify and manage software licenses. Using TrueLicense in Spring Boot projects can help developers easily implement software license management. The following describes how to use TrueLicense in Spring Boot. Introduce TrueLicense dependency Add the following dependencies to pom.xml: <dependency> <groupId>net.truelicense</groupId> <artifactId>truelicense-core</artifactId> […]

[vue+elementUI] Verify whether the input content of el-form complies with the rules + close the page to clear el-form + clear all check options in the form when closing the pop-up window + dynamically display the number of check items

Verify whether the input content of el-form conforms to the rules need: Verify whether the input content of el-form conforms to the rules Implementation process: 1. Create a form. Includes two input boxes and a select drop-down box. <el-form :inline=”true” :model=”searchList” ref=”search” :label-position=”labelPosition” label-width=”70px” :rules=”rules” > <el-form-item label=”name” prop=”name” label-width=”70px”> <el-input v-model=”” :clearable=”true” style=”width:150px”></el-input> </el-form-item> […]

Facial recognition system: Develop a facial recognition system for verifying identity or monitoring people entering and exiting.

Table of Contents Step 1: Data preparation Step 2: Face Detection Step 3: Face recognition Step 4: Model training Step 5: System integration and application Step 6: Performance Evaluation and Improvement Step 1: Data preparation To build a face recognition system, we need a large amount of face image data. You can use the following […]