21.11 Python uses CRC image deduplication

Using CRC32 can also realize the image deduplication function. The following FindRepeatFile function performs crc verification on all files after running and adds the check value. Store it in the CatalogueDict dictionary, then extract the CRC feature values and store them in the CatalogueList list, and then count the number of occurrences of the feature […]

21.10 Python uses CRC32 to verify files

CRC file check is a method used to verify file integrity by calculating the file’s CRC value and comparing it with a pre-calculated CRC check value. Whether files have changed, this function can be used to verify whether files in a directory have changed. If changes have occurred, we can print out the changes. This […]

CRC_EXTRA for calculating mavlink2 checksum

When studying the mavlink2 protocol of PX4, when calculating the checksum, a CRC_EXTRA needs to be added to participate in the calculation (but CRC_EXTRA does not participate in data transmission and is only used to calculate the checksum). However, the definition of CRC_EXTRA of mavlink2 has not been found online. array. Later I found it […]

C# file verification: MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, CRC32, CRC64

File verification algorithms: MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, CRC32, CRC64 (free) Programming language: C# Function: file hash attribute Verification algorithm: MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, CRC32, CRC64. Download (free): https://download.csdn.net/download/polloo2012/88450148 This program File Properties and Hash Validation.exe verifies: MD5: DD3BE641301A54E093CAC2C15823491ASHA1: 711330AD0E0BB25D6E6E6AD2BE1ACEE1830C7FBDSHA256: CEF9D7915425C96C6C73BF212D7C7E6D8A3D90028DFA4278B0E351B3C63BE3EASHA384: F6115FCF1C4E08A571D87441E72C163291677D5644A983CE8DD068F1B3386413CFC3390DF0AE47A41B5F90145F798C01SHA512: 93DDBF61CA0F10500141AB6D78B156C2AB6EEA4A777A8C90D58F40D42BDF5CEE1E0DAAE0258ECB748640CFD07AB5B47EC97E28D929818250D8F1E613C4EF4BA6CRC32: B5504085CRC64: E9D486C6CF48506A Updated: October 21, 2023 1. Register Windows right-click to […]

CRC check principle and implementation

There is content about CRC in the project, so I compiled some materials for study. Reprinted from CRC check principle and implementation Introduction A complete data frame usually consists of the following parts: The check digit is a check value obtained by calculating the original data using a specified algorithm to ensure the integrity of […]

Use Scrcpy to implement Android phone screen mirroring under Tongxin UOS

Foreword This article mainly records the process of installing Scrcpy under the Tongxin UOS operating system to realize screen mirroring on Android phones. During the installation process, the author referred to many articles, but found that they were not fully introduced. After constant trying and groping, screencasting was finally successfully achieved. Therefore, the original purpose […]

Verilog implementation of CRC (cyclic redundancy check)

Algorithm introduction: A channel coding technology used to detect errors that may occur after data transmission or storage. It uses modulo 2 division for verification. It has fast calculation speed and strong error detection capabilities. It has different standard parameter models. The higher the standard, the higher the error detection. The better the capability and […]


This question is actually quite simple. I thought it was some kind of algorithm. . Scared me. . After dragging it into ida, I found that the logic is quite clear. This is the key function. The first if can find out what the last 10 characters are. . The next step is to assign […]