clang plug-in instrumentation of llvm source code and analysis of function call logs (2)–google mirror

tick_plot__compile.ipynb clang plug-in instrumentation of llvm source code and analysis of function call logs (1) Analysis In and out, chain, out df in and out=df[ df[‘tickKind’].isin( [FuncEnter,FuncReturn] ) ] #In the code, only when the function enters, the chain length is calculated and written to the disk dfin=df[ df[‘tickKind’].isin( [FuncEnter] ) ] df chain=df in […]

clang plug-in instrumentation of llvm source code and analysis of function call logs (1)–google mirror

tick_plot__compile.ipynb Duration boundary_time chain anomaly: long and short function call chain list 0. Use matplotlib to find font files larger than 1MB in the system Chinese fonts are usually very large, so those filtered out usually have Chinese fonts. In the results, the name AR PL UMing CN’ is indeed a Chinese font. from matplotlib.font_manager […]

Three-dimensional transformation matrix practice – rotation, scaling, mirroring, cross-cutting, translation, and orthogonal projection of three-dimensional point clouds

1. Rotation matrix (right-handed coordinate system) Rotate around the x-axis Rotation matrix: The matrix on the right is the original coordinates of the point cloud, and the matrix on the left is the rotation matrix Visualization: Rotate 90 degrees around the x-axis Code: import vtk import numpy as np import math def pointPolydataCreate(pointCloud): points = […]

vite+ts uses vue-codemirror to implement sql and js code editor

To achieve the effect, the ui library chooses the latest naive-ui library. You can choose the appropriate library according to your needs 1. Install dependencies npm install vue-codemirror –save At the same time, install a code editor using sql/javascript language and choose according to your needs. npm install @codemirror/lang-sql npm install @codemirror/lang-javascript If you want […]

[Data structure binary tree] Pre-order level establishment, recursive non-recursive traversal, level-order traversal, tree height, mirror, symmetry, subtree, merge, target path, weighted path sum, etc.

Binary tree Article directory Binary tree 1. Creation of binary tree (recursive creation, structure pointer form) 1.1. Preorder establishment 1.2. Establishment of layer sequence 2. Recursive traversal (structure pointer) 2.1. Preorder traversal 2.2. In-order traversal 2.3. Postorder traversal 3. Non-recursive traversal (structure pointer) 3.1. Level traversal 3.2. Postorder traversal (non-recursive) 4. Find the height of […]

Ubuntu changing mirror source

Ubuntu replacement mirror source Mirror source settings file Mirror source settings focal version mirror source settings bionic version mirror source settings update source question Mirror source settings file Back up mirror source settings file sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak Edit image source settings file sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list Mirror source settings Ubuntu has different system versions, and […]

github, git, google: clang-front-end plug-in-add curly braces to various “blocks” without curly braces-based on llvm15–clang-plugin-add-brace—–google mirror

Processed statements case Terminology conventions or memos The starting and ending range of case: from the colon to the beginning of the next ‘case’, the abbreviation is: case inside, case content Ast: Abstract syntax tree: abstract syntax tree Case without curly braces If any of the following conditions are true in a case, the case […]

Solving CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 CONNECTION FAILED for url <

Table of Contents Solve CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 CONNECTION FAILED for url error 1. Check network connection 2. Change the Conda image source 3. Use a proxy 4. Upgrade Conda version 5. Reconfigure the environment in conclusion Solve CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 CONNECTION FAILED for url error When using Conda for Python package management and […]

Pycharm replacement source (source change) (mirror source)

Reference article: Pycharm software replaces pip’s default installation source with domestic installation source I tried it, and it didn’t seem to work if I changed it. I’d better use that one pip install -i xxx Article directory 20230816 Detailed explanation of PyCharm source change (mirror source) Table of contents What is PyCharm? Why change […]

Application of Unity mirror shader

Directory of series articles unity tools Article directory Table of Contents of Series Articles Preface 1. Effect drawings of mirrors and reflections 2. Shader implementation 1. Import the library 2. The calling code is as follows 3. The script settings are as shown below 2. Unity model outer contour shader 2.1 The color and thickness […]