[Using Python to write game auxiliary tools] Part 4: Windows window operations

Foreword Here is the fourth article of [Writing Game Auxiliary Tools in Python]: Windows window operations. This article mainly introduces the use of Python to implement various operations of Windows windows. Windows window operations are an integral part of game accessibility. Windows window operations refer to operations that interact with and control windows in the […]

7. Use MediaRecorder to record video files

Use MediaRecorder to record video files Android emulator cannot record audio. Life cycle First, you need to grant two permissions through ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(): <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.CAMERA” /> <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO” /> <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE” /> The steps to record audio using MediaRecorder are usually as follows: MediaRecorder recorder = new MediaRecorder(); recorder.setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC); recorder.setVideoSource(MediaRecorder.VideoSource.CAMERA); recorder.setOutputFormat(MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.THREE_GPP); recorder.setAudioEncoder(MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AMR_NB); recorder.setVideoEncoder(MediaRecorder.VideoEncoder.H264); recorder.setOutputFile(PATH_NAME); recorder.prepare(); recorder.start(); […]

Embedded devices, how to prevent plagiarism?

Follow + Star the publicnumber and never miss exciting content Reprinted from | liwen01 It is a common phenomenon for embedded devices to be copied, especially in China. Before technical barriers are formed, how to prevent products from being copied is an unavoidable problem. Today, let’s talk about embedded devices. How to prevent plagiarism? (The […]

Secrets to improving query performance: A closer look at clustered, auxiliary, covering, and union indexes

Article directory Clustered index Auxiliary index Covering index What is a covering index? Under what circumstances will the optimizer choose to use a covering index? 1. Query operations only need to use the fields in the auxiliary index 2. When performing statistical operations, you can use covering indexes to speed up queries. 3. The query […]

Customization of chart auxiliary elements and beautification of icon styles

1. The description of commonly used auxiliary elements in charts is as follows: Coordinate axes: Divided into single coordinate axes and double coordinate axes. Single coordinate axes can be divided into horizontal coordinate axes (also known as horizontal coordinate axes) according to different directions. (called the x-axis) and the vertical coordinate axis (also called the […]

springboot learning diary (4): springJDBC

1. Download MySQL8.0 and its visualization tools You can use Xiaopi to download MySQL8.0: Visualization tools generally use MySQL Workbench or Navicat or DataGrip: (I use Navicat here) 2. 1. Open the MySQL service (otherwise you will not be able to connect) 2. Create a new database springboot 3. Create a new table class Click […]

Customization of chart auxiliary elements (axis labels, scale ranges and scale labels, titles and legends, display grids)

Table of Contents Understand commonly used auxiliary elements in charts Example 1: 2019 Chinese movie box office rankings (axis labels, scale range and scale labels) Example 2: Alipay monthly bill report (add title and legend) Example 3: Relationship between car speed and braking distance (adding grid) Understand the commonly used auxiliary elements of charts Demonstrate […]

Port FreeRTOS to STM32F103C8T6 under IAR

Port FreeRTOS to STM32F103C8T6 under IAR 1. Installation of IAR 2. Environment introduction 3. Project documents 4.IAR-Project Creation 1. Open IAR, create a new workspace and create a project: 2. Create a new group and add files to the project 3. Engineering configuration of the project 4. File modification operations 5. Compile 6. Add test […]