paddle-speech subtitles videos

Streaming speech recognition based on flying paddles Environment deployment Only supports the weboscket protocol and does not support the http protocol. Installation environment git clone cd PaddleSpeech pip install pytest-runner pip install . Install paddlepaddle cpu version pip install paddlepaddle==2.5.1 -i gpu is installed according to the cuda version, and the colab version […]

Excellent solution for Android title bar (TitleBar)

Title bar frame Project address: Github Blog address: Android title bar (TitleBar) excellent solution If you want to understand the implementation principle, you can refer to the article: Create a universal title bar TitleBar purely by hand Integration steps If your project Gradle configuration is below 7.0, you need to add it to the build.gradle […]

Swing custom title bar

Article directory Swing custom title bar need The final effect is as shown below step additional requirements Swing custom title bar Requirements If you want to achieve a title bar effect similar to IDEA, place the menu bar on the same row as the title bar, with the title in the center and buttons on […]

[Script Tool] Extract frames from video, add srt subtitles for reading, and add background audio

1. Article directory After reading this article, you will be able to learn the following: Batch video frame extraction; Add srt subtitles; Add srt dubbing; Add background music; Combine multiple video clips into a new video; Effect: 2. Install dependencies First install the video processing libraries opencv-python and moviepy. The installation method is pip install […]

[whisper] Call whisper in python to extract subtitles or translate subtitles into text

Recently I have been doing business related to video processing. There is a need to extract subtitles from the video. Our implementation process is divided into two steps: first separate the audio, and then use whisper for speech recognition or translation. This article will introduce in detail the basic use of whisper and the two […]

Python automatically processes pptx: create new, save as, add slides, add titles, insert text pictures and graphics, extract text

The Python-pptx library is a Python library for creating, updating, and reading Microsoft PowerPoint .pptx files. It allows us to use Python scripts to automate the creation, update and reading of PowerPoint files. It is a very convenient tool for automating PPTX processing. Installation pip install python-pptx Create from pptx import Presentation ppt = Presentation() […]

A lightweight, powerful and easy-to-use video processing software based on Python, which can reduce video, transcode video, play video backwards, merge clips, crop clips based on subtitles, automatically add subtitles, etc.

Quick Cut is a lightweight, powerful and easy-to-use video processing software. It is a lightweight tool, not a professional and complex behemoth like Davinci Resolve or Adobe Premiere. Quick Cut can meet the common video processing needs of ordinary people: compress videos, transcode videos, play videos backwards, merge clips, crop clips based on subtitles, automatically […]

Customization of WPF window Title

Table of Contents 1. WindowChrome 1.ResizeBorderThickness 2.CaptionHeight 3. CornerRadius 4. GlassFrameThickness 5. NonClientFrameEdges 6. UseAeroCaptionButtons 7. IsHitTestVisibleInChrome 2. Adorner, Decorator and AdornerDecorator 3. Freely change the display of Title and retain the zoom in, zoom out and close buttons. 4. Freely change the display of Title, hide the zoom in, zoom out and close buttons, […]