[Script Tool] Extract frames from video, add srt subtitles for reading, and add background audio

1. Article directory

After reading this article, you will be able to learn the following:

  1. Batch video frame extraction;
  2. Add srt subtitles;
  3. Add srt dubbing;
  4. Add background music;
  5. Combine multiple video clips into a new video;


2. Install dependencies

First install the video processing libraries opencv-python and moviepy. The installation method is pip install xxx.

py file at the top (the functions used below will not be described in detail in the import process):

from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip, CompositeAudioClip, CompositeVideoClip, concatenate_videoclips
from cv2 import VideoCapture, VideoWriter, VideoWriter_fourcc, CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT

2. Video frame extraction


Function: Used to capture video frames from video files or cameras.

Explanation: This function allows you to create a video capture object to read video frames from the specified video source. You can pass the path to the video file or the index of the camera as a parameter and then use that to read the video frame by frame.


Function: Used to write video frames to a new video file.

Explanation: This function allows you to create a video writer object to write video frames to a new video file. You can specify the output file name, video codec, frame rate, resolution and other parameters. This is very useful when editing videos and saving processed videos.


Function: Used to specify the four-character code (FourCC) of the video codec.

Explanation: FourCC is a 4-byte code used to identify the video codec. Different codecs have different FourCC codes. By using this function you can select the codec to use in the output video.


Function: Used to obtain the total number of frames in the video file.

Explanation: CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT is a property of the cv2.VideoCapture object, used to obtain the total number of frames in the video file. This is useful for things like determining the duration of a video and looping the video.

Complete code block:

# Single video frame extraction
def video_extract_frame(video_path, out_path):

  #Open video file
  vc = VideoCapture(video_path)

  #The total number of frames in the video
  total_frame = int(vc.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))

  video = VideoFileClip(video_path, audio=False)

  # # Create a video writing object. Set video width and height, frame rate, output path
  fourcc = VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v')
  videoWriter = VideoWriter(out_path, fourcc, VIDEO_FPS, (video.w, video.h))

  if vc.isOpened():
      status, frame = vc.read()
      print("The video was not opened successfully!")
      return False

  if status:
      for index in trange(total_frame, desc='Frame extraction progress'):
          # Read video frames and write output video
          status, frame = vc.read()
          if index % VIDEO_FPS == 0:
              skip_frames = tool.get_unique_random_numbers(index, VIDEO_FPS)
          if index in skip_frames:


Call the frame extraction function above:

video_extract_frame('./test.mp4', 'result.mp4')

If there are multiple videos that need to extract frames, you only need to call them in a loop:

 for index, video_file in enumerate(['1.mp4', '2.mp4', '3.mp4']):
    //Get the video file name in the link, such as 1,2,3
    video_name = tool.get_file_name(video_file)
    //Assemble into a new directory and new name (according to your needs)
    out_path = "{}{}.mp4".format(frame_path, video_name)

    videoTool.video_extract_frame(video_file, out_path)
Item {}, video frame extraction completed: {}".format(index + 1, out_path))

3. Add srt subtitles;

Complete sample code:

# subtitle snippet
def generate_textclip(text, width, params, start, duration) -> TextClip:

    return TextClip(
        color=params.get('color', '#ffbd00'),
        size=(width, params.get('height')),
    ).set_position((params['location']['x'], params['location']['y'])).set_duration(duration).set_start(start)

# Add srt subtitles
def add_srt(video_clip, params):

  if not (isfile(params["srt_path"]) and params["srt_path"].endswith('.srt')):
      print('Subtitles only support srt format!')
      return []
      # Get the width and height of the video
      v_width, v_height = video_clip.w, video_clip.h
      # All subtitle clips
      txts = []
      content = tool.read_srt(params["srt_path"])
      sequences = tool.get_sequences(content)

      max_count = len(sequences)

      max_duration = video_clip.duration

      srt_text = params["srt_text"]

      for index, line in enumerate(sequences):
          print("Subtitle generation progress:{}/{}".format(index, max_count))
          if len(line) < 3:
          start = line[1].split(' --> ')[0]
          end = line[1].split(' --> ')[1]

          start = tool.str_float_time(start)
          end = tool.str_float_time(end)

          start, end = map(float, (start, end))

          if start >= max_duration:
          if end >= max_duration:
              end = max_duration


          txt_srt = generate_textclip(line[2], (v_width - 20), srt_text, start, duration)


Subtitle conversion completed...")

      return txts

tool.read_srt code:

def read_srt(self, path):
    content = ""
    with open(path, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
        content = f.read()
        return content

tool.get_sequences code:

# Subtitle splitting
def get_sequences(self, content):
    sequences = content.split('\
    sequences = [sequence.split('\
') for sequence in sequences]
    #Remove null values from each sentence
    sequences = [list(filter(None, sequence)) for sequence in sequences]
    #Remove overall null values
    return list(filter(None, sequences))

tool.str_float_time code:

# Format string numbers into time
def str_float_time(self, str):
    str_list = str.split(':')
    hour = int(str_list[0])
    minute = int(str_list[1])
    second = int(str_list[2].split(',')[0])
    minsecond = int(str_list[2].split(',')[1])
    allTime = hour * 60 * 60 + minute * 60 + second + minsecond / 1000
    return allTime

4. Add background music, srt audio, and export

# frame_video_paths: is the video clip after frame extraction
def merge_videos_with_bgm(params, frame_video_paths, out_path):
    # Use VideoFileClip to load all input video files
    video_clips = [VideoFileClip(file) for file in frame_video_paths]

    final_clip = concatenate_videoclips(video_clips)

    bgm_music = audioTool.get_audio({<!-- -->
        "volume": params.get("bgm_volume", 0.1), #Keep the background audio down
        "duration": final_clip.duration,
        "audio_path": params['bgm_path']

    # Load main music (reading audio)
    main_music = audioTool.get_audio({<!-- -->
        "volume": params.get("audio_volume", 1.0),# Read the audio louder
        "duration": final_clip.duration,
        "audio_path": params['audio_path']

    # Mix music into final video slice
    final_clip = final_clip.set_audio(CompositeAudioClip([main_music, bgm_music]))

    video_srt = videoTextTool.add_srt(final_clip, params)


    # composite video
    video = CompositeVideoClip(final_clip)

    output_path = path.join(out_path, "result.mp4")

    # Output final video

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