Collection framework: characteristics of Set collection, underlying principles of HashSet collection, hash table, implementation of deduplication

Characteristics of Set collection Set is an unordered, non-repeating data structure. Its characteristics are as follows: 1. The elements in the set are unordered: The elements in the Set have no order and cannot be accessed through indexes. 2. The elements in the set are unique: Duplicate elements are not allowed in the Set, and […]

The deduplication principle of HashSet

The set collection has no index value and cannot be repeated. The bottom layer is map. When adding an element, the hashCode() method will be called first to calculate the hash value of the object, and then use the hash value % of the array length to calculate the index value position of the new […]

HashSet deduplication principle

1. What is Hashset Collections in Java are divided into Collection collections (single-column collections) and Map collections (double-column collections) The Hashset collection is an implementation class of the set interface. The set interface also inherits from the top-level parent class Collection interface, so HashSet can have methods common to Collection. The characteristics of the set […]

21.11 Python uses CRC image deduplication

Using CRC32 can also realize the image deduplication function. The following FindRepeatFile function performs crc verification on all files after running and adds the check value. Store it in the CatalogueDict dictionary, then extract the CRC feature values and store them in the CatalogueList list, and then count the number of occurrences of the feature […]

[C++ code] Backtracking, subsets, combinations, full arrangements, deduplication – Code Random Notes

Title: Split palindrome string Given a string s, please split s into some substrings so that each substring is a palindrome string. Returns all possible splitting options for s. Palindrome string is a string that reads the same when read forward or backward. In the for (int i = startIndex; i < s.size(); i + […]

Text deduplication: n-gram, minhash, minhash lsh, jaccard

Write a custom directory title here N-gram Jaccard similarity MinHash MinHash LSH connections and differences n-gram and jaccard deduplication n-gram, minhash and jaccard to remove duplicates n-gram and minhash lsh deduplication When it comes to text deduplication scenarios, a variety of techniques and algorithms can be used to achieve this. The following is an explanation […]

MapReduce programming: data filtering and saving, UID deduplication

Article directory MapReduce programming: data filtering and saving, UID deduplication 1. Experimental goals 2. Experimental requirements and precautions 3. Experimental content and steps Attachment: series of articles MapReduce programming: data filtering and saving, UID deduplication 1. Experimental objectives Proficient in writing Mapper class, Reducer class and main function Proficient in local testing methods Proficient in […]

What are the 9 js array deduplication methods?

Article directory 1. Use ES6 Set to remove duplicates (most commonly used in ES6) 2. Use for to nest for, and then use splice to remove duplicates (most commonly used in ES5) 3. Use indexOf to remove duplicates 4. Use sort() 5. Use includes() 6. Use hasOwnProperty 7. Use filter 8. Use recursion to remove […]