Encapsulating EventBus in SpringBoot

Foreword EventBus is Guava’s event processing mechanism and an implementation of the observer pattern (production/consumption model). The observer mode is widely used in our daily development. For example, in the order system, changes in order status or logistics information will send APP push messages, text messages, notifications to sellers, buyers, etc. to users; in the […]

Java Data Structure – Simulating Dynamic Arrays

Blog homepage: Xiaopu_-CSDN Blog ?Thank you all for likingCollecting?Comments? This Table of Contents 1.0 Dynamic Array Description 2.0 Simulate the core method of implementing dynamic arrays 2.1 Dynamic Array-Insertion and Expansion 2.2 Dynamic array-getting elements 2.3 Dynamic Array-Modify Elements 2.4 Dynamic Array-Delete Elements 2.5 Dynamic Array-Traversing Elements (Key Points) 2.5.1 Use forEach to loop elements […]

Simulating the Task mechanism in .net: exploring the mysteries of asynchronous programming

Using Task in .net makes it easy to write asynchronous programs. In order to better understand Task and its scheduling mechanism, let’s simulate the implementation of Task in order to understand: What is Task How tasks are scheduled Basic Task simulation implementation Start with the most basic Task usage Task.Run(Action action) The function of this […]

[Thermodynamics] Simulating two-dimensional transient heat conduction based on MATLAB allows users to analyze the temperature distribution changing with time and space.

?About the author: A Matlab simulation developer who loves scientific research. He cultivates his mind and improves his technology simultaneously. For code acquisition, paper reproduction and scientific research simulation cooperation, please send a private message. Personal homepage: Matlab Research Studio Personal credo: Investigate things to gain knowledge. For more Matlab complete code and simulation customization […]

Encapsulating Taro.request with typescript

Table of Contents summary Extended functionality Implementation details how to use Summarize Summary Taylor’s request API function is mainly used to request network services. It can initiate asynchronous request services. It is very convenient to use and has been used by many development engineers. In actual projects, it will be encapsulated or extended due to […]

CRC_EXTRA for calculating mavlink2 checksum

When studying the mavlink2 protocol of PX4, when calculating the checksum, a CRC_EXTRA needs to be added to participate in the calculation (but CRC_EXTRA does not participate in data transmission and is only used to calculate the checksum). However, the definition of CRC_EXTRA of mavlink2 has not been found online. array. Later I found it […]

Recurrence and variations of strstr function (calculating the number of substrings)

1.Introduction to strstr #include<string.h> char* strstr(const char* str1,const char* str2); Input the array name of the parent string and the array name of the substring. The function will return a pointer of type char*. This pointer points to the address of the first element of the first substring in the parent string. So how do […]

Python Sympy: A powerful tool for calculating calculus

The calculations of calculus may not be used in daily life, which makes people feel a bit advanced. But in fact, in the eyes of mathematics majors, it is just an extremely common calculation, a common calculation method at the same level as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Calculus and limiting operations are not difficult […]

[Single-chip microcomputer graduation project] [mcuclub-hj-001] Temperature control thermostatic box insulating box DS18B20

I recently designed a project based on a temperature control system based on a microcontroller, and I would like to share it with you: 1. Basic introduction Project name: Temperature control system design based on microcontroller Design of thermostatic box based on single-chip microcomputer Design of thermal insulation box based on single-chip microcomputer Project number: […]

Stop encapsulating various Util tool classes, this god-level framework is worth having!

Source: ryanc.cc/archives/hutool-java-tools-lib Today I would like to recommend a very easy-to-use Java tool library. It contains basically all common enterprise-level tool classes. It can avoid reinventing the wheel and save a lot of development time. It is very good and worth knowing and using. Hutool is homophonic to “muddleheaded”, which means pursuing the state of […]