Variations-of-SFANet-for-Crowd-Counting code reproduction

The previous article did a basic review of Variations-of-SFANet-for-Crowd-Counting, and verified the visual code of the open source framework. The link is as follows: Variations-of-SFANet-for-Crowd-Counting Record-CSDN Blog Variations-of-SFANet-for-Crowd-Counting visualization code-CSDN blog Here are relevant reproductions of the training and testing code. code test (1) Pre-training weights Since the training code has pre-trained weights, from: […]

Recurrence and variations of strstr function (calculating the number of substrings)

1.Introduction to strstr #include<string.h> char* strstr(const char* str1,const char* str2); Input the array name of the parent string and the array name of the substring. The function will return a pointer of type char*. This pointer points to the address of the first element of the first substring in the parent string. So how do […]