Algorithms, language mixing, distributed locks and distributed IDs, IO models

1. First introduction to algorithms Data structures and algorithms are the cornerstones of programs. All the data types we use are a data structure (organizational form of data), and the program logic we write is an algorithm. Algorithms refer to a set of methods used to manipulate data and solve programming problems. For the same […]

Six: Single file component, Vue scaffolding, render function, ref attribute, props configuration, mixin mixing, plug-in

1. Single file component school.vue <template> <div class=”demo”> <h2>School name: {<!– –>{ schoolName }}</h2> <h2>School address: {<!– –>{ address }}</h2> <button @click=”showName”>Click me to prompt the school name</button> </div> </template> <script> // Code related to component interaction (data, methods, etc.) vue.extend({}) can be omitted export default exposes vue files export default { name: “School”, data() […]

Mixing SQL with NoSQL using MariaDB and MongoDB

Suppose you have an application developed on Node.js (or any other platform). This application connects to a MongoDB database (NoSQL) that stores ratings of books (number of stars given and reviews). Let’s also say you have another application developed in Java (or Python, C#, TypeScript…etc.). This application connects to a MariaDB database (SQL, relational) and […]

JavaScript implements hexadecimal color mixing function, color difference weight value, replace, parseInt, slice, round, toString

Directory code replace parseInt slice round toString Code /** * The value of two colors mixed * @param {string} color1 color 1 * @param {string} color2 color 2 * @param {number} weight weight * @return {string} blendedColor final result */ function blendColors(color1, color2, weight) {<!– –> // Parse color string into RGB value function parseColor(color) […]

Powerful Application and Development Skills of JavaScript in Network Music Production, Mixing and Collaboration

1. Introduction With the advent of digitalization, music production is no longer limited to the traditional recording studio. Now anyone with just a computer and the appropriate software can create and share their own music. In recent years, JavaScript has become the language of choice for developing online music production, mixing and collaboration tools due […]

Mixing jpa and mybatis causes thread stuck

Table of Contents background experiment Summarize Background Recently, a problem occurred in the production environment: a certain server node was not working. After observing the detailed logs at that time, it was found that many threads did not appear in the logs after requesting a certain interface. Suppose the request is /query. It means that […]

ffmpeg performs audio mixing, and synthesizes two channels of audio pcm data into one output

ffmpeg performs audio mixing, and synthesizes two channels of audio pcm data into one output audiomixer.h #ifndef AUDIOMIXER_H #define AUDIOMIXER_H #include <map> #include <mutex> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdint> #include <string> #include <memory> extern “C” { #include <libavcodec/avcodec.h> #include <libavformat/avformat.h> #include <libavfilter/buffersink.h> #include <libavfilter/buffersrc.h> #include <libavutil/opt.h> } class AudioMixer { public: AudioMixer(); virtual ~AudioMixer(); //add audio […]

OpenCV4 channel separation split(), channel merge merge(), channel mixing mixChannels()

Article directory 1. Channel separation function split() Function prototype: (1) Function prototype 1: use the Mat type array `Mat mvbegin[3]` to store the separated image; Input parameters: (2) Function prototype 2: use the vector container `vector ` to store the separated image; Input parameters: (3) Example: operation result: 2. Channel merge function merge() Function prototype: […]

[FFmpeg actual combat] ffmpeg filter amix mixing realization

Original link: 1. Implementation idea The filter filter of ffmpeg has the mixer of amix, which can be used for multi-channel mixing of audio. First of all, we need to compile ffmpeg and install it. It can have encoding function. Consider adding mp3 or aac encoding library. The easiest way is to encode it […]

OpenGL Advanced Mixing

Total experience ?1. An error will be reported when converting from const char to GLchar, so convert the GLchar type to const GLchar. ?2. When SOIL_load_image loads an error, glTexImage2D will report an error code: 1281 when the array of the loaded image is used as a parameter. It is easy to make mistakes in […]