vue2 mixins and vue3 hooks

vue2 mixins and vue3 hooks vue2 mixins vue2 mixins hook function How to use Mixins in vue2 vue3 hooks What are hooks how to use vue2 mixins and vue3 hooks Mixins in Vue.js 2.x and Composition API (including hooks) in Vue.js 3.x are two different code organization and reuse mechanisms. Vue.js 2.x Mixins: Mixins are […]

The power of mixins: reducing duplicate code and improving code reusability, but do you really know how to use it?

Article directory Basic usage of mixins Common usage of mixins Advantages of Mixins Disadvantages of Mixins Mixins usage scenarios: Avoid overuse of mixins ?Creator: Full stack trendsetter Personal homepage: The personal homepage of the full-stack trend-setter ? Personal community, you are welcome to join: a personal community for full-stack trendsetters Column address: vue2 advanced Vue […]

Element-ui date and time selection is disabled. The strongest package datePicker and datetimePicker are mixed into mixins. picker-options=”disableDate” complete scheme.

Element-ui datePicker and datetimePicker time disabled, use with dayjs. Various usage scenarios For example: type=”date” type=”dateTime” can be used directly. One: time period selection: A1: You can only select a certain date and time before (after) the “current” date A2: Select a certain period of time at will Two: time point selection: B1: Only time […]

Vue’s mixins and provide/inject

One, mixins 1. Introduction ? mixins, also known as mix-in, refers to extracting some reusable codes (JS, lifecycle hook functions, etc.), defining them as mixins modules, and then mixing them in To multiple components, so as to achieve logic code sharing among components and reduce duplication of code. When a component uses the mixins module, […]

vue-4: Register components, pass parameters to components, special attributes ref $parent $root, transparent transmission, built-in components, custom instructions, mixins mixed in

Register components, use components (all projects are written in component) Why use components: components can be reused, each component is independent, templates, data, css styles do not affect each other Globally registered component component: Do not abuse the global component inx because global components will cause component name pollution Vue2: Vue.component(“component name”, { } ) […]

Instructions, filters, watches, computed, mixins

Directive Vue provides 5 hook functions for custom directives: //bind: Called when the directive is bound to the element for the first time, only executed once. One-time initialization settings can be performed here. //inserted: The bound element is called when it is inserted into the DOM of the parent node (only the parent node is […]