MFC—SaleSystem project (Part 2)

8 Sales Management Window

8.1 UI design

1) Add a dialog box resource (change the ID to DIALOG_SELL) and add the required controls.

In the window properties, change Border to None and Style to Child:

2) Select the dialog box -> right-click -> Add class -> Class name: CSellDlg, select CFormView as the base class

3) According to the requirements, the control associates the required variables
The product name combo box is associated with CComboBox m_combo, and the unit price edit box is associated with int m_price.
The quantity edit box is associated with int m_num, and the sales information edit box is associated with CString m_sellInfo.

8.2 Interface mounting

In the OnMyChange function in the CMainFrame class, add the following code:

case NM_B:
//CSellDlg class needs to include the header file #include “SellDlg.h”
Context.m_pNewViewClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(CSellDlg);
Context.m_pCurrentFrame = this;
Context.m_pLastView = (CFormView *)m_spliter.GetPane(0, 1);
m_spliter.DeleteView(0, 1);
m_spliter.CreateView(0, 1, RUNTIME_CLASS(CSellDlg), CSize(600, 0), & amp;Context);
CSellDlg *pNewView = (CSellDlg *)m_spliter.GetPane(0, 1);
m_spliter.SetActivePane(0, 1);

Program running effect diagram:

8.3 Function Implementation

1) In the dialog class, rewrite the OnInitDialog function to initialize it.

void CSellDlg::OnInitialUpdate()
{<!-- -->

// TODO: Add specialized code here and/or call the base class

//Read the file, get the product name, and add a string to the combo box
//Need to include #include "InfoFile.h"
CInfoFile file;
file.ReadDocline(); //Read product information
for (list<msg>::iterator it =; it !=; it + + )
{<!-- -->
}; //Clear the contents of the list

//Set the first product name as the default selected item

2) Handle the control events required by the combo box

void CSellDlg::OnCbnSelchangeCombo1()
{<!-- -->
// TODO: Add control notification handler code here

CString text;
//Get the currently selected item
int index = m_combo.GetCurSel();
//Get the current content
m_combo.GetLBText(index, text);

//Need to include #include "InfoFile.h"
CInfoFile file;
file.ReadDocline(); //Read product information
for (list<msg>::iterator it =; it !=; it + + )
{<!-- -->
if (text == it->name.c_str())
{<!-- -->
m_price = it->price;
m_num = 0;
UpdateData(FALSE); //The content is updated to the corresponding control
}; //Clear the contents of the list

3) Implementation of purchase button function

void CSellDlg::OnBnClickedButton1()
{<!-- -->
// TODO: Add control notification handler code here
//Get the content on the control and update it to the corresponding associated variable

if (m_num == 0)
{<!-- -->
MessageBox(TEXT("The number cannot be 0"));

CString type;
//Get the currently selected item
int index = m_combo.GetCurSel();
//Get the current content of the combo box
m_combo.GetLBText(index, type);

CString str;
str.Format(_T("Item: %s \r\\
Unit price: %d \r\\
Quantity: %d \r\\
Total price: %d"), type, m_price, m_num, m_price*m_num);

m_sellInfo = str; //Sales information

//Need to include #include "InfoFile.h"
CInfoFile file;
file.ReadDocline(); //Read product information
for (list<msg>::iterator it =; it !=; it + + )
{<!-- -->
if (type == it->name.c_str())
{<!-- -->
it->num = it->num - m_num;
file.WirteDocline(); //Update file content; //Clear the contents of the list

m_num = 0;
UpdateData(FALSE); //Update to the corresponding control

4) Implementation of cancel button function

void CSellDlg::OnBnClickedButton3()
{<!-- -->
// TODO: Add control notification handler code here

m_combo.SetCurSel(0); //Select the 0th item
m_sellInfo = "";
m_num = 0;

9 Inventory information window

9.1 UI design

1) Add a dialog box resource (change the ID to DIALOG_INFO) and add the required controls.

In the window properties, change Border to None and Style to Child:

The View property is Report (report table mode):

2) Select the dialog box -> right-click -> Add class -> Class name: CInfoDlg, select CFormView as the base class

3) According to the requirements, the control associates the required variables
List control associated CListCtrl m_list:

9.2 Interface mounting
In the OnMyChange function in the CMainFrame class, add the following code:

case NM_C:
{<!-- -->
//The CInfoDlg class needs to include the header file #include "InfoDlg.h"
Context.m_pNewViewClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(CInfoDlg);
Context.m_pCurrentFrame = this;
Context.m_pLastView = (CFormView *)m_spliter.GetPane(0, 1);
m_spliter.DeleteView(0, 1);
m_spliter.CreateView(0, 1, RUNTIME_CLASS(CInfoDlg), CSize(600, 0), & amp;Context);
CInfoDlg *pNewView = (CInfoDlg *)m_spliter.GetPane(0, 1);
m_spliter.SetActivePane(0, 1);

Program running effect diagram:

9.3 Function Implementation

In the dialog class, rewrite the OnInitDialog function to initialize product information:

void CInfoDlg::OnInitialUpdate()
{<!-- -->

// TODO: Add specialized code here and/or call the base class
//Set extension style
//LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT selects the entire row, LVS_EX_GRIDLINES grid
m_list.SetExtendedStyle(m_list.GetExtendedStyle() | LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT | LVS_EX_GRIDLINES);

//Initialize header
CString field[] = {<!-- --> _T("Product ID"), _T("Product name"), _T("Product price"), _T("Inventory quantity\ ") };
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(field) / sizeof(field[0]); + + i)
{<!-- -->
m_list.InsertColumn(i, field[i], LVCFMT_CENTER, 90);

//Need to include #include "InfoFile.h"
CInfoFile file;
file.ReadDocline(); //Read product information

\t//adding data
int i = 0;
CString str;
for (list<msg>::iterator it =; it !=; it + + )
{<!-- -->
str.Format(_T("%d"), it->id);
m_list.InsertItem(i, str);
int column = 1;
m_list.SetItemText(i, column + + , (CString)it->name.c_str());
str.Format(_T("%d"), it->price);
m_list.SetItemText(i, column + +, str);
str.Format(_T("%d"), it->num);
m_list.SetItemText(i, column + +, str);
i + + ;


10 Inventory Add Window

10.1 UI design

1) Add a dialog box resource (change the ID to DIALOG_ADD) and add the required controls.

In the window properties, change Border to None and Style to Child:

2) Select the dialog box -> right-click -> Add class -> Class name: CAddDlg, select CFormView as the base class

3) According to the requirements, the control associates the required variables
Add number:
The product combo box is associated with CComboBox m_combo, and the unit price edit box is associated with int m_price1.
The number edit box is associated with int m_num1.

Add new product:
The product combo box is associated with CString m_name2, and the unit price edit box is associated with int m_price2.
The number edit box is associated with int m_num2.

10.2 Interface mounting

In the OnMyChange function in the CMainFrame class, add the following code:

10.3 function implementation

1) In the dialog class, rewrite the OnInitDialog function to initialize product information:

void CAddDlg::OnInitialUpdate()
{<!-- -->

// TODO: Add specialized code here and/or call the base class

//Read the file, get the product name, and add a string to the combo box
//Need to include #include "InfoFile.h"
CInfoFile file;
file.ReadDocline(); //Read product information
for (list<msg>::iterator it =; it !=; it + + )
{<!-- -->
}; //Clear the contents of the list

//Set the first product name as the default selected item

2) Handle the control events required by the combo box

void CAddDlg::OnCbnSelchangeCombo2()
{<!-- -->
// TODO: Add control notification handler code here

CString text;
//Get the currently selected item
int index = m_combo.GetCurSel();
//Get the current content
m_combo.GetLBText(index, text);

//Need to include #include "InfoFile.h"
CInfoFile file;
file.ReadDocline(); //Read product information
for (list<msg>::iterator it =; it !=; it + + )
{<!-- -->
if (text == it->name.c_str())
{<!-- -->
m_price1 = it->price;
m_num1 = 0;
UpdateData(FALSE); //The content is updated to the corresponding control
}; //Clear the contents of the list

3) Add number button implementation

void CAddDlg::OnBnClickedButton1()
{<!-- -->
// TODO: Add control notification handler code here

//Get the content on the control and update it to the corresponding associated variable

if (m_num1 == 0)
{<!-- -->
MessageBox(TEXT("The number cannot be 0"));

CString type;
//Get the currently selected item
int index = m_combo.GetCurSel();
//Get the current content of the combo box
m_combo.GetLBText(index, type);

CString str;
str.Format(_T("Added product: %s \r\\
Unit price: %d \r\\
Quantity: %d"), type, m_price1, m_num1);

//Need to include #include "InfoFile.h"
CInfoFile file;
file.ReadDocline(); //Read product information
for (list<msg>::iterator it =; it !=; it + + )
{<!-- -->
if (type == it->name.c_str())
{<!-- -->
it->num + = m_num1;
file.WirteDocline(); //Update file content; //Clear the contents of the list

m_num1 = 0;
UpdateData(FALSE); //Update to the corresponding control

4) Add a number of cancel buttons to implement

void CAddDlg::OnBnClickedButton2()
{<!-- -->
// TODO: Add control notification handler code here

m_num1 = 0;

5) Add new product button implementation

void CAddDlg::OnBnClickedButton4()
{<!-- -->
// TODO: Add control notification handler code here

UpdateData(TRUE); //Get the control content

if (m_num2 <= 0 || m_price2 <= 0 || m_name2.IsEmpty())
{<!-- -->
MessageBox(TEXT("The input information is incorrect"));

//Need to include #include "InfoFile.h"
CInfoFile file;
file.ReadDocline(); //Read product information
file.Addline(m_name2, m_num2, m_price2); //Add product
file.WirteDocline(); //Write file; //Clear the contents of the list
MessageBox(_T("Added successfully"));

m_num2 = 0;
m_price2 = 0;

6) Add new product cancellation button implementation

void CAddDlg::OnBnClickedButton5()
{<!-- -->
// TODO: Add control notification handler code here
m_num2 = 0;
m_price2 = 0;

11 Inventory deletion window

11.1 ui design

1) Add a dialog box resource (change the ID to DIALOG_DEL) and add the required controls.

In the window properties, change Border to None and Style to Child:

2) Select the dialog box -> right-click -> Add class -> Class name: CDelDlg, select CFormView as the base class

3) According to the requirements, the control associates the required variables
The product name combo box is associated with CComboBox m_combo, and the unit price edit box is associated with int m_price.
The number edit box is associated with int m_num.

11.2 Interface mounting

In the OnMyChange function in the CMainFrame class, add the following code:

case NM_E:
{<!-- -->
//The CDelDlg class needs to include the header file #include "DelDlg.h"
Context.m_pNewViewClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(CDelDlg);
Context.m_pCurrentFrame = this;
Context.m_pLastView = (CFormView *)m_spliter.GetPane(0, 1);
m_spliter.DeleteView(0, 1);
m_spliter.CreateView(0, 1, RUNTIME_CLASS(CDelDlg), CSize(600, 0), & amp;Context);
CDelDlg *pNewView = (CDelDlg *)m_spliter.GetPane(0, 1);
m_spliter.SetActivePane(0, 1);

Program running effect diagram:

11.3 Function Implementation

1) In the dialog class, rewrite the OnInitDialog function to initialize it.

void CDelDlg::OnInitialUpdate()
{<!-- -->

//Read the file, get the product name, and add a string to the combo box
//Need to include #include "InfoFile.h"
CInfoFile file;
file.ReadDocline(); //Read product information
for (list<msg>::iterator it =; it !=; it + + )
{<!-- -->

//Set the first product name as the default selected item

2) Handle the control events required by the combo box

void CDelDlg::OnCbnSelchangeCombo1()
{<!-- -->
// TODO: Add control notification handler code here

CString text;
//Get the currently selected item
int index = m_combo.GetCurSel();
//Get the current content
m_combo.GetLBText(index, text);

//Need to include #include "InfoFile.h"
CInfoFile file;
file.ReadDocline(); //Read product information
for (list<msg>::iterator it =; it !=; it + + )
{<!-- -->
if (text == it->name.c_str())
{<!-- -->
m_price = it->price;
m_num = 0;
UpdateData(FALSE); //The content is updated to the corresponding control


3) Confirm button function implementation

void CDelDlg::OnBnClickedButton1()
{<!-- -->
// TODO: Add control notification handler code here

//Get the content on the control and update it to the corresponding associated variable

if (m_num == 0)
{<!-- -->
MessageBox(TEXT("The number cannot be 0"));

CString type;
//Get the currently selected item
int index = m_combo.GetCurSel();
//Get the current content of the combo box
m_combo.GetLBText(index, type);

CString str;
str.Format(_T("Delete product: %s \r\\
Unit price: %d \r\\
Quantity: %d "), type, m_price, m_num);

//Need to include #include "InfoFile.h"
CInfoFile file;
file.ReadDocline(); //Read product information
for (list<msg>::iterator it =; it !=; it + + )
{<!-- -->
if (type == it->name.c_str())
{<!-- -->
it->num = it->num - m_num;
file.WirteDocline(); //Update file content


m_num = 0;
UpdateData(FALSE); //Update to the corresponding control

4) Implementation of cancel button function

void CDelDlg::OnBnClickedButton2()
{<!-- -->
// TODO: Add control notification handler code here

m_combo.SetCurSel(0); //Select the 0th item
m_num = 0;

12 Menu bar

1) Switch to the Menu of the resource view and delete all defaults (except help):

2) Right-click the menu bar item, add an event handler, select the COMMAND message type, and add it to the CMainFrame framework class.

3) Send a custom signal in the event handling function, and other menu operations are similar.
//Personal information menu

void CMainFrame::On32772()
{<!-- -->
// TODO: add command handler code here
::PostMessage(AfxGetMainWnd()->GetSafeHwnd(), NM_A, (WPARAM)NM_A, (LPARAM)0);