Solving IndexError: arrays used as indices must be of integer (or boolean) type

Table of Contents

Problem Description

wrong reason


1. Check array type

2. Check array index range

3. Check array dimensions

4. Check code logic

Sample code

in conclusion

Application scenarios

Sample code

type of data

Data specification

Solving IndexError: arrays used as indices must be of integer (or boolean) type

Problem Description

Recently, when I was programming in Python, I encountered an error “IndexError: arrays used as indices must be of integer (or boolean) type”. I’m very confused about this and can’t understand the cause and solution of the error. In this article, I will share my research and workaround for this error.

Error reason

In Python, when we use arrays as indexes, these arrays must be of integer or boolean type. If the type of the array is not of integer or boolean type, the error “IndexError: arrays used as indices must be of integer (or boolean) type” is raised.


The solution to this error depends on the specific situation and code. Here are some common workarounds:

1. Check array type

First, we need to check the type of array used. Make sure the type of the array is integer or boolean. If not, you can try converting the array to an integer or boolean type.

2. Check array index range

Also need to check the index range of the array. Make sure that the index of the array is within the valid range and does not exceed the length of the array. An “IndexError” may also result if the index exceeds the length of the array.

3. Check array dimensions

If we are dealing with multi-dimensional arrays, we need to check the dimensions of the array. Make sure we are using the array as an index in the correct dimension. For example, if we are operating on a two-dimensional array, we need to use two one-dimensional arrays as indexes instead of providing only one one-dimensional array.

4. Check code logic

Finally, we also need to check the code logic. Make sure we have properly initialized and populated these arrays before using them as indexes. Otherwise, it may cause array index out-of-bounds or type mismatch problems.

Sample Code

The following is a sample code that demonstrates how to resolve the “IndexError: arrays used as indices must be of integer (or boolean) type” error:

pythonCopy codeimport numpy as np
#Create a sample array
arr = np.array([1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5, 5.6])
# Try using an array of floats as index
index = np.array([1.5, 2.5, 3.5])
    result = arr[index]
except IndexError as e:
    print("Error:", e)
# Convert floating point array to integer array
index = index.astype(int)
result = arr[index]

In the example code above, we create an example array of 5 elements. Then, we try to access the elements of the float array ??index?? as an index. Because an array of floating point numbers is used as an index, an “IndexError” error will be raised. To solve this problem, we convert the ??index?? array to an integer array and try to access the elements of ??arr?? again, this time it will not throw Wrong.


The “IndexError: arrays used as indices must be of integer (or boolean) type” error is usually caused by using an array of an incorrect type as an index. We can resolve this error by checking the array’s type, index range, dimensions, and code logic. I hope the solutions in this article will be helpful when you encounter similar problems in Python programming.

Application Scenario

Suppose we are writing a student performance management system. We have an array containing students’ names and an array containing students’ grades. We want to find students’ grades based on their names. We can use the student name as an index to access the corresponding grade. However, if we mistakenly use a string array as an index, an “IndexError” error will be raised.

Example code

The following is a sample code that shows how to resolve the “IndexError: arrays used as indices must be of integer (or boolean) type” error:

pythonCopy codestudents = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David"]
grades = [78, 85, 92, 80]
def get_grade(student_name):
        index = students.index(student_name)
        grade = grades[index]
        return grade
    except ValueError:
        print("Student not found.")
        return None
# Test code
print(get_grade("Bob")) # Output: 85
print(get_grade("Eve")) # Output: Student not found.

In the sample code above, we define a function ??get_grade?? that accepts a student name as a parameter and returns the student’s grade. Inside the function, we try to get the index of the student’s name in the array through??students.index(student_name)??. Then, we use this index to access the ??grades?? array to get the corresponding grades. If the student’s name does not exist in the ??students?? array, we will catch the ??ValueError?? exception and print the prompt “Student not found.” information. With such an implementation, we can avoid using the wrong index type. If we try to use a string array as an index, Python will throw an “IndexError: arrays used as indices must be of integer (or boolean) type” error. And we use the ??students.index(student_name)?? method to find the index of the student name in the array, which ensures that the type of the index is an integer.

In actual applications, we may encounter the error “IndexError: arrays used as indices must be of integer (or boolean) type”. We can resolve this error by checking the type of index used. In the sample code, we demonstrate how to find a student’s grade based on their name, avoiding the wrong type of index. I hope the sample code in this article will be helpful to you when solving similar problems.

Python is a dynamic, interpreted high-level programming language with rich data types and specifications, allowing developers to process data more flexibly. The following is a detailed introduction to Python’s data types and specifications.

data type

Common data types in Python include:

  1. Numeric type (Number): including integer (int), floating point number (float), complex number (complex), etc.
  2. String type (String): used to represent text data, which can be enclosed in single quotes or double quotes.
  3. List type (List): used to store an ordered collection of multiple elements. The elements can be different types of data and can be accessed and modified through indexes.
  4. Tuple type (Tuple): Similar to a list, but the elements in the tuple cannot be modified and can be accessed by index.
  5. Dictionary type (Dictionary): used to store an unordered collection of key-value pairs, and access the corresponding value through the key.
  6. Collection type (Set): used to store unique elements, no duplication is allowed. In addition to the above common data types, Python also provides some other advanced data types, such as Set, Bytes, Boolean, etc.

Data Specification

In Python, there are some data specifications to pay attention to:

  1. Variable naming: Variable names should be descriptive and follow certain naming conventions, such as using lowercase letters, underscores to separate words, etc. Avoid using Python reserved words as variable names.
  2. Indentation: Python uses indentation to represent blocks of code, usually using 4 spaces or a tab for indentation. Indentation consistency is important because it affects the structure and execution of your code.
  3. Comments: Use comments to explain the functions and ideas of the code to improve the readability of the code. Single-line comments start with the characters ??#??, and multi-line comments are enclosed in three quotation marks.
  4. Coding style: Python has a widely accepted coding style specification called PEP8. It specifies how to write readable and consistent Python code, including specifications for indentation, naming, line length, etc. In addition to the above specifications, Python also has some built-in functions and methods for processing different types of data, such as the string’s ??split()?? method for splitting strings, and the list’s ? The ?append()?? method is used to add elements, etc. Summary: Python has a wealth of data types and specifications, and developers can choose the appropriate data type to process data according to their needs. At the same time, following coding standards and using built-in functions and methods can improve the readability and maintainability of the code.

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