Solved: Error from server (Timeout): timeout expired waiting for volumes to attach or mount for pod pod

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  • “Solved: Error from server (Timeout): timeout expired waiting for volumes to attach or mount for pod ‘pod-name’ (K8s)” ?
    • Summary
    • introduction
    • text
      • The problem goes deep
      • wrong reason
        • Insufficient storage resources
        • Permissions issue
        • Internet problem
      • solution
        • Check storage resources
        • Check permission settings
        • Solve network problems
      • how to avoid
        • Monitoring and Alerting
        • Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD)
        • Knowledge training
      • Code and table examples
    • Summarize
    • References
  • Original statement

《Resolved: Error from server (Timeout): timeout expired waiting for volumes to attach or mount for pod pod-name’ (K8s) problem》 ?


Hi Meow! Under the blue sky of cloud native, our Kubernetes cluster occasionally encounters some dark clouds, such as the problem of Pods timing out while waiting for volumes to be mounted. This bug is like a cat waiting for a door to open, but the door is stuck. In this technical blog, I – your cat head tiger blogger – will take you to learn more about this Kubernetes problem, from the reasons why it happened to the strategies to solve it, to tips to avoid future mistakes. Let us Climb the tree of knowledge together and catch these cunning bugs!


Kubernetes, as the most popular container orchestration tool at present, sometimes encounters some thorny problems. One of them is a timeout error when trying to mount a volume to a Pod. This issue can be caused by a variety of factors, including insufficient storage resources, misconfiguration, network issues, etc. Like an owl leaping through the rainforest, we need to be keen to identify the problem and act quickly.


In-depth questions

When we deploy a pod in Kubernetes and try to mount a storage volume, we may encounter the following error:

Error from server (Timeout): timeout expired waiting for volumes to attach or mount for pod "pod-name"

This means that Kubernetes did not complete the volume mount operation within the preset time.

Error reason

Insufficient storage resources

If there are insufficient storage resources available in the cluster, Kubernetes will not be able to allocate the required volumes to the Pod, resulting in a timeout.

Permission issue

Improper permission settings for storage volumes may also cause Pods to fail to mount properly.

Network problems

Network latency or misconfiguration may impede communication within the Kubernetes cluster, affecting volume mounting.


Check storage resources

Ensure that the Kubernetes cluster has sufficient storage resources to allocate.

kubectl describe storageclass
Check permission settings

Check the permission settings of the storage volume to ensure that the Pod has sufficient permissions to mount it.

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: my-pvc
    - ReadWriteOnce
      Storage: 1Gi
Solving network problems

Check the network configuration to ensure smooth communication between Pods and external resources.

How to avoid

Monitoring and Alerting

Set up appropriate monitoring and alarms to be notified promptly when storage resources are insufficient or network problems occur.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

Through the CI/CD process, ensure the correctness of all configurations before deployment.

Knowledge training

Continuously learn and share Kubernetes best practices to improve the team’s cluster management capabilities.

Code and table examples

Assume we have the following PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) configuration:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: my-pvc
    - ReadWriteOnce
  storageClassName: standard
      Storage: 1Gi

Make sure you have a StorageClass named standard in your Kubernetes cluster and have enough storage space available.

Command/Operation Description
kubectl get pvc View all PersistentVolumeClaims
kubectl get pv View all PersistentVolumes
kubectl describe pod pod-name View the detailed information of the Pod, including volume mounting status


In the cloud-native world, promptly solving the problem of Pod volume mount timeout can help us keep the Kubernetes cluster healthy and running efficiently. By understanding the source of errors, taking corrective action, and implementing effective prevention strategies, we can ensure that these types of issues don’t hinder our development progress. Just like an owl gracefully leaping among the treetops, we can also flexibly manage and maintain our Kubernetes cluster.

Reference materials

  • Kubernetes official documentation: Volumes
  • Kubernetes official documentation: Persistent Volumes
  • Kubernetes official documentation: Troubleshoot Clusters

I hope this blog can help you solve the mount timeout problem in Kubernetes and make your cluster run as smooth as silk, meow! ?

Original Statement

======= ·

  • Original author: Maotouhu
  • Editor: GoCloudNative

Author wx: [libin9iOak]
Public account: Maotouhu technical team

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