ElementPlus+Vue tree structure displays data

1. Parent-child upper and lower levels


v-if="permission.length > 0"

default-expand-all: Expand all by default; expand-on-click-node: Click to expand/contract; :show-checkbox="true": Show the check box; 


 permission: [], // Data obtained by the backend
props: {
children: 'menu', // The root node contains the fields of all child nodes
label: 'title' //Root node title field

2. Multi-level

To change this tree structure to a three-level structure, you need to process the data to ensure that the children attribute of each node contains the child nodes of the next level. Here is a sample code that shows how to change the tree structure to three levels:


      v-if="permission.length > 0"


export default {
  data() {
    return {
      permission: [], // Data obtained by the backend
      props: {
        children: 'children', // The root node contains the fields of all child nodes
        label: 'title' //Root node title field
  methods: {
    handleCheck(checkedNodes) {
      // Handle the node checkbox event, you can get the selected node information here
      console.log('Selected nodes:', checkedNodes);
  async fetchData() {
    // Get tree data from backend
    try {
      // Replace the following code to get data from the backend
      // const response = await axios.get('/api/getPermissionData');
      // this.permission = response.data;

      // Simulate backend data, the tree structure contains three levels
      // That is, the data passed in from the background must have title and children fields, and children is a List<List<Entity>> collection
      this.permission = [
          title: 'Level 1',
          children: [
              title: 'Level 1-1',
              children: [
                { title: 'Level 3 1-1-1' },
                { title: 'Level 3 1-1-2' }
            { title: 'Level 1-2' }
          title: 'Level 2',
          children: [
            { title: 'Level 2-1' },
              title: 'Second Level 2-2',
              children: [
                { title: 'Level 3 2-2-1' }
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Failed to obtain tree data:', error);
  async created() {
    // Get tree data after component creation

3. Multiple selection box

v-if="menu.length > 0"
        Among them: node-key="id" represents a unique identifier, and the id field exists in the menu data as a unique identifier
 checkedNodes: []
            props: {
children: 'menu',
label: 'title'
menu: [],

        handleCheck(checkNode) {
const nodeId = checkNode.id
console.log("id: " + nodeId)
const index = this.checkedNodes.indexOf(nodeId)
if (index !== -1) {
// If the node ID already exists in the array, it means unchecking it and removing it.
this.checkedNodes.splice(index, 1);

// When unchecked, all child nodes are cancelled.
} else {
// Otherwise, add the node ID to indicate check

// Recursively select child nodes

// Recursively select child nodes
checkChildren(node) {
if (node.menu & amp; & amp; node.menu.length > 0) {
// Traverse child nodes and check recursively
for (const child of node.menu) {
const childIndex = this.checkedNodes.indexOf(child.id);
if (childIndex === -1) {
// If the child node's ID does not exist in the array, add it
this.checkChildren(child); // Recursively process the child nodes of the child node

// When unchecked, all child nodes are cancelled.
uncheckChildren(node) {
if (node.menu & amp; & amp; node.menu.length > 0) {
// Traverse child nodes and uncheck recursively
for (const child of node.menu) {
const childIndex = this.checkedNodes.indexOf(child.id);
if (childIndex !== -1) {
// If the ID of the child node exists in the array, uncheck it
this.checkedNodes.splice(childIndex, 1);
this.uncheckChildren(child); // Recursively process the child nodes of the child node

4. Add the selected root node at the top

The HTML part remains unchanged and the data collection is changed:

 // Parameter part
            permission: [],
props: {
children: 'menu',
label: 'title'

            //Redefine the value obtained through the api
            xxxApi.loadData().then(data => {
this.menu = [
                        id: '0',
title: 'Select All',

5. Data echo check box

Store the echoed data in the checkedNodes collection in: :default-checked-keys=”checkedNodes” and use node-key=”id” Make sure that the node-key in the default-checked-keys attribute is consistent with the node key name in the data object so that according to The attributes in the node-key of the data are echoed.

v-if="permission.length > 0"
style="font-size: 15px"
 xApi.find(param).then(data => {
this.checkedNodesB = data

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