18. W5100S/W5500+RP2040 Raspberry Pi Pico<SNMP Management Example>

Article directory

  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Introduction
    • 2.1 What is SNMP?
    • 2.2 Advantages of SNMP
    • 2.3 How SNMP works
    • 2.4 SNMP application scenarios
  • 3 WIZnet Ethernet chip
  • 4 SNMP network setting example overview and usage
    • 4.1 Flowchart
    • 4.2 Core preparation work
    • 4.3 Connection method
    • 4.4 Main code overview
    • 4.5 Results demonstration
  • 5 things to note
  • 6 related links

1 Preface

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a standardized protocol for network management. Its emergence has greatly simplified the management of network devices by network administrators. SNMP has a wide range of applications and can be used to monitor the operating status, performance, faults, etc. of network equipment, helping administrators discover and solve problems in a timely manner. At the same time, SNMP can also realize remote management and control of network equipment, improving the efficiency and convenience of network management.

W5100S/W5500 is an embedded Ethernet controller integrating a full hardware TCP/IP protocol stack. It is also an industrial-grade Ethernet control chip. This tutorial will introduce the basic principles, usage steps, application examples and precautions of W5100S/W5500 Ethernet SNMP application to help readers better master this technology.

2 Introduction

2.1 What is SNMP?

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a simple network management protocol. It is an application layer protocol used for network device management. It allows network administrators to monitor, configure and control devices in the network to ensure the normal operation and performance optimization of the network. The SNMP protocol is based on the client-server model, in which network devices are regarded as agents and the network management system acts as managers. The manager sends SNMP messages to the agent to obtain device status information and perform operations.

2.2 Advantages of SNMP

The advantages of SNMP include:

  1. Simple and easy to use: The SNMP protocol is simple in design, easy to understand and implement, does not require complex implementation processes, and does not occupy too many network resources, making it very easy to use.
  2. Widely supported: SNMP protocol is widely used in network device management, and almost all network managers prefer to use simple SNMP to complete work operations. Major network hardware product manufacturers have added support for the SNMP protocol when designing and producing network equipment such as bridges and routers.
  3. Scalability: The SNMP protocol has good scalability. Because the protocol itself is very simple, any upgrade or expansion of the protocol is also very convenient to meet future network development needs.
  4. Standardization: The SNMP protocol is one of the Internet standard protocols, ensuring its compatibility and interoperability, allowing devices from different manufacturers and different models to communicate and collaborate with each other.
  5. Versatility: The SNMP protocol provides a wealth of management information and control functions. It can monitor the status, configuration parameters, performance indicators, etc. of the device, and can also remotely configure and control the device.
  6. Security: The SNMP protocol provides encryption and authentication functions to ensure data security and integrity. At the same time, SNMP also supports user role-based access control to ensure that only authorized users can access network devices.

2.3 Working principle of SNMP

The working steps of SNMP are as follows:

  1. The NMS sends an SNMP request message to the Agent, requesting to obtain certain management variables of the device.
  2. After receiving the request message, the Agent performs a Read or Write operation according to the message type, generates a response message, and returns the message to the NMS.
  3. When an abnormal situation occurs or the status of the device changes (such as the device restarts), the Agent will also actively send Trap messages to the NMS to report the events to the NMS.
  4. A message actively sent by the Agent to notify the NMS process that something has happened.
  5. Agent reports the notification message to NMS.

2.4 SNMP application scenarios

The following are some common SNMP application scenarios:

  1. Network monitoring: SNMP can be used to monitor the status and performance of network devices, including CPU utilization, memory usage, disk space, port status, etc. By monitoring these indicators in real time, abnormalities in network equipment can be discovered in a timely manner and corresponding measures can be taken for maintenance and troubleshooting.
  2. Troubleshooting: SNMP can be used for troubleshooting. By obtaining detailed information about network devices, network faults can be quickly located and resolved. For example, when there is a problem with the network connection, you can use SNMP to check the device’s interface status, error counters and other information to determine the cause of the failure.
  3. Network configuration: SNMP can be used to remotely configure network devices, including IP address, device name, routing configuration, etc. Through the SNMP protocol, network administrators can configure and manage devices remotely, improving management efficiency and management scope.
  4. Security management: SNMP can be used for network security management to protect the security and integrity of data through encryption and authentication mechanisms. At the same time, SNMP can also be used for access control. Only authorized users can access network devices to ensure that network devices will not be accessed and attacked by unauthorized users.
  5. Flow control: SNMP can be used for flow control. By obtaining the traffic data of network devices, network traffic can be controlled and optimized. For example, you can use the SNMP protocol to perform traffic shaping and traffic control on network devices to ensure the stable operation of network devices and the performance of network applications.

3 WIZnet Ethernet chip

WIZnet mainstream hardware protocol stack Ethernet chip parameter comparison


Model Embedded Core Host I/F TX/RX Buffer HW Socket Network Performance
W5100S TCP/IPv4, MAC & PHY 8bit BUS, SPI 16KB 4 Max.25Mbps
W6100 TCP/IPv4/IPv6, MAC & PHY 8bit BUS, Fast SPI 32KB 8 Max.25Mbps
W5500 TCP/IPv4, MAC & PHY Fast SPI 32KB 8 Max 15Mbps
  1. W5100S/W6100 supports 8-bit data bus interface, and the network transmission speed will be better than W5500.
  2. W6100 supports IPV6 and is compatible with W5100S hardware. If users who already use W5100S need to support IPv6, they can be Pin to Pin compatible.
  3. W5500 has more Sockets and send and receive buffers than W5100S.

4 SNMP network setting example overview and usage

4.1 Flowchart

The running block diagram of the program is as follows:

4.2 Core preparation work


  • Visual Studio Code
  • WIZnet UartTool
  • Net-SNMP


  • W5100SIO module + RP2040 Raspberry Pi Pico development board or WIZnet W5100S-EVB-Pico development board
  • Micro USB interface data cable
  • TTL to USB
  • cable

4.3 Connection method

  • Connect the USB port of the PC through the data cable (mainly used for burning programs, but can also be used as a virtual serial port)

  • Convert TTL serial port to USB and connect the default pin of UART0:

    • RP2040 GPIO0 (UART0 TX) <----> USB_TTL_RX
    • RP2040 GPIO1 (UART0 RX) <----> USB_TTL_TX
  • When wiring using module connection RP2040

    • RP2040 GPIO16 <----> W5100S MISO
    • RP2040 GPIO17 <----> W5100S CS
    • RP2040 GPIO18 <----> W5100S SCK
    • RP2040 GPIO19 <----> W5100S MOSI
    • RP2040 GPIO20 <----> W5100S RST
  • Connect the PC and device to the router LAN port through network cables

4.4 Main code overview

We are using the official ioLibrary_Driver library of WIZnet. The library supports rich protocols and is easy to operate. The chip integrates the TCP/IP protocol stack on the hardware. The library also encapsulates the protocols above the TCP/IP layer. We only need to simply call the corresponding function to complete the application of the protocol. .

Step 1: Add the corresponding .h file to the snmp_run.c file.

Step 2: Define the macros required for DHCP configuration and the macros that define the GPIO port.

Step 3: Configure network information, turn on DHCP mode, define and initialize the HTTP server IP and port number.

Step 4: Write a timer callback processing function for DHCP 1s tick timer processing function as well as lamp initialization, lamp status acquisition and modification status functions for display effects.

Step 5: The main function first defines a timer structure parameter to trigger the timer callback function, initializes the serial port and SPI, then writes the network configuration parameters of W5100S, initializes DHCP and starts DHCP to obtain the IP. Print the obtained IP. When the number of acquisitions exceeds the maximum number of acquisitions, use the static IP. Then initialize the lamp and set the status of the lamp. Then initialize the SNMP function. You need to pass in the IP of the PC side, its own IP and the socket number. The main loop begins. Execute snmp execution function.

#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"
#include "pico/binary_info.h"
#include "hardware/spi.h"
#include "hardware/gpio.h"

#include "wizchip_conf.h"
#include "bsp_spi.h"
#include "dhcp.h" // Use dhcp
#include "socket.h" // Use socket
#include "snmp_custom.h" // Use snmp

#define SOCKET_ID 0 // Socket number
#define ETHERNET_BUF_MAX_SIZE (1024 * 2) // Send and receive cache size
#define DHCP_RETRY_COUNT 5 // DHCP retry times
#define USER_LED_PIN 25 // Onboard led pin

 * @brief Timer callback processing function, used for snmp timing processing
 * @param t: Timer structure
 * @return bool
bool process_snmp_time_handle(struct repeating_timer *t);

 * @brief Timer callback processing function, used for dhcp timing processing
 * @param t :Timer structure
 * @return bool
bool repeating_timer_callback(struct repeating_timer *t);

 * @brief Initialization of chip network information
 * @param conf_info:Static configuration information
 * @return none
void network_init(wiz_NetInfo *conf_info);

 * @brief Initialization led and Registration function
 * @param none
 * @return none
void UserLED_Init(void);

 * @brief get led status, in order to adapt data format, see details the file: snmp_custom.c 's snmpData[]
 * @param ptr: use to build string
 * @param len: length of build string
 * @return none
void getUserLEDStatus(void *ptr, uint8_t *len);

 * @brief set led status, in order to adapt data format, see details the file: snmp_custom.c 's snmpData[]
 * @param val: 0 -> led off, 1 -> led on
 * @return none
void setUserLEDStatus(int32_t val);

/* Network information to be configured. */
wiz_NetInfo net_info = {<!-- -->
    .mac = {<!-- -->0x00, 0x08, 0xdc, 0x1e, 0xed, 0x2e}, // Configured MAC address
    .ip = {<!-- -->192, 168, 1, 10}, // Configured IP address
    .sn = {<!-- -->255, 255, 255, 0}, // Configured subnet mask
    .gw = {<!-- -->192, 168, 1, 1}, // Configured gateway
    .dns = {<!-- -->8, 8, 8, 8}, // Configured domain address
    .dhcp = NETINFO_DHCP}; // Configured dhcp model,NETINFO_DHCP:use dhcp; NETINFO_STATIC: use static ip.

static uint8_t ethernet_buf[ETHERNET_BUF_MAX_SIZE] = {<!-- -->
}; // Send and receive cachestatic

uint8_t manager[4] = {<!-- -->192, 168, 1, 2}; // manager ip, (is your pc ip or other managers)
static uint8_t breakout_flag = 0; // Define the DHCP acquisition flag

int main()
{<!-- -->
    struct repeating_timer timer; // Define the timer structure
    struct repeating_timer timer1;
    wiz_NetInfo get_info; // Stores the read configuration information

    /* MCU init */
    stdio_init_all(); // Initialize the main control peripheral
    wizchip_initialize(); // Initialize the chip interface

    /*dhcp init*/
    DHCP_init(SOCKET_ID, ethernet_buf); // DHCP initialization
    add_repeating_timer_ms(1000, repeating_timer_callback, NULL, & timer); // Add DHCP 1s Tick Timer handler
    add_repeating_timer_ms(10, process_snmp_time_handle, NULL, & timer1); // Add SNMP 10ms Tick Timer handler

    printf("wiznet chip snmp example.\r\
    network_init( & amp;net_info); // Configuring Network Information
    print_network_information( & amp;get_info); // Read back the configuration information and print it

    snmpd_init(manager, get_info.ip, SOCKET_ID, SOCKET_ID + 1); // Initialize snmp
    {<!-- -->
        snmpd_run(); // Run snmp

void network_init(wiz_NetInfo *conf_info)
{<!-- -->
    int count = 0;
    uint8_t dhcp_retry = 0;

    if (conf_info->dhcp == NETINFO_DHCP)
    {<!-- -->
        {<!-- -->
            switch (DHCP_run()) // Do the DHCP client
            {<!-- -->
            case DHCP_IP_LEASED: // DHCP resolves the domain name successfully
            {<!-- -->
                if (breakout_flag == 0)
                {<!-- -->
                    printf("DHCP success\r\
                    wizchip_setnetinfo(conf_info); // Configuring Network Information
                    close(SOCKET_ID); // After dhcp close the socket, avoid errors in later use
                    breakout_flag = 1;
            case DHCP_FAILED:
            {<!-- -->
                printf("DHCP failed \r\
                count + + ;
                if (count <= DHCP_RETRY_COUNT) // If the number of times is less than or equal to the maximum number of times, try again
                {<!-- -->
                    printf("DHCP timeout occurred and retry %d \r\
", count);
                else if (count > DHCP_RETRY_COUNT) // If the number of times is greater than DHCP fails
                {<!-- -->
                    breakout_flag = 1; // if DHCP fail, use the static
                    DHCP_stop(); // Stop processing DHCP protocol
                    conf_info->dhcp = NETINFO_STATIC;
                    wizchip_setnetinfo(conf_info); // Configuring Network Information
            if (breakout_flag)
            {<!-- -->
                printf("config succ\r\
    {<!-- -->
        wizchip_setnetinfo(conf_info); // Configuring Network Information

bool repeating_timer_callback(struct repeating_timer *t)
{<!-- -->
    DHCP_time_handler(); // DHCP 1s Tick Timer handler
    return true;

bool process_snmp_time_handle(struct repeating_timer *t)
{<!-- -->
    SNMP_time_handler(); // SNMP 10ms Tick Timer handler

void UserLED_Init()
{<!-- -->
    gpio_init(USER_LED_PIN); // Initialize LED
    gpio_set_dir(USER_LED_PIN, GPIO_OUT); // Output mode
    UserLED_Control_init(getUserLEDStatus, setUserLEDStatus); // Pass control control function

void getUserLEDStatus(void *ptr, uint8_t *len)
{<!-- -->
    uint8_t led_status = 0;

    led_status = gpio_get(USER_LED_PIN);

    *len = sprintf((char *)ptr, "USER LED(green) [%s]. ", led_status ? "On" : "Off");

void setUserLEDStatus(int32_t val)
{<!-- -->
    if (val == 0)
        gpio_put(USER_LED_PIN, 0);
        gpio_put(USER_LED_PIN, 1);

4.5 Result Demonstration

  1. After the burning is successful, configure the parameters of the serial port and open the terminal with “Windows + R”.
  2. Press the reset button, and after the serial port prints out the network information, enter a command in the terminal to control the light on and off.
  3. If there is an error in sending the command, it is likely that Net-SNMP is not installed or the command is wrong. If the serial port can receive the message, it means successful control, etc.

5 Notes

  • Note that the Net-SNMP software must be installed on the computer, and it can be installed according to the default selection.
  • If we want to use WIZnet’s W5500 to implement the example in this chapter, we only need to modify two places:

? (1) Find the header file wizchip_conf.h under library/ioLibrary_Driver/Ethernet/, and change the _WIZCHIP_ macro definition to W5500.

? (2) Find the CMakeLists.txt file under library and set COMPILE_SEL to ON. OFF is W5100S and ON is W5500.

6 Related links

WIZnet official website

WIZnet official library link

Routine link in this chapter

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