
1. Main functions of the code

The main function is:

Cascade PID controller controls quadcopter drone. Subscribe to the odom and cmd_pose topics to get the current state and desired pose of the drone.

It then uses the cascaded PID controller to calculate the required motor speed and publishes it to the cmd_RPM topic.

2. Cascade PID controller

The inputs to the cascaded PID controller are:

1. Desired position, velocity and acceleration

2. Expectation gesture

3. Current position, speed and attitude

Application of cascade PID controller in quad-rotor UAV:

* Outer loop pid controller: controls the position and speed of the drone

* Inner loop pid controller: controls the attitude of the drone

The outer loop PID controller is responsible for controlling the current position and speed of the drone to the desired position and speed. The inner-loop PID controller is responsible for controlling the current attitude of the drone to the desired attitude.

3.SE(3) Controller

The SE(3) controller is a nonlinear controller used to control a quadcopter drone. SE(3) refers to Euler space, which is a set of rotations and translations in three-dimensional space. The SE(3) controller treats the control of the quad-rotor UAV as a whole and uses nonlinear control theory to control the attitude and position of the UAV.

The working principle of the SE(3) controller is as follows:

  1. First, the SE(3) controller takes the current state of the drone as input and calculates the desired state.
  2. The SE(3) controller then uses nonlinear control theory to calculate the required control output.
  3. Finally, the SE(3) controller takes the control output as input to drive the drone to fly.

4. The difference between cascaded PID and SE(3)

Cascade PID controller and SE(3) control are both control methods used to control quadcopter drones. The main differences between the two are:

  • Cascade PID controller is a control method based on PID controller, while SE(3) control is a control method based on nonlinear control theory.
  • The cascade PID controller divides the control of the quadcopter drone into multiple subsystems, and each subsystem is controlled by a PID controller. SE(3) control regards the control of the quad-rotor UAV as a whole and uses a nonlinear controller for control.

5. Code

#include <nav_msgs/Odometry.h>
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <cascadePID.hpp>
#include <std_msgs/Float32MultiArray.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h>
#include <quadrotor_msgs/PositionCommand.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;

ros::Publisher control_RPM_pub;

Vector3d pos_des,vel_des,acc_des;
double yaw_des = 0.0;
cascadePID quad_PID(20);

ros::Time t_init,t2;

nav_msgs::Odometry current_odom, last_odom;
int first_odom_flag = 0;
void Odom_callback(const nav_msgs::Odometry & amp; odom)
    if(first_odom_flag == 1)
        last_odom = current_odom;
        first_odom_flag = 1;
    current_odom = odom;
    ROS_INFO("current odom received");

geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose_cmd;
int control_flag = 0;
void cmd_callback(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped & amp; msg)
    pose_cmd = msg;
    control_flag = 1;

void fuel_position_cmd_callback(const quadrotor_msgs::PositionCommand::ConstPtr & amp; cmd) {
  pos_des = Eigen::Vector3d(cmd->position.x, cmd->position.y, cmd->position.z);
  vel_des = Eigen::Vector3d(cmd->velocity.x, cmd->velocity.y, cmd->velocity.z);
  acc_des = Eigen::Vector3d(cmd->acceleration.x, cmd->acceleration.y, cmd->acceleration.z);

  yaw_des = cmd->yaw;

void run_control(const ros::TimerEvent & amp; event)
        if(first_odom_flag == 1)

        // ROS_INFO("start running controller");

        //run controller
        Vector3d current_euler;
        Eigen::Quaterniond quaternion_temp(current_odom.pose.pose.orientation.w, current_odom.pose.pose.orientation.x\
                                        , current_odom.pose.pose.orientation.y, current_odom.pose.pose.orientation.z);
        Vector3d current_pos, current_vel;
        current_pos << current_odom.pose.pose.position.x, current_odom.pose.pose.position.y, current_odom.pose.pose.position.z;
        current_vel << current_odom.twist.twist.linear.x, current_odom.twist.twist.linear.y, current_odom.twist.twist.linear.z;
        quad_PID.FeedbackInput(current_pos, current_vel, quaternion_temp);
        // ROS_INFO("current_pos = %f,%f,%f",current_pos(0),current_pos(1),current_pos(2));
        Eigen::Vector3d eulerAngle_des;
        eulerAngle_des << 0.1,0.1,0.0;
        // quad_PID.setAngledes(eulerAngle_des);

        // ROS_INFO("set des angle");

        if(control_flag == 1)
            pos_des << pose_cmd.pose.position.x, pose_cmd.pose.position.y, pose_cmd.pose.position.z;
            Eigen::Quaterniond q_des(pose_cmd.pose.orientation.w, pose_cmd.pose.orientation.x\
                                        , pose_cmd.pose.orientation.y, pose_cmd.pose.orientation.z);
            Eigen::Matrix3d R_des;
            R_des = q_des.matrix();
            Eigen::Vector3d x_body;
            x_body << 1,0,0;
            x_body = R_des * x_body;

            yaw_des = atan2(x_body(1),x_body(0));//pose_cmd.pose.orientation.z
            t2 = ros::Time::now();
            // yaw_des = 3.1415926; //20.8 * (t2-t_init).toSec()
        quad_PID.setOdomdes(pos_des,vel_des,acc_des, yaw_des);

        // ROS_INFO("set des odom");

        Eigen::Vector3d Torque_des;
        Torque_des = quad_PID.getTorquedes();
        ROS_INFO("Torque_des = %f,%f,%f",Torque_des(0),Torque_des(1),Torque_des(2));
        Vector4d RPM_output;
        RPM_output = quad_PID.getRPMoutputs();
        // ROS_INFO("RPM_output = %f,%f,%f,%f",RPM_output(0),RPM_output(1),RPM_output(2),RPM_output(3));

        std_msgs::Float32MultiArray rpm_array;
        float rpm_data[4];
        rpm_data[0] = RPM_output(0);
        rpm_data[1] = RPM_output(1);
        rpm_data[2] = RPM_output(2);
        rpm_data[3] = RPM_output(3);
        // = rpm_data;;;;;;


int main(int argc, char** argv)
    ros::init(argc, argv, "cascade_PID");

    ros::NodeHandle n("~");

    double init_x, init_y, init_z;
    double init_yaw;
    double controller_rate,angle_stable_time,damping_ratio;
    int drone_id;
    std::string quad_name;
    n.param("init_state_x", init_x, 0.0);
    n.param("init_state_y", init_y, 0.0);
    n.param("init_state_z", init_z, 1.0);
    n.param("init_state_yaw", init_yaw, 1.0);
    init_yaw = init_yaw / 180.0 * M_PI;
    yaw_des = init_yaw;
    n.param("controller_rate", controller_rate, 200.0);
    n.param("quadrotor_name", quad_name, std::string("quadrotor"));
    n.param("angle_stable_time", angle_stable_time, 0.1);
    n.param("damping_ratio", damping_ratio, 0.7);
    n.param("drone_id", drone_id, 0);

    control_RPM_pub = n.advertise<std_msgs::Float32MultiArray>("cmd_RPM", 100);
    ros::Subscriber odom_sub = n.subscribe("odom", 100, Odom_callback,
    ros::Subscriber cmd_sub = n.subscribe("cmd_pose", 100, cmd_callback,
    ros::Subscriber position_cmd_sub_ = n.subscribe("position_cmd", 10, fuel_position_cmd_callback,


    ros::Timer controller_timer = n.createTimer(ros::Duration(1.0/controller_rate), run_control);

    Matrix3d Internal_mat;
    Internal_mat << 2.64e-3,0,0,
    double arm_length = 0.22;
    double k_F = 8.98132e-9;
    k_F = 3.0*k_F;
    double mass = 1.9;

    // cascadePID quad_PID(controller_rate);
    quad_PID.setInternal(mass, Internal_mat, arm_length, k_F);

    ros::Rate rate(controller_rate);

        pos_des << init_x,init_y,init_z;
        vel_des << 0,0,0;
        acc_des << 0,0,0;

    t_init = ros::Time::now();


    return 0;

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