vue+element-ui carousel carousel (display) 5 pictures at a time

Achieve the following effect

Define subcomponent Swiper.vue

  <div v-show="ready" class="el-carousel__item" :class="{
    'is-active': active,
    'el-carousel__item--card': $parent.type === 'card',
    'is-in-stage': inStage,
    'is-hover': hover,
    'is-animating': animating
  }" @click="handleItemClick" :style="itemStyle">
    <!-- <div v-if="$parent.type === 'card'" v-show="!active" class="el-carousel__mask">
    </div> -->

import { autoprefixer } from 'element-ui/src/utils/util';
const CARD_SCALE = 0.83;
const CARD_SCALE2 = 0.7;
export default {
  name: 'ElCarouselItem',

  props: {
    name: String,
    label: {
      type: [String, Number],
      default: ''

  data() {
    return {
      hover: false,
      translate: 0,
      scale: 1,
      active: false,
      ready: false,
      inStage: false,
      animation: false,
      Opacity: 1

  methods: {
    processIndex(index, activeIndex, length) {
      if ((activeIndex === 0 || activeIndex === 1) & amp; & amp; index === length - 1) {
        return -1;
      } else if ((activeIndex === 0 || activeIndex === 1) & amp; & amp; index === length - 2) {
        return -2;
      } else if ((activeIndex === length - 1 || activeIndex === length - 2) & amp; & amp; index === 0) {
        return length;
      } else if ((activeIndex === length - 1 || activeIndex === length - 2) & amp; & amp; index === 1) {
        return length + 1;
      return index;

    calcCardTranslate(index, activeIndex) {
      const parentWidth = this.$parent.$el.offsetWidth;
      if (this.inStage) {
        return parentWidth * ((index - activeIndex) + 2) / 5;
      else if (index < activeIndex) {
        return 0 * parentWidth / 5;
      else {
        return 4 * parentWidth / 5;

    calcTranslate(index, activeIndex, isVertical) {
      const distance = this.$parent.$el[isVertical ? 'offsetHeight' : 'offsetWidth'];
      return distance * (index - activeIndex);

    translateItem(index, activeIndex, oldIndex) {
      const parentType = this.$parent.type;
      const parentDirection = this.parentDirection;
      const length = this.$parent.items.length;
      if (parentType !== 'card' & amp; & amp; oldIndex !== undefined) {
        this.animating = index === activeIndex || index === oldIndex;
      if (index !== activeIndex & amp; & amp; length > 3 & amp; & amp; this.$parent.loop) {
        index = this.processIndex(index, activeIndex, length);
      if (parentType === 'card') {
        if (parentDirection === 'vertical') {
          console.warn('[Element Warn][Carousel]vertical direction is not supported in card mode');
        this.inStage = Math.round(Math.abs(index - activeIndex)) <= 1; = index === activeIndex;
        this.translate = this.calcCardTranslate(index, activeIndex);
        if ( {
          this.scale = 1
          this.opacity = 1
        } else if (Math.abs(index - activeIndex) == 1) {
          this.scale = CARD_SCALE;
          this.opacity = 0.6
        } else {
          this.scale = CARD_SCALE2;
          if (Math.abs(index - activeIndex) == 2) {
            this.opacity = 0.4
          } else {
            this.opacity = 0
        console.log(index, activeIndex)
      } else { = index === activeIndex;
        const isVertical = parentDirection === 'vertical';
        this.translate = this.calcTranslate(index, activeIndex, isVertical);
        this.scale = 1;
      this.ready = true;

    handleItemClick() {
      const parent = this.$parent;
      if (parent & amp; & amp; parent.type === 'card') {
        const index = parent.items.indexOf(this);

  computed: {
    parentDirection() {
      return this.$parent.direction;

    itemStyle() {
      const translateType = this.parentDirection === 'vertical' ? 'translateY' : 'translateX';
      const value = `${translateType}(${this.translate}px) scale(${this.scale})`;
      const style = {
        transform: value,
        opacity: this.opacity
      return autoprefixer(style);

  created() {
    this.$parent & amp; & amp; this.$parent.updateItems();

  destroyed() {
    this.$parent & amp; & amp; this.$parent.updateItems();

The parent component can reference this component

    <el-carousel :interval="3000" type="card" height="320px" :autoplay="false" style="width: 70vw;">
      <SwiperItem v-for="(item, i) in dataList" :key="i">
        <div class="imgBox">
           <img class="imgItem" :src="" alt="" srcset="" />
           <div class="imgTit">{<!-- -->{ item.title }}</div>

import SwiperItem from "@/components/Swiper/item.vue"
export default {
components: {
  data() {
    return {
    dataList: [
      { photo: require('../../../assets/images/manage/projectView/auxiliary/1.png'), title: 'Test 1' },
      { photo: require('../../../assets/images/manage/projectView/auxiliary/2.png'), title: 'Test 2' },
      { photo: require('../../../assets/images/manage/projectView/auxiliary/3.png'), title: 'Test 3' },
      { photo: require('../../../assets/images/manage/projectView/auxiliary/4.png'), title: 'Test 4' },
      { photo: require('../../../assets/images/manage/projectView/auxiliary/5.png'), title: 'Test 5' },
      { photo: require('../../../assets/images/manage/projectView/auxiliary/6.png'), title: 'Test 6' },
      { photo: require('../../../assets/images/manage/projectView/auxiliary/7.png'), title: 'Test 7' }]
</script lang="scss" scoped>
::v-deep.el-carousel__item--card {
  width: 20%;
.imgBox {
  width: 100%;
  img {
    width: 100%;